I am training a neural network and the new datasets I am training it on are really big in comparison to the ones used before. Since I am also saving the time it takes to end the training, I cannot use my computer for anything else while it is running since it would alter this measure (CPU would be used for something else and it would take more time). On the other hand, I need to work on other stuff and I can't just leave my pc for days. So, I was thinking of finding a way of being able to pause the training whenever I need to use my pc, to then resume it whenever I want. Is that possible somehow (I am also using hyperopt to optimize hyperparameters)?
It is, but what are you using as tech, tensorflow ?
Normally the trained network return a file when paused or when it has finished his sets that can be reused as a starter.
For exemple the network unet can read a hdf5 file:
save = /Tensorflow/data/history/dernier/unet_ac_9857.hdf5'
model = unet(save)
model = unet()
you can also add checkpoints:
model_checkpoint = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(save, monitor='loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True)
model.fit(train_dataset, steps_per_epoch=TRAIN_LENGTH // BATCH_SIZE, epochs=50, callbacks=[model_checkpoint])
I am dealing with an object detection problem and using a model which is actually functioning (its results have been published on a paper and I have the original code). Originally, the code was written with Keras 2.2.4 without importing TensorFlow and trained and tested on the same dataset that I am using at the moment. However, when I try to run the same model with TensorFlow 2.x it just won't learn a thing.
I have tried importing everything from TensorFlow 2.4, but I have the same problem if I import everything (layers, models, optimizers...) from Keras 2.4. And I have tried to do so on two different devices, both using a GPU. Namely, what is happening is that the loss function decreases ridiculously fast, but the accuracy won't increase a bit (or, if it does, it gets stuck around 10% or smth). Also, every now and then this happens from an epoch to the next one:
Loss undergoes HUGE jumps between consecutive epochs, and all this without any changes in accuracy
I have tried to train the network on another dataset (had to change the last layers in order to match the required dimensions) and the model seemed to be learning in a normal way, i.e. the accuracy actually increases and the loss doesn't reach 0.0x in one epoch.
I can't post the script, but the model is an Encoder-Decoder network: consecutive Convolutions with increasing number of filters reduce the dimensions of the image, and a specular path of Transposed Convolutions restores the original dimensions. So basically the network only contains:
6 is used to put together outputs from parallel paths or distant layers; 3 and 4 are used after every Conv or ConvTranspose; 5 is only used as final activation function, i.e. as output layer.
I think the problem is pretty generic and I am honestly surprised that I couldn't find a single question about it. What could be happening here? The problem must have something to do with TF/Keras versions, but I can't find any documentation about it and I have been trying to change so many things but nothing changes. It's crazy because if I didn't know that the model works I would try to rewrite it from scratch so I am afraid that this problem may occurr with a new network and I won't be able to understand whether it's the libraries or the model itself.
Thank you in advance! :)
Code snippets:
Convolutional block:
encoder1 = Conv2D(filters=first_layer_channels, kernel_size=2, strides=2)(input)
encoder1 = BatchNormalization()(encoder1)
encoder1 = Activation('relu')(encoder1)
decoder1 = Conv2DTranspose(filters=first_layer_channels, kernel_size=2, strides=2)(encoder4)
decoder1 = BatchNormalization()(decoder1)
decoder1 = Activation('relu')(decoder1)
Final layers:
final = Conv2D(filters=total, kernel_size=1)(decoder4)
final = BatchNormalization()(final)
Last_Conv = Activation('sigmoid')(final)
The task is human pose estimation: the network (which, I recall, works on this specific task with Keras 2.2.4) has to predict twenty binary maps containing the positions of specific keypoints.
I am fairly new to ML and am currently implementing a simple 3D CNN in python using tensorflow and keras. I want to optimize based on the AUC and would also like to use early stopping/save the best network in terms of AUC score. I have been using tensorflow's AUC function for this as shown below, and it works well for the training. However, the hdf5 file is not saved (despite the checkpoint save_best_only=True) and hence I cannot get the best weights for the evaluation.
Here are the relevant lines of code:
filepath = mypath
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor=tf.keras.metrics.AUC(), save_best_only=True,
earlyStopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor=tf.keras.metrics.AUC(), patience=hyperparams['pat'],mode='auto')
history = model.fit(X_trn, y_trn,
callbacks=[check, earlyStopping],
validation_data=(X_val, y_val),
Interestingly, if I only change monitor='val_loss' in the early stopping and checkpoint (not the 'metrics' in model.compile), the hdf5 file is saved but obviously gives the best result in terms of validation loss. I have also tried using mode='max' but the problem is the same.
I would very much appreciate your advise, or any other constructive ideas how to work around this problem.
Turns out that even if you add a non-keyword metric, you still need to use its handle to refer to in when you want to monitor it. In your case you can do this:
auc = tf.keras.metrics.AUC() # instantiate it here to have a shorter handle
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath,
monitor='auc', # even use the generated handle for monitoring the training AUC
mode='max') # determine better models according to "max" AUC.
if you want to monitor the validation AUC (which makes more sense), simply add val_ in the beginning of the handle:
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath,
monitor='val_auc', # validation AUC
Another problem is that you ModelCheckpoint is saving the weights based on the minimum AUC instead of the max, which you want.
This can be changed by setting mode='max'.
What does mode='auto' do?
This setting essentially checks if the argument of monitor contains 'acc' and sets it to max. In any other case it sets uses mode='min', which is what is happening in your case.
You can confirm this here
The answer posted by Djib2011 should solve your problem. I just wanted to address the use of early stopping. Typically this is used to stop training when over fitting starts to cause the loss to increase. I think it is more effective to address the over fitting issue directly which should enable you to achieve a lower loss. You did not list your model so it is not clear how to address over fitting but some simple guidelines are as follows. If you havee several dense hidden layers at the top of the model delete most of them and just keep the final top dense layer. The more complex the model the more it is prone to over fitting. If that leads to lower training accuracy then keep the layers but add dropout layers. You might also try using regularization in the hidden dense layers. I also find it is beneficial to use the callback ReduceLROnPlateau. Set it up to monitor AUC and reduce the learning rate if it fails to improve.
I trained my custom object detection with darknet yolov3 untill the average loss decreased down to 0.06 but now i want to train it with more training and test images (maybe also deleting some of the image files). Can I do these steps and continue to training with final .weights file or I should start it from the beginning?
Yes, you can use the currently trained model (.weights file) as the pre-trained model for the new training session. For example, if you use AlexeyAB repository you can train your model by a command like this:
darknet.exe detector train data/obj.data yolo-obj.cfg darknet53.conv.74
where darknet53.conv.74 is the pre-trained model.
In the new training session, you can add or remove images. However, the basic configurations should be correct (like the number of classes, etc).
According to the page I mentioned:
in the original repository original repository the
weights-file is saved only once every 10 000 iterations
If you have just modified the data set, but are not interested in changing the model architecture,you can directly resume from the previously saved model using DarkNet in AlexeyAB/darknet. For example,
darknet.exe detector train cfg/obj.data cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3_weights_last.weights -clear -map
The clear flag will reset iterations saved in the weights, which is appropriate in case of data set changes. That is because the learning rate often depends on the iterations, and you probably don't want to change the configurations.
You need to specify more epochs if you resume. For example if you train to 300/300 then resume will also train to 300 also (starting at 300) unless you specify more epochs..
python train.py --resume
you can resume your training from the previously saved weights, of your custom model.
use the "yolov3_custom_last.weights" instead of the pre-trained default weights.
Incase you find some issues with resuming, try changing the batch size .
this should work and resume your model training with new set of images :)
open the .cfg, find the max_batches code may be in 22 row, set the bigger value:
max_batches = 500200
max_batches is the same to the tranning iteration.
How to continute training after 50000 iteration? #2633
I am trying to train a word2vec model, and want to use the embeddings for another application. As there might be extra data later, and my computer is slow when training, I would like my script to stop and resume training later.
To do this, I created a saver:
saver = tf.train.Saver({"embeddings": embeddings,"embeddings_softmax_weights":softmax_weights,"embeddings_softmax_biases":softmax_biases})
I save the embeddings, and softmax weights and biases so I can resume training later. (I assume that this is the correct way, but please correct me if I'm wrong).
Unfortunately when resuming training with this script the average loss seems to go up again.
My idea is that this can be attributed to the AdaGradOptimizer I'm using. Initially the outer product matrix will probably be set to all zero's, where after my training it will be filled (leading to a lower learning rate).
Is there a way to save the optimizer state to resume learning later?
While TensorFlow seems to complain when you attempt to serialize an optimizer object directly (e.g. via tf.add_to_collection("optimizers", optimizer) and a subsequent call to tf.train.Saver().save()), you can save and restore the training update operation which is derived from the optimizer:
# init
if not load_model:
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4)
train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss)
tf.add_to_collection("train_step", train_step)
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(modelfile+ '.meta')
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./'))
train_step = tf.get_collection("train_step")[0]
# training loop
while training:
if iteration % save_interval == 0:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
save_path = saver.save(sess, filepath)
I do not know of a way to get or set the parameters specific to an existing optimizer, so I do not have a direct way of verifying that the optimizer's internal state was restored, but training resumes with loss and accuracy comparable to when the snapshot was created.
I would also recommend using the parameterless call to Saver() so that state variables not specifically mentioned will still be saved, although this might not be strictly necessary.
You may also wish to save the iteration or epoch number for later restoring, as detailed in this example:
I'm trying to implement a few different models and train them on CIFAR-10, and I want to use TF-slim to do this. It looks like TF-slim has two main loops that are useful during training: train_loop and evaluation_loop.
My question is: what is the canonical way to use these loops?
As a followup: is it possible to use early stopping with train_loop?
Currently I have a model and my training file train.py looks like this
import ...
train_log_dir = ...
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
images, labels, dataset = set_up_input_pipeline_with_fancy_prefetching(
subset='train', ... )
logits, end_points = set_up_model( images ) // Possibly using many GPUs
total_loss = set_up_loss( logits, labels, dataset )
optimizer, global_step = set_up_optimizer( dataset )
train_tensor = slim.learning.create_train_op(
Which is awesome so far - my models all train and converge nicely. I can see this from the events in train_log_dir where all the metrics are going in the right direction. And going in the right direction makes me happy.
But I'd like to check that the metrics are improving on the validation set, too. I don't know of any way to do with TF-slim in a way that plays nicely with the training loop, so I created a second file called eval.py which contains my evaluation loop.
import ...
train_log_dir = ...
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
images, labels, dataset = set_up_input_pipeline_with_fancy_prefetching(
subset='validation', ... )
logits, end_points = set_up_model( images )
summary_ops, names_to_values, names_to_updates = create_metrics_and_summary_ops(
dataset.num_classes() )
1) I currently have this model for the evaluation_loop hogging up an entire GPU, but it's rarely being used. I assume there's a better way to allocate resources. It would be pretty nice if I could use the same evaluation_loop to monitor the progress of multiple different models (checkpoints in multiple directories). Is something like this possible?
2) There's no feedback between the evaluation and training. I'm training a ton of models and would love to use early stopping to halt the models which aren't learning or are not converging. Is there a way to do this? Ideally using information from the validation set, but if it has to be just based on the training data that's okay, too.
3) Is my workflow all wrong and I should be structuring it differently? It's not clear from the documentation how to use evaluation in conjunction with training.
~~It seems that as of TF r0.11 I'm also getting a segfault when calling slim.evaluation.evaluation_loop. It only happens sometimes (for me when I dispatch my jobs to a cluster). It happens in sv.managed_session--specifically prepare_or_wait_for_session.~~
This was just due to evaluation loop (a second instance of tensorflow) trying to use the GPU, which was already requisitioned by the first instance.
evaluation_loop is meant to be used (as you are currently using it) with a single directory. If you want to be more efficient, you could use slim.evaluation.evaluate_once and add the appropriate logic for swapping directories as you find appropriate.
You can do this by overriding the slim.learning.train(..., train_step_fn) argument. This argument replaces the 'train_step' function with a custom function. Here, you can supply custom training function which returns the 'total_loss' and 'should_stop' values as you see fit.
Your workflow looks great, this is probably the most common workflow for learning/eval using TF-Slim.
Thanks to #kmalakoff, the TensorFlow issue gave a brilliant way to the problem that how to validate or test model in tf.slim training. The main idea is overriding train_step_fn function:
import …
from tensorflow.contrib.slim.python.slim.learning import train_step
accuracy_validation = ...
accuracy_test = ...
def train_step_fn(session, *args, **kwargs):
total_loss, should_stop = train_step(session, *args, **kwargs)
if train_step_fn.step % FLAGS.validation_every_n_step == 0:
accuracy = session.run(train_step_fn.accuracy_validation)
print('your validation info')
if train_step_fn.step % FLAGS.test_every_n_step == 0:
accuracy = session.run(train_step_fn.accuracy_test)
print('your test info')
train_step_fn.step += 1
return [total_loss, should_stop]
train_step_fn.step = 0
train_step_fn.accuracy_validation = accuracy_validation
train_step_fn.accuracy_test = accuracy_test
# run training.
Adding my 2-cent:
I currently have this model for the evaluation_loop hogging up an
entire GPU, but it's rarely being used
Usually an evaluation model takes less GPU memory. You could prevent TF from hogging the whole GPU memory by setting the session config allow_growth to True. This way you can use the same GPU for both training and evaluation
Example # Training
session_config = tf.ConfigProto()
session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
Example # validation
session_config = tf.ConfigProto()
session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True