I have trouble understanding the documentation for matplotlib.pyplot.contour (https://matplotlib.org/3.5.0/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.contour.html). The documentation says that the arguments for contour are X,Y-coordinates and Z heights.
However, my plot is offset by a half bin width. So it seems to me as if the contour plot needs x_edges and y_edges instead. Could someone help me understand how this works and what is the proper way to use this function?
Documentation says this:
X, Y: array-like, optional
The coordinates of the values in Z.
X and Y must both be 2D with the same shape as Z (e.g. created via numpy.meshgrid), or they must both be 1-D such that len(X) == N is the number of columns in Z and len(Y) == M is the number of rows in Z. [...]
Z(M, N): array-like
The height values over which the contour is drawn.
This is my code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
values = np.tile(3,(10,2)) # array of [[3,3] ... [3,3]]
X = Y = np.arange(0.5, 6.5, 1) # 0.5 ... 5.5
edges = np.arange(0, 7, 1) # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Z, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(values[0],
bins=(edges, edges))
# len(edges) == 7; len(X) == len(Y) == 6
# Z.shape == (6, 6)
# contour reference says use "The coordinates of the values in Z."
c = ax.contour(X, Y, Z)
# however I only get the intended result when using edges
c = ax.contour(xedges[:-1], yedges[:-1], Z)
Here's the result:
The two figures that the code produces
I also tried using numpy.meshgrid to construct X and Y as 2D arrays but the peak in the figure is still offset by a half bin width.
I am having difficulties to interpret results of arctangent functions. This behaviour is consistent for all implementations I came across, so I will here limit myself to NumPy and MATLAB.
The idea is to have circle of randomly placed points. The goal is to represent their positions in polar coordinate system and since they are uniformly distributed, I expect the θ angle (which is calculated using atan2 function) to be also distributed randomly over interval -π ... π.
Here is the code for MATLAB:
stp = 2*pi/2^8;
siz = 100;
num = 100000000;
x = randi([-siz, siz], [1, num]);
y = randi([-siz, siz], [1, num]);
m = (x.^2+y.^2) < siz^2;
[t, ~] = cart2pol(x(m), y(m));
histogram(t, -pi:stp:pi);
And here for Python & NumPy:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
siz = 100
num = 100000000
rng = np.random.default_rng()
x = rng.integers(low=-siz, high=siz, size=num, endpoint=True)
y = rng.integers(low=-siz, high=siz, size=num, endpoint=True)
m = (x**2+y**2) < siz**2
t = np.arctan2(y[m], x[m]);
pl.hist(t, range=[-np.pi, np.pi], bins=2**8)
In both cases I got results looking like this, where one can easily see "steps" for each multiple of π/4.
It looks like some sort of precision error, but strangely for angles where I would not expect that. Also this behaviour is present for ordinary atan function as well.
Notice that you are using integers
So for each pair (p,q) you will have floor(sqrt(p**2 + q**2)/gcd(p,q)/r) pairs that give the same angle arctan(p,q). Then for the multiples of (p,q) the gcd(p,q) is 1
Notice also that p**2+q**2 is 1 for the multiples of pi/2 and 2 for the odd multiples of pi/4, with this we can predict that there will be more items that are even multiples of pi/4 than odd mulitples of pi/4. And this agrees with what we see in your plot.
Let's plot the points with integer coordinates that lie in a circle of radius 10.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
def gcd(a,b):
if a == 0 or b == 0:
return max(a,b)
while b != 0:
a,b = b, a%b
return a;
R = 10
x,y = np.indices((R+1, R+1))
m = (x**2 + y**2) <= R**2
x,y = x[m], y[m]
t = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2)
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
plt.plot(R * np.cos(t), R * np.sin(t))
lines = Counter((xi / gcd(xi,yi),
yi / gcd(xi,yi)) for xi, yi in zip(x,y))
for (x,y),f in lines.items():
if f != 1:
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
plt.plot([0, R*x/r], [0, R*y/r], alpha=0.25)
plt.text(R*1.03*x/r, R*1.03*y/r, f'{int(y)}/{int(x)}: {f}')
Here you see on the plot a few points that share the same angle as some other. For the 45 degrees there are 7 points, and for multiples of 90 there are 10. Many of the points have a unique angle.
Basically you have many angles with few poitns and a few angles that hit many points.
But overall the points are distributed nearly uniformly with respect to angle. Here I plot the cumulative frequency that is nearly a straight line (what it would be if the distribution was unifrom), and the bin frequency form some triangular fractal pattern.
R = 20
x,y = np.indices((R+1, R+1))
m = (x**2 + y**2) <= R**2
x,y = x[m], y[m]
plt.plot(np.sort(np.arctan2(x,y))*180/np.pi, np.arange(len(x)), '.', markersize=1)
plt.plot(np.arctan2(x,y)*180/np.pi, np.gcd(x,y), '.', markersize=4)
If the size of the circle increases and you do a histogram with sufficiently wide bins you will not notice the variations, otherwise you will see this pattern in the histogram.
I want to plot trajectories, without connecting the points from boundaries. Attached an image of what i mean.
My code:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# import polygon as poly
x, y = np.loadtxt('c55.txt', delimiter=' ', unpack=True)
plt.plot(x, y, '.' ,color = 'k' , markersize=0.5)
#for i in range(1, len(x),1):
#if abs(x[i]-x[i+1])>300:
plt.plot(x,y,'-o',color='red',ms=5,label="Window 1")
Your x-values go several times from low to high. plt.plot connects all points in the order they are encountered in the x and y arrays.
The following approach firsts looks for the indices where the x-values start again (so, where the difference of successive x's isn't positive).
These indices are then used to draw the separate curves.
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import numpy as np
# first create some test data a bit similar to the given ones.
x = np.tile(np.linspace(-3, 3, 20), 4)
y = np.cos(x) + np.repeat(np.linspace(-3, 3, 4), 20)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15, 4))
# plotting the test data without change
axs[0].plot(x, y, '-o')
bounds = np.argwhere(np.diff(x) < 0).squeeze() # find the boundaries
bounds = np.concatenate([[0], bounds + 1, [len(x)]]) # additional boundaries for the first and last point
for b0, b1 in zip(bounds[:-1], bounds[1:]):
axs[1].plot(x[b0:b1], y[b0:b1], '-o') # use '-ro' for only red curves
I have a table that has 2 features (x,y) - and a vector with the same length that contains their corresponding values (z).
I'm trying to use matplotlib to print this as a 2D plot but I am get an error:
TypeError: Input z must be at least a (2, 2) shaped array, but has shape (5797, 1)
Is there any way to solve this? (since I am trying to use 1d arrays instead of 2d arrays)
The relevant code:
x, y = train_features[:,0], train_features[:,1]
z = train_predictions.detach()
CS = plt.contour(x, y, z)
CS = plt.contourf(x, y, z)
plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=8, colors='black')
cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)
The prints that result from the prints commands:
torch.Size([5797, 1])
I tried to implement this with a second method:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
import numpy as np
npts = 200
ngridx = 100
ngridy = 200
x = train_features[:,0]
y = train_features[:,1]
z = train_predictions.detach().squeeze()
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
# -----------------------
# Interpolation on a grid
# -----------------------
# A contour plot of irregularly spaced data coordinates
# via interpolation on a grid.
# Create grid values first.
xi = np.linspace(1, 10, ngridx)
yi = np.linspace(1, 10, ngridy)
# Perform linear interpolation of the data (x,y)
# on a grid defined by (xi,yi)
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
interpolator = tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang, z)
Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
zi = interpolator(Xi, Yi)
ax1.contour(xi, yi, zi, levels=100, linewidths=0.5, colors='k')
cntr1 = ax1.contourf(xi, yi, zi, levels=14, cmap="RdBu_r")
fig.colorbar(cntr1, ax=ax1)
ax1.plot(x, y, 'ko', ms=3)
ax1.set_title('grid and contour (%d points, %d grid points)' %
(npts, ngridx * ngridy))
But the resulting image was the following:
even though z's values are:
tensor([-0.2434, -0.2155, -0.1900, ..., 64.7516, 65.2064, 65.6612])
Does anyone know how to implement easily colormaps to 3d bar plots in matplotlib?
Consider this example, how do I change each bar according to a colormap? For example, short bars should be mainly blue, while taller bars graduate their colors from blue towards the red...
In the physical sciences, it's common to want a so-called LEGO plot, which is I think what the original user is going for. Kevin G's answer is good and got me to the final result. Here's a more advanced histogram, for x-y scatter data, colored by height:
xAmplitudes = np.random.exponential(10,10000) #your data here
yAmplitudes = np.random.normal(50,10,10000) #your other data here - must be same array length
x = np.array(xAmplitudes) #turn x,y data into numpy arrays
y = np.array(yAmplitudes) #useful for regular matplotlib arrays
fig = plt.figure() #create a canvas, tell matplotlib it's 3d
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
#make histogram stuff - set bins - I choose 20x20 because I have a lot of data
hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(20,20))
xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(xedges[:-1]+xedges[1:], yedges[:-1]+yedges[1:])
xpos = xpos.flatten()/2.
ypos = ypos.flatten()/2.
zpos = np.zeros_like (xpos)
dx = xedges [1] - xedges [0]
dy = yedges [1] - yedges [0]
dz = hist.flatten()
cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet') # Get desired colormap - you can change this!
max_height = np.max(dz) # get range of colorbars so we can normalize
min_height = np.min(dz)
# scale each z to [0,1], and get their rgb values
rgba = [cmap((k-min_height)/max_height) for k in dz]
ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color=rgba, zsort='average')
plt.title("X vs. Y Amplitudes for ____ Data")
plt.xlabel("My X data source")
plt.ylabel("My Y data source")
Note: results will vary depending on how many bins you choose and how much data you use. This code needs you to insert some data or generate a random linear array. Resulting plots are below, with two different perspectives:
So maybe not exactly what you're looking for (perhaps a good starting point for you), but using
Getting individual colors from a color map in matplotlib
can give varying solid colors for the bars:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm # import colormap stuff!
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
x, y = np.random.rand(2, 100) * 4
hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=4, range=[[0, 4], [0, 4]])
# Construct arrays for the anchor positions of the 16 bars.
# Note: np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos,
# ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid
# with indexing='ij'.
xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(xedges[:-1] + 0.25, yedges[:-1] + 0.25)
xpos = xpos.flatten('F')
ypos = ypos.flatten('F')
zpos = np.zeros_like(xpos)
# Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars.
dx = 0.5 * np.ones_like(zpos)
dy = dx.copy()
dz = hist.flatten()
cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet') # Get desired colormap
max_height = np.max(dz) # get range of colorbars
min_height = np.min(dz)
# scale each z to [0,1], and get their rgb values
rgba = [cmap((k-min_height)/max_height) for k in dz]
ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color=rgba, zsort='average')
Personally, I find that ugly as sin! But it probably won't look too bad with a sequential colormap - https://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html
I'm using the HSV colormap from matplotlib to plot some vector fields. Is there a way to darken or make smoother the HSV colours so they look more like this
than my original plot colours, which are too bright:
Assuming you're trying to plot a pcolor image like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y, x = np.mgrid[slice(-3, 3 + 0.05, 0.05),
slice(-3, 3 + 0.15, 0.15)]
z = (1 - x / 2. + x ** 5 + y ** 3) * np.exp(-x ** 2 - y ** 2)
# x and y are bounds, so z should be the value *inside* those bounds.
# Therefore, remove the last value from the z array.
z = z[:-1, :-1]
fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = plt.gca()
pcol = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=plt.get_cmap('hsv'), )
ax.set_xlim([-3, 3])
ax.set_ylim([-3, 3])
Your image will be:
I've written an alternate implementation of the MPL cookbook cmap_map function that modifies colormaps. In addition to support for kwargs and pep8 compliance, this version handles discontinuities in a colormap:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as lsc
def cmap_map(function, cmap, name='colormap_mod', N=None, gamma=None):
Modify a colormap using `function` which must operate on 3-element
arrays of [r, g, b] values.
You may specify the number of colors, `N`, and the opacity, `gamma`,
value of the returned colormap. These values default to the ones in
the input `cmap`.
You may also specify a `name` for the colormap, so that it can be
loaded using plt.get_cmap(name).
if N is None:
N = cmap.N
if gamma is None:
gamma = cmap._gamma
cdict = cmap._segmentdata
# Cast the steps into lists:
step_dict = {key: map(lambda x: x[0], cdict[key]) for key in cdict}
# Now get the unique steps (first column of the arrays):
step_list = np.unique(sum(step_dict.values(), []))
# 'y0', 'y1' are as defined in LinearSegmentedColormap docstring:
y0 = cmap(step_list)[:, :3]
y1 = y0.copy()[:, :3]
# Go back to catch the discontinuities, and place them into y0, y1
for iclr, key in enumerate(['red', 'green', 'blue']):
for istp, step in enumerate(step_list):
ind = step_dict[key].index(step)
except ValueError:
# This step is not in this color
y0[istp, iclr] = cdict[key][ind][1]
y1[istp, iclr] = cdict[key][ind][2]
# Map the colors to their new values:
y0 = np.array(map(function, y0))
y1 = np.array(map(function, y1))
# Build the new colormap (overwriting step_dict):
for iclr, clr in enumerate(['red', 'green', 'blue']):
step_dict[clr] = np.vstack((step_list, y0[:, iclr], y1[:, iclr])).T
return lsc(name, step_dict, N=N, gamma=gamma)
To use it, simply define a function that will modify your RGB colors as you like (values from 0 to 1) and supply it as input to cmap_map. To get colors close to the ones in the images you provided, for example, you could define:
def darken(x, ):
return x * 0.8
dark_hsv = cmap_map(darken, plt.get_cmap('hsv'))
And then modify the call to pcolormesh:
pcol = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=dark_hsv)
If you only wanted to darken the greens in the image, you could do (now all in one line):
pcol = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z,
cmap=cmap_map(lambda x: x * [1, 0.7, 1],