How can I put text in LRectangle in Vue leaflet?
I have alraedy tried:
I am writing my first app in Vue3 and I use composition-api with script setup.
Using v-for, I create components that are inputs (CrosswordTile) that make up the crossword grid.
A problem appeared during the implementation of the field containing a clue to the password.
Since the text doesn't allow text to wrap, I wanted to dynamically change the tag to after a click.
Function in parent component where I handle logic after click that change tile type works fine, but I need to change tag of "target" to and set maxLength to a different value.
If it would help here is whole code on github:, inside CrosswordGrid.vue.
function handleTileTypeChange(target: HTMLInputElement) {
if (target && !target.classList.contains('question-field')) {
addStyle(target, ['question-field']);
iterateCrosswordTiles(getNextTile.value(target), removeStyle, ['selected-to-word-search', 'direction-marking-tile']);
} else if (target) {
removeStyle(target, ['question-field']);
if (getPrevTile.value(target)?.classList.contains('direction-marking-tile')) {
['selected-to-word-search', 'direction-marking-tile'],
TEMPLATE of ParentComponent
#input="handleKeyboardEvent($event as any)"
<div v-for="row in 10" :key="row" class="csw-row" :id="`csw-row-${row}`">
v-for="col in 8"
I tried to use v-if inside CrosswordTile, but it creates a new element, but I just need to modify the original one (to add/remove HTML classes from it basing on logic inside CrosswordGrid component).
How can I get access to the current component instance properties when using the composition API in script setup or how to replace the tag dynamically?
:is and is doesn't work at all.
I'm using vue-tippy 6.0.0-alpha.63 for vue3.
I have a single component on the page which has a dynamic content and want to make a tooltip from it. This tooltip should be shown when user moves mouse over one of many buttons with class skill_tab. Those buttons are nested deeply inside the parent component of the current component.
I wrapped the component content with a <tippy> component and I'm trying to bind the tooltip to the buttons using to prop but it doesn't work.
I also tried using the triggerTarget prop providing the class .skill_tab as the value, but it looks like triggerTarget only works with refs.
Component for a button:
<div class="skill_tab">
Component for the tooltip:
<tippy followCursor=true to=".skill_tab" allowHtml=true placement="bottom-end" interactive=true>
<div id="skill_tooltip" class="skill_tooltip" :class="{active}" v-if="active">
Is there any way to bind the tooltip to all the buttons without passing refs via a global state or any other simple way?
In web css, we can set css for sub element. Example:
<div class="test">
And we can set the <p> css by:
.test p {
Now in React Native, I have this:
<View style={myStyle.test}>
How we can set the <Text> style by myStyle.test?
Actually you can't use like css children, you have to set a custom style for each element that you wanna use.
CSS in react native is just a subset of web css and it doesn't allow you to do what you do in webCss. All you have is inline css. So you have to style them separately. You can avoid repeating by defining a common style object and pass that instead of repeating.
You can check out this library as well:
According to docs
All of the core components accept a prop named style. The style names and values usually match how CSS works on the web, except names are written using camel casing, e.g. backgroundColor rather than background-color
Now cascading is not supported in react-native, yo =u have to provide a style prop to each element for it to be styled.
I am trying to render a html string into a div using v-html but it's not able to resolve the image path.
The image is stored as follows /src/assets/logo.png .
My project has already setup the copy-webpack-plugin.
The html string is as follows:
<img src="../assets/logo.png" /><br/><p>Hello World</p>
On the following snippet, the "Android" will be visible after page loads (I guess when js loads).
At first, the page displays up-to the first quote, namely: Try . Then it will load the whole placeholder correctly: Try "Android"
Is it possible to display the content inside the double quotes also while page is loading?
<template lang="pug">
input( placeholder='Try "Android"' )