Share files between a virtual machine with MSDOS 6.22 and the host with HyperV - virtual-machine

I have a Windows Server 2019 with the HyperV role installed, and I have a VM with a MSDOS 6.22 OS, and I want to send some files to the machine but I can't, I tried to make a shared folder but doesn't work with MSDOS. There is another way to send files to the guest machine?
Thank you


Jstatd Remote profiler with jvisualvm

I am trying to profile my web application on my local windows 7 PC visualVM.
I created a jstatd.all.policy file with below code under java's bin directory on my CENTOS 6.8 x86_64 server
grant codebase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" {
and tried starting jstatd` with below command
jstatd -p 1099
but when I try profiling on my local PC, I didn't see any process under jvisualvm remote host but just node
i also tried for a test purpose by starting jstatd with same approach on my window server R2 2008 PC and tried to profile with Windows 7 visualVM but still no result just a node with no process but i tried on same windows server pc by adding the remote host for same pc than it shows running processes.
Any suggestions.
Start jstatd by this command:
jstatd -J-Djava.rmi.server.hostname={Your Ip address}

Can I copy files to a VM when I used ESX?

I use ESX infrastructure and installed VM Tools on my VM.
When I used VM Workstation I could copy files and text between my computer to the VM that run on it.
Can I do the same when the VM placed on ESX server and not on my computer? (With VM Tools for example?)
Yes you can do it.
If you can't you need to check isolation properties of VM.

Install disk 2 of windows server 2003 from USB

I am trying to put windows server 2003 from disk to a bootable USB. I have downloaded the software WinToFlash and it has worked, now my USB is bootable with windows 2003.
My only problem is, ow do I install disk 2 of windows server 2003? Do I create another bootable USB of it and connect it to the server?
If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated.
Disk 2 is not needed for installation, so you can install Windows from USB and then copy all files from Disk2 to machine to install addtional applications and services (OS will ask location of this files when needed).

How can I download my whole site using FTP and still keep file permissions?

I'm using Windows XP and have an FTP connection to my server. I would like to download the everything including file permissions as well. Filezila to my knowledge doesn't do that unless your on an Linux machine.
What should I do ?
Thank-you all
Ftp doesn't support transfer of file permission as it is platform independent - you can ftp to linux from windows, windows from linux ect... when you get the files to the local machine - you can do anything with them as your local folder permissions allows.

Ways for Execute gacutil in remote machine

Is there a way to execute gacutil in to a particular (remote) machine given the IP address (or the workstation name) of the machine?
The machines in question are on an Active Directory Domain.
The user running the script probably won't have any special rights on either their local or the remote machine.
Some cases, will be administrator in machine.
Operating system is Windows XP , and remote machine Win2008 and Win2003.
Any programming language is fine but ideally scripting:
DOS Batch file (bat, cmd)
VBScript (WSH)
C# (worst option for me)
Have you tried Remote Gacutil?
You can always use psexec:
copy %Proj_folder%\SomeDll.dll \\destinationHost\c$\Temp
psexec \\destinationHost gacutil -I c:\temp\SomeDll.dll