Coordinate scheduled jobs between multiple producers - rabbitmq

I have a distributed system of producers and consumers across several servers, with redundant nodes—both for failover and load-balancing. The nodes communicate via RabbitMQ messages.
Each producer runs its own scheduler to invoke jobs, which one of the consumers should run. This works by publishing the appropriate RabbitMQ message, that one of the consumers will process.
Now, the tricky part is, each job should be run only once. In short, my requirements are:
Only one invoke message per scheduled job should be processed (by any of the consumer instances)
If any of the procuders goes down, the job should still be invoked by the other instances
I can't figure out how to implement this without relying on anything else but RabbitMQ. I could make it work if there was such a thing as an "exclusive exchange", which only one producer can connect to at a time. I thought about making the consumers ignore any duplicate invokes for the same job, but this will not work, because due to the load-balancing, subsequent messages may be received by any of the other instances. Another idea was implementing a mechanism to declare one of the producers the "principal" node, so only this one is allowed to send invokes, but this basically presented the same problem of coordinating between instances.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


RabbitMQ - allow only one process per user

To keep it short, here is a simplified situation:
I need to implement a queue for background processing of imported data files. I want to dedicate a number of consumers for this specific task (let's say 10) so that multiple users can be processed at in parallel. At the same time, to avoid problems with concurrent data writes, I need to make sure that no one user is processed in multiple consumers at the same time, basically all files of a single user should be processed sequentially.
Current solution (but it does not feel right):
Have 1 queue where all import tasks are published (file_queue_main)
Have 10 queues for file processing (file_processing_n)
Have 1 result queue (file_results_queue)
Have a manager process (in this case in node.js) which consumes messages from file_queue_main one by one and decides to which file_processing queue to distribute that message. Basically keeps track of in which file_processing queues the current user is being processed.
Here is a little animation of my current solution and expected behaviour:
Is RabbitMQ even the tool for the job? For some reason, it feels like some sort of an anti-pattern. Appreciate any help!
The part about this that doesn't "feel right" to me is the manager process. It has to know the current state of each consumer, and it also has to stop and wait if all processors are working on other users. Ideally, you'd prefer to keep each process ignorant of the others. You're also getting very little benefit out of your processing queues, which are only used when a processor is already working on a message from the same user.
Ultimately, the best solution here is going to depend on exactly what your expected usage is and how likely it is that the next message is from a user that is already being processed. If you're expecting most of your messages coming in at any one time to be from 10 users or fewer, what you have might be fine. If you're expecting to be processing messages from many different users with only the occasional duplicate, your processing queues are going to be empty much of the time and you've created a lot of unnecessary complexity.
Other things you could do here:
Have all consumers pull from the same queue and use some sort of distributed locking to prevent collisions. If a consumer gets a message from a user that's already being worked on, requeue it and move on.
Set up your queue routing so that messages from the same user will always go to the same consumer. The downside is that if you don't spread the traffic out evenly, you could have some consumers backed up while others sit idle.
Also, if you're getting a lot of messages in from the same user at once that must be processed sequentially, I would question if they should be separate messages at all. Why not send a single message with a list of things to be processed? Much of the benefit of event queues comes from being able to treat each event as a discrete item that can be processed individually.
If the user has a unique ID, or the file being worked on has a unique ID then hash the ID to get the processing queue to enter. That way you will always have the same user / file task queued on the same processing queue.
I am not sure how this will affect queue length for the processing queues.

Question about moving events from redis to kafka

I have a question related to a tricky situation in an event-driven system that I want to ask for advise. Here is the situation:
In our system, I use redis as a memcached database, and kafkaa as message queues. To increase the performance of redis, I use lua scripting to process data, and at the same time, push events into a blocking list of redis. Then there will be a process to pick redis events in that blocking list and move them to kafka. So in this process, there are 3 steps:
1) Read events from redis list
2) Produce in batch into kafka
3) Delete corresponding events in redis
Unfortunately, if the process dies between 2 and 3, meaning that after producing all events into kafka, it doesn't delete corresponding events in redis, then after that process is restarted, it will produce duplicated events into kafka, which is unacceptable. So does any one has any solution for this problem. Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it.
Kafka is prone to reprocess events, even if written exactly once. Reprocessing will almost certainly be caused by rebalancing clients. Rebalancing might be triggered by:
Modification of partitions on a topic.
Redeployment of servers and subsequent temporary unavailabilty of clients.
Slow message consumption and subsequent recreation of client by the broker.
In other words, if you need to be sure that messages are processed exactly once, you need to insure that at the client. You could do so, by setting a partition key that ensures related messages are consumed in a sequential fashion by the same client. This client could then maintain a databased record of what he has already processed.

How can I get SQL Service Broker to actually use all available Queue Readers?

I've built a data collection framework around service broker. There are several procs that fill the queue with various jobs. Then a listener (activated procedure) that takes the jobs, decides what needs to be done with that item, and hands it off to the correct collection proc.
The activation queue has a MAX_QUEUE_READERS of 10, but almost never reaches that limit. Instead it will take far longer to process with just 1 or 2 activated tasks as seen from dm_broker_activated_tasks.
How can I incentivize or even force the higher number of workers?
EDIT: THIS MS doc says it only checks for activation every 5 sec.
Does that mean if my tasks take less that 5 seconds I have no way to parallelize them through service broker?
Service Broker has a specific concept for parallelism, namely the conversation group. Only messages from different groups can be processed in parallel. How this manifests is that a RECEIVE will lock the conversation group for the dequeued message and no other RECEIVE can dequeue messages from the same conversation group.
So even if you do have more messages in your queue, if they belong to the same conversation group then SQL Server cannot activate more parallel readers.
Even if you don't manage conversation groups explicitly (almost nobody does), they are managed implicitly by the fact that a conversation handle is also a group. Basically, every time you issue a single BEGIN DIALOG followed by several SEND on the same handle, they will not be processable in parallel. If you issue separate BEGIN DIALOG for each SEND they are processable in parallel, but you loose the order guarantee.

Handling RabbitMQ node failures in a cluster in order to continue publishing and consuming

I would like to create a cluster for high availability and put a load balancer front of this cluster. In our configuration, we would like to create exchanges and queues manually, so one exchanges and queues are created, no client should make a call to redeclare them. I am using direct exchange with a routing key so its possible to route the messages into different queues on different nodes. However, I have some issues with clustering and queues.
As far as I read in the RabbitMQ documentation a queue is specific to the node it was created on. Moreover, we can only one queue with the same name in a cluster which should be alive in the time of publish/consume operations. If the node dies then the queue on that node will be gone and messages may not be recovered (depends on the configuration of course). So, even if I route the same message to different queues in different nodes, still I have to figure out how to use them in order to continue consuming messages.
I wonder if it is possible to handle this failover scenario without using mirrored queues. Say I would like switch to a new node in case of a failure and continue to consume from the same queue. Because publisher is just using routing key and these messages can go into more than one queue, same situation is not possible for the consumers.
In short, what can I to cope with the failures in an environment explained in the first paragraph. Queue mirroring is the best approach with a performance penalty in the cluster or a more practical solution exists?
Data replication (mirrored queues in RabbitMQ) is a standard approach to achieve high availability. I suggest to use those. If you don't replicate your data, you will lose it.
If you are worried about performance - RabbitMQ does not scale well.
The only way I know to improve performance is just to make your nodes bigger or create second cluster. Adding nodes to cluster does not really improve things. Also if you are planning to use TLS it will decrease throughput significantly as well. If you have high throughput requirement +HA I'd consider Apache Kafka.
If your use case allows not to care about HA, then just re-declare queues/exchanges whenever your consumers/publishers connect to the broker, which is absolutely fine. When you declare queue that's already exists nothing wrong will happen, queue won't be purged etc, same with exchange.
Also, check out RabbitMQ sharding plugin, maybe that will do for your usecase.

RabbitMQ change queue parameters on a production system

I'm using RabbitMQ as a message queue in a service-oriented architecture, where many separate web services publish messages bound for RabbitMQ queues. Those queues are in turn subscribed to by various consumers, which perform background work; a pretty vanilla use-case for RabbitMQ.
Now I'd like to change some of the queue parameters (specifically, I'd like to bind queues to a new dead-letter exchange with a certain routing key). My problem is that making this change in place on a production system is problematic for a couple reasons.
Whats the best way for me to transition to these new queues without losing messages in a production system?
I've considered everything from versioning queue names to making a new vhost with the new settings to doing all the changes in place.
Here are some of the problems I'm facing:
Because RabbitMQ queues are idempotent, the disparate web services have been declaring the queues before publishing to them (in case they don't already exist). Once you change the queue parameters (but maintain the same routing key), the queue declare fails and RabbitMQ closes the channel.
I'd like to not lose messages when changing a queue (here I'm planning on subscribing an exclusive consumer that saves the messages and then republishes to the new queue).
General coordination between disparate publishers and the consumer base (or, even better, a way to avoid needing to coordinate them).
Queues bindings can be added and removed at runtime without any impact on clients, unless clients manually modify bindings. So if your question only about bindings just change them via CLI or web management panel and skip what written below.
It's a common problem to make back-incompatible changes, especially in heterogeneous environment, especially when multiple applications attempts to declare same entity in their own way (with their specific settings). There are no easy way to change queue declaration at the same time in multiple applications and it highly depends on how whole working process organized, how critical your apps are, what is your infrastructure and etc.
Fast and dirty way:
While the publishers doesn't deals with queues declaration and bindings (at least they should not do that), you can focus on consumers. Wrapping queues declaration in try-except block may be the fast and dirty choice. Also most projects, even numerous can survive small downtime, so you can block rabbitmq user in one shell, alter queue as you wish (create new one and make your consumers use it instead of old one) and then unblock user and let consumers works as before (your workers are under supervisor or monit, right?). Then migrate manually messages from old queue to new one.
Fast and safe solution:
Is is a bit tricky and based on a hack how to migrate messages from one queue to another inside single vhost. The whole solution works inside single vhost but requires extra queue for every queue you want to modify. Set up Dead Letter Exchanges on source queue and point it to route expired messages to your new target queue. Then apply Per-Queue Message TTL to source queue, set x-message-ttl=0 (to it's minimal value, see No Queueing at all note about immediate delivery). Both actions can be done via CLI or management panel and can be done on already declared queue. In this way your publishers can publish messages as usual and even old consumers can work as expected for the first time, but in parallel new consumers can consume from new queue which can be pre-declared with new args manually or in other way.
Note, that on queues with large messages number and huge messages flow there are some risks to met flow control limits, especially if your server utilize almost all of it resources.
Much more complicated but safer approach (for cases when whole messages workflow logic changed):
Make all necessary changes to applications and run new codebase in parallel to existing one, but on the different RabbitMQ vhost (or even use separate server, it depends on your applications load and hardware). Actually, it may be possible to run on the same vhost but change exchanges and queues name, but it even doesn't sound good and smells even in written form. After you set up new apps, switch them with old one and run messages migration from old queues to new one (or just let old system empty the queues). It guaranties seamless migration with minimal downtime. If you have your deployment automatized, whole process will not takes too much efforts.
P.S.: in any case above, if you can, let old consumers to empty queues so you don't need to migrate messages manually.
You may find very useful Shovel plugin, especially Dynamic Shovels to move messages between exchanges and queues, even between different vhosts and servers. It's the fastest and safest way to migrate messages between queues/exchanges.