"Dynamic resource pool configuration" of yarn queue is present in Cloudera Enterprise.
Does "Dynamic resource pool configuration" option is also present in HDP 3.1.0? Is there any way to enable it.
Thanks in advance.
This looks like it's just marketting and "Dynamic Resource Pools" are actually just yarn que's by a different name. (And they're is tooling in Ambari to manage them.)
I use typical stack YARN/Ranger with atomic policies for accessing YARN queues. Having Hadoop user access, how to get list of queues that user has access to? I can see how it's usually done from admin side, but what about user? I went through yarn APIs, but found nothing. Ranger - user usually doesn't have enough permissions to get more details about itself. Is the only way to do it is to bruteforce all queues in cluster until u find accessible one?
Unfortunately, the user queue policy is not visible through the REST APIs for Fair Scheduler. You can double-check by running:
curl RM-ADDR:PORT/ws/v1/cluster/scheduler
but looking at ResourceManager REST API’s:Cluster Scheduler API I think you're out of luck.
If you use Ambari or Cloudera Manager, those might have APIs that will allow you to download the Fair Scheduler's XML file.
I am new to cloudera. I am using cloudera manager console 5.4.
Under dynamic resource pool, I find two tabs status and configuration.
In status, I see various queues under resource pool usage. However I can't edit info over there.
And in configuration, I find no queues configured, only default queue.
Can you please tell me whether queues are configured or not?
In Cloudera Manager, go to the "Web UI" tab and click on "Resource Manager Web UI ...". Then on the RM web UI, click on the left side bar link for "Scheduler".
If your queues are created, you should see them there.
I want to install Consul for service discovery. I need installation and configuration process. How to proceed?
I want to use Consul for service discovery with rabbitmq.
A quick Google search turns up this document, which has all the information you need.
About Worklight 6.2 Analytics.
There are several JNDI properties to configure but It is not explained how to configure them in WAS ND and in which scope must be configured (if this has sense)
For example the worklight.properties are configured as application properties during the application installation.
How are configured the analytics JNDI properties on WAS?
And also in which scope should them be configured, this is also struggling me. For example it says that properties like "analytics/shards" or "analytics/replicas_per_shard" must be configured in the first node, but for me these properties should be properties configured at cluster level, not at node level.
Also WAS ND topology is something completely dynamic and flexible, what happens if I remove that "first" node?
Ok, now I understand that when in the Worklight Analytics documentation talk about cluster it is not talking about WAS Cluster but about Elasticsearch cluster.
Taking into account this, configuring a cluster for Analytics does not mean to install the analytics.war in a WAS cluster, it means that you will install analytics.war file in a number of WAS servers (not WAS clusters, not WAS nodes) and with the ElasticSearch properties you will configure the ElasticSearch cluster.
Is this correct?
The specific answer to my question is that the value of the properties are set during the detailed installation of the analytics.war file as it is done with the Application Project WAR file, worklightadmin.war or worklightconsole.war.
It is only needed to set those properties if you are configuring Analytics in more than one server.
I have been tasked with integrating ActiveMQ with Weblogic (v
I have downloaded ActiveMQ v 5.10.0, installed it upon the server and browsed to localhost:8161/admin in order to confirm that ActiveMQ is running.
I'm not sure how to progress from here in order to complete my goal. This link:
.. suggests that there are two approaches to deploying ActiveMQ on Weblogic: either deploying a broker as an application or using a J2EE Connector. I'm investigating the latter approach as I have now installed ActiveMQ on the server (which means that I already have a running broker, I assume) but can't find much useful information on the Net about how to do this.
This page:
... suggests that it can be done via a JCA Resource Adapter but again does not give any details on how to do it.
If anyone has any advice or guidance, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Did you try this: http://activemq.apache.org/how-to-deploy-activemq-ra-versionrar-to-weblogic.html?
You will have to grab the resource adapter from maven.
Not that your local installation will help you much expect for testing etc. You should deploy AMQ inside WebLogic if you want it to serve as the JMS layer of WebLogic - otherwise a totally standalone installation is fine. But then you're done, and I suspect you want the deployed version non the less.