"Search Everywhere" does not open in IntelliJ 2022.1 - intellij-idea

A few days ago, IntelliJ was updated to version 2022.1 but I noticed that the "search everywhere" double Shift functionality stopped working. I've tried a few things but so far without success.
Someone with the same problem?


Problem in running a project with aspectJ in IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.3 (Community Edition)

I am trying to run a project with aspectJ, rather than Java, in IntelliJ IDEA. I had done it before by simply putting "aspectj-1.9.6" in a "Lib" folder and setting the folder "as Library". But I tried it again today and it is not working. I think it might be because I have updated my IntelliJ to version "2022.2.3". I saw in this link that for intelliJ version "2021.1", one should select "ajc" as the project compiler in IntellJ. But it seems that there is no such compiler option in IntelliJ version "2022.2" (as I looked at this link and also searched in this link).
I also tried to install and enable "AspectJ weaver" plugin, but I encounter the following error: "Plugin 'AspectJ weaver' failed to initialize and will be disabled. Please restart IntelliJ IDEA.". Someone has had the same problem in this post, but the answer doesn't work for me, as it refers to this link, which is not compatible with IntelliJ version 2022.2.3:
So, I wonder whether aspectJ is not supported any more in IntelliJ?
Does any one has any suggestion that I could use it with this version of IntelliJ? I do really appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance
IntelliJ IDEA is compatible with AspectJ. I am running the plugin on 2022.2.3 without any problems. But I use IDEA Ultimate, you use Community. Did you notice this in your screenshot?
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

IntelliJ menu bar not responding

None of the top menu actions is responding (from 'File' to 'Help').
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 (Ultimate Edition), build #IU-183.4284.148 on macOS Mojave version 10.14 via the jetbrains toolbox. I tried restarting the computer and intellij, nothing helps.
I also tried to find the intellij log files stored somewhere, but I can't find it, even with the help of jetbrains documentation here.
I am running out of ideas.
Has anyone encountered the same issue ?

Switching between Terminal tabs in IntelliJ IDEA

Got several Terminal tabs in IDE. If i right-click any of them i see that i can switch between tabs using Alt+Right and Alt+Left:
However, these combinations don't seem to work. Using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 Community Edition
P.S. Switching between editor tabs works fine with the same combinations.
It's a known bug in 2018.3 release, it will be fixed in 2018.3.1 update.
As a workaround you can disable the option to override IDE shortcuts.

Setting Line Breakpoints in Intellij 15.02 doesn't work

Since yesterday I'm on IntelliJ 15.02 and cannot set any line breakpoints any longer. Neither by clicking on the side bar, nor by "Run -> Toggle Line Breakpoint". Is that a Bug in IntelliJ? Or is there any way to disable / enable this feature? I appreciate any help.
This seems to be an issue with the python plugin. I uninstalled the python plugin, and the line breakpoints were available again. Then I reinstalled the plugin and still everything is fine. I use the python plugin because I have Jython scripts that I call from the Java code.
The same happened to me but I did not have the Python plugin installed.
I tried (with no success):
Rebuilding the project
Invalidating caches
Restarting IntelliJ
Re-installing IntelliJ
Fortunately, disabling the PHP plugin did the trick for me.
Hope this helps someone.
EDIT (Feb. 2nd, 2016) This issue was fixed in IntelliJ 15.0.3: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-151085

Issue using PhpStorm along with WebStorm

I just started using PhpStorm and WebStorm and I am working on the same directory with both. The problem is that each time I switch between windows, I am prompted for reloading the project because workspace.xml changes. I really don't have any clue how to get over this. Did anyone had the same issue? What should I do?
You should not use both WebStorm and PhpStorm at the same time on the same system and project. Note that PhpStorm already includes all the WebStorm features, so you don't need WebStorm if you have PhpStorm.