IntelliJ IDEA: how to disable projects opening as tabs on macOS? - intellij-idea

No idea since when this was introduced but recently updated to Monterey and it started to appear.
How can I disable it? I prefer one editor per workspace. The new way conflicts with normal tab switching.

Either disable it globally in macOS system settings, or disable it for IntelliJ IDEA only by adding ide.mac.bigsur.window.with.tabs.enabled=false in Help | Edit Custom Properties (IDE restart is required).


How do I download ClojureDocs for Cursive manually in IntelliJ?

I've recently installed the Cursive plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. At first startup, a popup asks whether ClojureDocs examples should be downloaded:
I clicked on "Don't ask me again" by mistake, instead of "Download". This only happens on the first startup of the plugin, so there's no chance of getting the choice again (as explained in the relevant documentation).
How do I get this installed? As I'm fairly new to the language and environment, I find the examples of great help.
I've searched for a setting that would allow the plugin to ask again, or to initiate the download - no success.
I've tried to disable then enable the plugin (including restarts of the IDE) - no success.
I've tried to uninstall then reinstall the plugin (including restarts of the IDE) - no success. It seems to remember the old setting.
I imagine removing some configuration file or option would do the trick.
This applies to IntelliJ IDEA version 2020.3 and Cursive version 1.10.0-2020.3 - the Cursive plugin has already been installed and is active.
On menu go to File > Settings, in Settings Language & Frameworks > Clojure, heading Documentation Options, click Update.

Is there a way to enable/disable Intellij IdeaVim plugin using keyboard shortcut?

I am using IdeaVim in Intellij as I can't really get over modular editing. But there are times when I just want it completely disabled (like when a coworker shows me something on my computer).
I know it can be disabled through the plugin manager by unchecking the enabled box, but this does not really cut it for me in many cases as it is too slow and disruptive for quick.
What would be nice to have is to make some keyboard shortcut to disable and enable the plugin so that I can easily switch between the modes. Is there a way to do this so that I don't have to restart Intellij for the changes to apply?
(Keeping vim in insert mode would not work in my case as it jumps to command mode at times for no reason)
Vim emulation can be disabled via Tools | Vim Emulator. There is already assigned shortcut, but it conflicts with some of IDE shortcuts and will be removed in the next release. You can assign your own shortcut using regular IDE mapping.

Switching between Terminal tabs in IntelliJ IDEA

Got several Terminal tabs in IDE. If i right-click any of them i see that i can switch between tabs using Alt+Right and Alt+Left:
However, these combinations don't seem to work. Using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 Community Edition
P.S. Switching between editor tabs works fine with the same combinations.
It's a known bug in 2018.3 release, it will be fixed in 2018.3.1 update.
As a workaround you can disable the option to override IDE shortcuts.

How to disable IntelliJ IDEA version control by default?

Every single time I create a new project in IntelliJ IDEA it sets its version control system to Subversion. It's kind of annoying to disable it manually every time. How do I disable it for good, so that the default option for version control is "none"?
There is no setting which disables version control by default for new projects but we can disable the Subversion (or Git or Mercurial or ...) plugin generally.
To do that:
Go to File/Settings/Plugins
Choose tab Installed
Look for the Subversion plugin, disable it by removing the tick and clicking "Apply":
Disable Git version control:
untick Git Integration (this will disable Github and Google Cloud Tools Core, Google Cloud Tools For Android Studio too)
Disable Mercurial version control:
untick Mercurial Integration
Do you use Maven by chance? There is an issue with VCS detection for maven projects. See

Is there a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA to synchronize all Gradle projects?

Since I need to refresh Gradle quite often I wish to use a shortcut for this. Under
Settings > Keymaps
I just find the Gradle Tool Windows.
I use IntellJ IDEA 13.1.
There's an action in the IDE to "Refresh all external projects" which should kick off a refresh for the Gradle project.
You can allocate this action with your own keybinding. Open Settings -> Keymap and type "refresh" in the search field. Now you should see some refresh actions and the "ExternalSystem.RefreshAllProjects" as well.
In the keymap setting, there's Sync Project with Gradle Files. Assign your own keymap for it.
Bringing you smoothly programming by directly using the hotkey to sync.