Amazon Redshift- How to get start date of the Week from existing daily date field from the table? - sql

I am trying to get start date of the week from existing daily date field from the same table. For example daily dates from 05/08/2022 to 05/14/2022 , the start of the week date output need to come as 05/08/2022 for all days in the week. week start on Sunday.
Also similar thing require to first date of the Month and quarter(3 month division)

The date_trunc() function performs this operation -


Need help aggregating custom months into a snapshot field

I am working with a dataset that has a continues date field and I want to aggregate it at a monthly level where the month ends on the 15th day of the month. So each snapshot date would go from the 15th of the month to the 14th of the following month.
Example: Snapshot Date = 7/15/2021 would correspond with the date range of 6/15/2021 through 7/14/2021.
Is there an easy way to do this for all months in the table using SQL Server.
Just subtract 14 days and convert to a year/month format. One trick is to move everything to the last day of the month:
select eomonth(dateadd(day, -14, datecol)), count(*)
from t
group by eomonth(dateadd(day, -14, datecol));

Hive - Query to get Saturday as week start date for a given date

I have an requirement in hive to calculate Saturday as week start date for a given date in hive sql.
Date week_start
03-27-2021 03-27-2021
03-28-2021 03-27-2021
03-31-2021 03-27-2021
04-07-2021 O4-03-2021
04-09-2021. 04-03-2021
I tried using pmod and other date functions but not getting desired output. Any insight is much appreciated.
Hive offers next_day(), which can be adapted for this purpose. I think the logic you want is:
select date_add(next_day(date, 'SAT'), -7)
This is a little arcane. next_day() gets the next date after the argument date with a given day of the week. So, go to the next Saturday and then subtract 7 days for the start of the week.

BigQuery partition on calendar week

Every week, I get a new dataset that I need to insert in BigQuery. The data can arrive on any day of the week. Once the data is ingested, I want to query data that arrived last week.
One option is to use date as partitioning when the data arrived but then the developers would need to know the exact date when data arrived to query the partition.
Instead of this, while ingestion, I want to create an INTEGER column which represents the calendar week of the year. The format will be 202005 or 202153 where former represents fifth week of 2020 and latter represents second last week of year 2021.
Since this is an integer, the only option for partition seems to be range partitioning. For it, BigQuery is asking for a start, end and interval. What values should I define?
I can define the following but as you can imagine that this sounds wrong
start 202001
end 203054
inerval 1
It seems that bigquery will only create partitions for which it has data. I checked that by executing
project_id, dataset_id, table_id, partition_id, TIMESTAMP(creation_time/1000) AS creation_time
Another option would be to still Partition by date - but not ingestion date or whatever date you have in mind, rather start date of respective week with the help of DATE_TRUNC function
DATE_TRUNC(your_date, WEEK)
Note: You even can define start day of the week
WEEK(): Truncates date_expression to the preceding week boundary, where weeks begin on WEEKDAY. Valid values for WEEKDAY are SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY.

How to force to show beginning of the week in ssrs report

When the client select start date ,end date and group by : weekly is there any way to force to show in the week column as first day of the week. For example if I choose 10/1/2019 as start date and 10/2/2019 as end date and group by : weekly then the week column should show 9/29/2019
Right now the expression I am using is
= Switch(Parameters!GroupbyTime=“4”, CDate(Fields!groupweek.value).ToString(“Mm/Dd/yyyy”)
But it’s giving error can somebody help me ??
You can subtract the number of the weekday from the date plus one day for the first day of the week.
=DATEADD("D", 1 - WEEKDAY(Parameters!START.Value), Parameters!START.Value)

How do I summarise month to date forecast for current month in Power Pivot?

I have a table in a data model that has forecast figures for the next 3 months. What I want to do is to show what the forecast number for the current month to date is.
When I use the DATESMTD function like this:
I get the last month of my data summarised as a total. I assume that is because the DATESMTD function takes the last date in the column and that is 3 months away.
How do I make sure I get this current month MTD total rather then the end of the calendar? The formula should be clever enough to realise I am in May and want the May MTD not the August MTD.
Any ideas?
The way to do this is to do this:
Forecast_Transaction_MTD:=CALCULATE(sum('ATO Online'[2017 Transaction Forecast]), DATESINPERIOD('ATO Online'[Current Year],TODAY(),-day(TODAY()),day))
the last -day(TODAY()) gets the day number for the current day and subtract it from today's date. So, today is the 25 May. the -day(TODAY())),day)) extracts the day (25) and subtracts it from the current date to get me to the 1 May.
The rest of the formula just adds the total for the dates.