UIView animation seemingly affecting UICollectionViewCell - uicollectionview

I have a UICollectionView (backed by IGListKit), and a UIViewAnimation block that animates some text in a custom navbar (a plain UIView, not a UINavigationBar) when the UICollectionView is scrolled beyond a certain point. The animation however seems to be affect the layout of the UICollectionViewCell - it seems to have the right height set but it's doing a transform animation, see video.
If I remove the animation, the cell behaves just fine.
I'm pretty confused as the two don't seem related at all. Does anyone have any idea what's happening here?
Animation function for the navbar
func showTitle(_ isShowing: Bool) {
guard isShowingTitle != isShowing else { return }
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {[weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.breadcrumb.font = isShowing ? BaseNavBar.subtitleFont : BaseNavBar.titleFont
self.breadcrumb.textColor = isShowing ? Color.fontSecondary : Color.fontPrimary
self.mainTitle.alpha = isShowing ? 1 : 0
self.mainTitle.isHidden = !isShowing
isShowingTitle = isShowing


Animating CALayer shadow simultaneously as UITableviewCell height animates

I have a UITableView that I am attempting to expand and collapse using its beginUpdates and endUpdates methods and have a drop shadow displayed as that's happening. In my custom UITableViewCell, I have a layer which I create a shadow for in layoutSubviews:
self.shadowLayer.shadowColor = self.shadowColor.CGColor;
self.shadowLayer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(self.shadowOffsetWidth, self.shadowOffsetHeight);
self.shadowLayer.shadowOpacity = self.shadowOpacity;
self.shadowLayer.masksToBounds = NO;
self.shadowLayer.frame = self.layer.bounds;
// this is extremely important for performance when drawing shadows
UIBezierPath *shadowPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:self.shadowLayer.frame cornerRadius:self.cornerRadius];
self.shadowLayer.shadowPath = shadowPath.CGPath;
I add this layer to the UITableViewCell in viewDidLoad:
self.shadowLayer = [CALayer layer];
self.shadowLayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor;
[self.layer insertSublayer:self.shadowLayer below:self.contentView.layer];
As I understand it, when I call beginUpdates, an implicit CALayerTransaction is made for the current run loop if none exists. Additionally, layoutSubviews also gets called. The problem here is that the resulting shadow is drawn immediately based on the new size of the UITableViewCell. I really need to shadow to continue to cast in the expected way as the actual layer is animating.
Since my created layer is not a backing CALayer it animates without explicitly specifying a CATransaction, which is expected. But, as I understand it, I really need some way to grab hold of beginUpdates/endUpdates CATransaction and perform the animation in that. How do I do that, if at all?
So I guess you have something like this:
(I turned on “Debug > Slow Animations” in the simulator.) And you don't like the way the shadow jumps to its new size. You want this instead:
You can find my test project in this github repository.
See #horseshoe7's answer for a Swift translation.
It is tricky but not impossible to pick up the animation parameters and add an animation in the table view's animation block. The trickiest part is that you need to update the shadowPath in the layoutSubviews method of the shadowed view itself, or of the shadowed view's immediate superview. In my demo video, that means that the shadowPath needs to be updated by the layoutSubviews method of the green box view or the green box's immediate superview.
I chose to create a ShadowingView class whose only job is to draw and animate the shadow of one of its subviews. Here's the interface:
#interface ShadowingView : UIView
#property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIView *shadowedView;
To use ShadowingView, I added it to my cell view in my storyboard. Actually it's nested inside a stack view inside the cell. Then I added the green box as a subview of the ShadowingView and connected the shadowedView outlet to the green box.
The ShadowingView implementation has three parts. One is its layoutSubviews method, which sets up the layer shadow properties on its own layer to draw a shadow around its shadowedView subview:
#implementation ShadowingView
- (void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
CALayer *layer = self.layer;
layer.backgroundColor = nil;
CALayer *shadowedLayer = self.shadowedView.layer;
if (shadowedLayer == nil) {
layer.shadowColor = nil;
NSAssert(shadowedLayer.superlayer == layer, #"shadowedView must be my direct subview");
layer.shadowColor = UIColor.blackColor.CGColor;
layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0, 1);
layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5;
layer.shadowRadius = 3;
layer.masksToBounds = NO;
CGFloat radius = shadowedLayer.cornerRadius;
layer.shadowPath = CGPathCreateWithRoundedRect(shadowedLayer.frame, radius, radius, nil);
When this method is run inside an animation block (as is the case when the table view animates a change in the size of a cell), and the method sets shadowPath, Core Animation looks for an “action” to run after updating shadowPath. One of the ways it looks is by sending actionForLayer:forKey: to the layer's delegate, and the delegate is the ShadowingView. So we override actionForLayer:forKey: to provide an action if possible and appropriate. If we can't, we just call super.
It is important to understand that Core Animation asks for the action from inside the shadowPath setter, before actually changing the value of shadowPath.
To provide the action, we make sure the key is #"shadowPath", that there is an existing value for shadowPath, and that there is already an animation on the layer for bounds.size. Why do we look for an existing bounds.size animation? Because that existing animation has the duration and timing function we should use to animate shadowPath. If everything is in order, we grab the existing shadowPath, make a copy of the animation, store them in an action, and return the action:
- (id<CAAction>)actionForLayer:(CALayer *)layer forKey:(NSString *)event {
if (![event isEqualToString:#"shadowPath"]) { return [super actionForLayer:layer forKey:event]; }
CGPathRef priorPath = layer.shadowPath;
if (priorPath == NULL) { return [super actionForLayer:layer forKey:event]; }
CAAnimation *sizeAnimation = [layer animationForKey:#"bounds.size"];
if (![sizeAnimation isKindOfClass:[CABasicAnimation class]]) { return [super actionForLayer:layer forKey:event]; }
CABasicAnimation *animation = [sizeAnimation copy];
animation.keyPath = #"shadowPath";
ShadowingViewAction *action = [[ShadowingViewAction alloc] init];
action.priorPath = priorPath;
action.pendingAnimation = animation;
return action;
What does the action look like? Here's the interface:
#interface ShadowingViewAction : NSObject <CAAction>
#property (nonatomic, strong) CABasicAnimation *pendingAnimation;
#property (nonatomic) CGPathRef priorPath;
The implementation requires a runActionForKey:object:arguments: method. In this method, we update the animation that we created in actionForLayer:forKey: using the saved-away old shadowPath and the new shadowPath, and then we add the animation to the layer.
We also need to manage the retain count of the saved path, because ARC doesn't manage CGPath objects.
#implementation ShadowingViewAction
- (void)runActionForKey:(NSString *)event object:(id)anObject arguments:(NSDictionary *)dict {
if (![anObject isKindOfClass:[CALayer class]] || _pendingAnimation == nil) { return; }
CALayer *layer = anObject;
_pendingAnimation.fromValue = (__bridge id)_priorPath;
_pendingAnimation.toValue = (__bridge id)layer.shadowPath;
[layer addAnimation:_pendingAnimation forKey:#"shadowPath"];
- (void)setPriorPath:(CGPathRef)priorPath {
_priorPath = priorPath;
- (void)dealloc {
This is Rob Mayoff's answer written in Swift. Could save someone some time.
Please don't upvote this. Upvote Rob Mayoff's solution. It is awesome, and correct. (Note from mayoff: why not upvote both? 😉)
import UIKit
class AnimatingShadowView: UIView {
struct DropShadowParameters {
var shadowOpacity: Float = 0
var shadowColor: UIColor? = .black
var shadowRadius: CGFloat = 0
var shadowOffset: CGSize = .zero
static let defaultParameters = DropShadowParameters(shadowOpacity: 0.15,
shadowColor: .black,
shadowRadius: 5,
shadowOffset: CGSize(width: 0, height: 1))
#IBOutlet weak var contentView: UIView! // no sense in have a shadowView without content!
var shadowParameters: DropShadowParameters = DropShadowParameters.defaultParameters
private func apply(dropShadow: DropShadowParameters) {
let layer = self.layer
layer.shadowColor = dropShadow.shadowColor?.cgColor
layer.shadowOffset = dropShadow.shadowOffset
layer.shadowOpacity = dropShadow.shadowOpacity
layer.shadowRadius = dropShadow.shadowRadius
layer.masksToBounds = false
override func layoutSubviews() {
let layer = self.layer
layer.backgroundColor = nil
let contentLayer = self.contentView.layer
assert(contentLayer.superlayer == layer, "contentView must be a direct subview of AnimatingShadowView!")
self.apply(dropShadow: self.shadowParameters)
let radius = contentLayer.cornerRadius
layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: contentLayer.frame, cornerRadius: radius).cgPath
override func action(for layer: CALayer, forKey event: String) -> CAAction? {
guard event == "shadowPath" else {
return super.action(for: layer, forKey: event)
guard let priorPath = layer.shadowPath else {
return super.action(for: layer, forKey: event)
guard let sizeAnimation = layer.animation(forKey: "bounds.size") as? CABasicAnimation else {
return super.action(for: layer, forKey: event)
let animation = sizeAnimation.copy() as! CABasicAnimation
animation.keyPath = "shadowPath"
let action = ShadowingViewAction()
action.priorPath = priorPath
action.pendingAnimation = animation
return action
private class ShadowingViewAction: NSObject, CAAction {
var pendingAnimation: CABasicAnimation? = nil
var priorPath: CGPath? = nil
// CAAction Protocol
func run(forKey event: String, object anObject: Any, arguments dict: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {
guard let layer = anObject as? CALayer, let animation = self.pendingAnimation else {
animation.fromValue = self.priorPath
animation.toValue = layer.shadowPath
layer.add(animation, forKey: "shadowPath")
Assuming that you're manually setting your shadowPath, here's a solution inspired by the others here that accomplishes the same thing using less code.
Note that I'm intentionally constructing my own CABasicAnimation rather than copying the bounds.size animation exactly, as in my own tests I found that toggling the copied animation while it was still in progress could cause the animation to snap to it's toValue, rather than transitioning smoothly from its current value.
class ViewWithAutosizedShadowPath: UIView {
override func layoutSubviews() {
let oldShadowPath = layer.shadowPath
let newShadowPath = CGPath(rect: bounds, transform: nil)
if let boundsAnimation = layer.animation(forKey: "bounds.size") as? CABasicAnimation {
let shadowPathAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "shadowPath")
shadowPathAnimation.duration = boundsAnimation.duration
shadowPathAnimation.timingFunction = boundsAnimation.timingFunction
shadowPathAnimation.fromValue = oldShadowPath
shadowPathAnimation.toValue = newShadowPath
layer.add(shadowPathAnimation, forKey: "shadowPath")
layer.shadowPath = newShadowPath
UITableView is likely not creating a CATransaction, or if it is, it's waiting until after you end the updates. My understanding is that table views just coalesce all changes between those functions and then creates the animations as necessary. You don't have a way to get a handle on the actual animation parameters it's committing, because we don't know when that actually happens. The same thing happens when you animate a content offset change in UIScrollView: the system provides no context about the animation itself, which is frustrating. There is also no way to query the system for current CATransactions.
Probably the best you can do is inspect the animation that UITableView is creating and just mimic the same timing parameters in your own animation. Swizzling add(_:forKey:) on CALayer can allow you to inspect all animations being added. You certainly don't want to actually ship with this, but I often use this technique in debugging to figure out what animations are being added and what their properties are.
I suspect that you're going to have to commit your own shadow layer animations in tableView(_:willDisplayCell:for:row:) for the appropriate cells.

Preventing moving UICollectionViewCell by its center when dragging

I am able to reorder my UICollectionViewCells on iOS 9 by dragging it using a gesture recognizer and simplementing newly iOS 9 support for reordering.
public func beginInteractiveMovementForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Bool // returns NO if reordering was prevented from beginning - otherwise YES
public func updateInteractiveMovementTargetPosition(targetPosition: CGPoint)
public func endInteractiveMovement()
public func cancelInteractiveMovement()
I noticed that when I start dragging a cell, its center changes to be the touch location, I don't like that.
I would like to be able to drag my cell by it's corner if I want.
Do you know how to do this?
Thanks a lot.
(Written in Swift 3.1)
For the targetPosition parameter of the updateInteractiveMovementTargetPosition function, instead of using the gesture recognizer's location directly like this...
var location = recognizer.location(in: collectionView)
... I created a function that takes the center of the cell to be dragged (The location that the collectionView updateInteractiveMovementTargetPosition would use, and then takes the location of the gesture recognizer's touch in the cell, and subtracts that from the center of the cell.
func offsetOfTouchFrom(recognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, inCell cell: UICollectionViewCell) -> CGPoint {
let locationOfTouchInCell = recognizer.location(in: cell)
let cellCenterX = cell.frame.width / 2
let cellCenterY = cell.frame.height / 2
let cellCenter = CGPoint(x: cellCenterX, y: cellCenterY)
var offSetPoint = CGPoint.zero
offSetPoint.y = cellCenter.y - locationOfTouchInCell.y
offSetPoint.x = cellCenter.x - locationOfTouchInCell.x
return offSetPoint
I have a simple var offsetForCollectionViewCellBeingMoved: CGPoint = .zero in my view controller that will store that offset so function above doesn't need to be called every time the gesture recognizer's location changes.
So the target of my gesture recognizer would look like this:
func collectionViewLongPressGestureRecognizerWasTriggered(recognizer: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
guard let indexPath = collectionView.indexPathForItem(at: recognizer.location(in: self.collectionView)),
let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath), indexPath.item != 0 else { return }
switch recognizer.state {
case .began:
collectionView.beginInteractiveMovementForItem(at: indexPath)
// This is the class variable I mentioned above
offsetForCollectionViewCellBeingMoved = offsetOfTouchFrom(recognizer: recognizer, inCell: cell)
// This is the vanilla location of the touch that alone would make the cell's center snap to your touch location
var location = recognizer.location(in: collectionView)
/* These two lines add the offset calculated a couple lines up to
the normal location to make it so you can drag from any part of the
cell and have it stay where your finger is. */
location.x += offsetForCollectionViewCellBeingMoved.x
location.y += offsetForCollectionViewCellBeingMoved.y
case .changed:
var location = recognizer.location(in: collectionView)
location.x += offsetForCollectionViewCellBeingMoved.x
location.y += offsetForCollectionViewCellBeingMoved.y
case .ended:
If your collection view is only scrolling in once direction then the easiest way to achieve this is to simple lock the axis which isnt scrolling to something hardcoded, this means your cell will only move in the axis that you can scroll. Here is the code, see the changed case...
#objc func handleLongGesture(gesture: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
switch gesture.state {
case .began:
guard let selectedIndexPath = self.collectionView
.indexPathForItem(at: gesture
.location(in: self.collectionView)) else { break }
collectionView.beginInteractiveMovementForItem(at: selectedIndexPath)
case .changed:
var gesturePosition = gesture.location(in: gesture.view!)
gesturePosition.x = (self.collectionView.frame.width / 2) - 20
case .ended:

UITextView text content doesn't start from the top

I have a long text coming from my JSON file but when I click the link from my UITableViewCell to go to my UIViewController page, the UITextView text loads the string content but it does not show the content from the beginning and I have to scroll up all the time.
What I need to do?
I had the same problem, and turns out I had to set the content offset in viewDidLayoutSubviews for it to take effect. I'm using this code to display attributed static text.
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
[self.yourTextView setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:NO];
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
self.textView.setContentOffset(CGPoint.zero, animated: false)
This is the only way that worked for me. I disable the scroll of the UITextView before the view is loaded and then i enable it again:
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
yourTextView.isScrollEnabled = false
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
yourTextView.isScrollEnabled = true
[self.textView scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
in viewDidLoad
By Programmatically before loading the content disable the scrolling property of textview
textview.scrollenabled = NO;
And after loading enable the scrolling of textview textview.scrollenabled = YES;
As well check the XIB, always non-check the scrolling enabled of Textview.
The answers for the question Blank space at top of UITextView in iOS 10 provide a much cleaner end user experience.
In viewDidLoad of the view controller containing the text view:
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
Setting textView.setContentOffset(CGPointMake(0,0), animated: false) and some of these other suggestions do work when called in the viewDidLayoutSubviews() but on older devices like iPad 2 and older you will actually see the text get scrolled when the screen is displayed. That is not something you want the end user to see.
I was still having problems after using these solutions. The problem definitely seems to relate to having transparent navigation bars and selecting to automatically adjust content insets on the view controller. If you don't care about your text scrolling underneath the navigation bar then it's best to leave these settings off and constrain the top of your textview to the bottom of the navigation bar, rather than to the top of the viewcontroller.
If like me you wanted it to appear underneath your navigation bar when you scroll down; then the solution that worked for me was to add this.
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
CGFloat offset = self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height+[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.height;
[self.textView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, -offset) animated:NO];
This just looks for the height of the navigation bar and status bar and adjusts the content offset accordingly.
Note that one downside of this approach is that when the device rotates you'll end up scrolling back to the top.
For me fine works this code:
textView.attributedText = newText //or textView.text = ...
//this part of code scrolls to top
textView.contentOffset.y = -64 //or = 0 if no Navigation Bar
textView.scrollEnabled = false
textView.scrollEnabled = true
For scroll to exact position and show it on top of screen I use this code:
var scrollToLocation = 50 //<needed position>
textView.contentOffset.y = textView.contentSize.height
textView.scrollRangeToVisible(NSRange.init(location: scrollToLocation, length: 1))
Setting contentOffset.y scrolls to the end of text, and then scrollRangeToVisible scrolls up to value of scrollToLocation. Thereby, needed position appears in first line of scrollView.
Similar to some other answers, but with the added benefit that you won't cause a scroll to top on subsequent device rotations. Works well in Swift 2.2
/// Whether view has laid out subviews at least once before.
var viewDidLayoutSubviewsAtLeastOnce = false
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
if !viewDidLayoutSubviewsAtLeastOnce {
textView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0, y: -textView.contentInset.top), animated: false)
viewDidLayoutSubviewsAtLeastOnce = true
Swift Version
A combination of things will be needed:
1.) Set your outlet
#IBOutlet var textView: UITextView!
2.) In storyboard on View Controller turn off "Adjust Scroll View Insets"
3.) Set content to zero top by adding below to your view controller
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
myUITextView.setContentOffset(CGPointZero, animated: false)
Instead of setting content offset from viewDidLayoutSubviews you can write layoutIfNeeded from viewDidLoad to set the proper position of textview as below:
self.textView.setContentOffset(CGPoint.zero, animated: false)
Cheers !!
In Swift 2, Xcode 7 solution, to leave scroll Enabled as well as have the text start at the top, this is all you need:
#IBOutlet weak var myUITextView: UITextView!
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
//start scroll at top of text
myUITextView.scrollRangeToVisible(NSMakeRange(0, 0))
Swift 3.0
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
privacyText.isScrollEnabled = false
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
privacyText.isScrollEnabled = true
This worked the best for me! I placed this within viewDidLoad().
//TextView Scroll starts from the top
myTextView.contentOffset.y = 0
Here's another way to do it that always works for me. Objective-C:
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self.textView setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:NO];
And in Swift:
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
textView.setContentOffset(CGPointZero, animated: false)
Swift version:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
yourTextView.setContentOffset(CGPointZero, animated: false)
add the following function to your view controller class...
Swift 3
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
self.mainTextView.setContentOffset(.zero, animated: false)
Swift 2.1
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
self.mainTextView.setContentOffset(CGPointZero, animated: false)
Objective C
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
[self.mainTextView setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:NO];
或者 你在ViewDidAppear 里面加上滚动,这样用户会看到他往上滚动到第一行
in swift 4 with attributed text any of answer does not help me and i combine some answers in topic.
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
uiTextview.isScrollEnabled = false
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
uiTextview.isScrollEnabled = true
uiTextview.setContentOffset(CGPoint.zero, animated: false)
Swift 3, 4, 5 solution:
Steps to solve the issue:
Disable the UITextView scroll
set scrollRectToVisible
enable UITextView scroll
yourTextView.isScrollEnabled = false
let rect:CGRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1)
yourTextView.scrollRectToVisible(rect, animated: false)
yourTextView.isScrollEnabled = true
This Worked for me. Hope that will help!
This is how i did it. I subclassed textview, and:
override func willMoveToSuperview(newSuperview: UIView?) {
self.scrollEnabled = false
override func layoutSubviews() {
self.scrollEnabled = true
From storyboard, select the view controller on which you have you text view placed. In the attributes inspector, uncheck "Adjust Scroll View Insets". That's it.
Put this code on your class
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
self.About_TV.setContentOffset(.zero, animated: false) // About_TV : your text view name)
Add code to the viewdidload
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;

Resize cells when bounds UICollectionView change

I'm using a horizontally, paging UICollectionView to display a variable number of collection view cells. The size of each collection view cell needs to be equal to that of the collection view and whenever the size of the collection view changes, the size of the collection view cells need to update accordingly. The latter is causing issues. The size of the collection view cells is not updated when the size of the collection view changes.
Invalidating the layout doesn't seem to do the trick. Subclassing UICollectionViewFlowLayout and overriding shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange: doesn't work either.
For your information, I'm using an instance of UICollectionViewFlowLayout as the collection view's layout object.
I think solution below is much cleaner. You only need to override one of UICollectionViewLayout's method like:
- (void)invalidateLayoutWithContext:(UICollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext *)context
context.invalidateFlowLayoutAttributes = YES;
context.invalidateFlowLayoutDelegateMetrics = YES;
[super invalidateLayoutWithContext:context];
- (BOOL)shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange:(CGRect)newBounds
if(!CGSizeEqualToSize(self.collectionView.bounds.size, newBounds.size))
return YES;
return NO;
as well.
I have similar behavior in my app: UICollectionView with cells that should have the same width as collection view at all time. Just returning true from shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange: didn't work for me either, but I managed to make it work in this way:
class AdaptableFlowLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
var previousWidth: CGFloat?
override func shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange(newBounds: CGRect) -> Bool {
let newWidth = newBounds.width
let shouldIvalidate = newWidth != self.previousWidth
if shouldIvalidate {
self.previousWidth = newWidth
return false
In documentation it is stated that when shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange returns true then invalidateLayoutWithContext: will be called. I don't know why invalidateLayout works and invalidateLayoutWithContext: doesn't.
Swift 4 Xcode 9 implementation for height changes:
final class AdaptableHeightFlowLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
var previousHeight: CGFloat?
override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: CGRect) -> Bool {
let newHeight = newBounds.height
let shouldIvalidate = newHeight != self.previousHeight
if shouldIvalidate {
self.previousHeight = newHeight
return false

iOS6 UICollectionView and UIPageControl - How to get visible cell?

While studying iOS6 new features I got a question about UICollectionView.
I am currently testing it with Flow layout and the scroll direction set to horizontal, scrolling and paging enabled. I've set its size to exactly the same as my custom's cells, so it can show one at a time, and by scrollig it sideways, the user would see the other existing cells.
It works perfectly.
Now I want to add and UIPageControl to the collection view I made, so it can show up which cell is visible and how many cells are there.
Building up the page control was rather simple, frame and numberOfPages defined.
The problem I am having, as the question titles marks, is how to get which cell is currently visible in the collection view, so it can change the currentPage of the page control.
I've tried delegate methods, like cellForItemAtIndexPath, but it is made to load cells, not show them. didEndDisplayingCell triggers when a cell its not displayed anymore, the opposite event of what I need.
Its seems that -visibleCells and -indexPathsForVisibleItems, collection view methods, are the correct choice for me, but I bumped into another problem. When to trigger them?
Thanks in advance, hope I made myself clear enough so you guys can understand me!
You must setup yourself as UIScrollViewDelegate and implement the scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:method like so:
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
CGFloat pageWidth = self.collectionView.frame.size.width;
self.pageControl.currentPage = self.collectionView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth;
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let pageWidth = self.collectionView.frame.size.width
pageControl.currentPage = Int(self.collectionView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth)
I struggled with this for a while as well, then I was advised to check out the parent classes of UICollectionView. One of them happens to be UIScrollView and if you set yourself up as a UIScrollViewDelegate, you get access to very helpful methods such as scrollViewDidEndDecelerating, a great place to update the UIPageControl.
I would recommend a little tuned calculation and handling as it will update page control immediately in any scroll position with better accuracy.
The solution below works with any scroll view or it subclass (UITableView UICollectionView and others)
in viewDidLoad method write this
scrollView.delegate = self
then use code for your language:
Swift 3
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
let pageWidth = scrollView.frame.width
pageControl.currentPage = Int((scrollView.contentOffset.x + pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth)
Swift 2:
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView)
let pageWidth = CGRectGetWidth(scrollView.frame)
pageControl.currentPage = Int((scrollView.contentOffset.x + pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth)
Objective C
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
CGFloat pageWidth = self.collectionView.frame.size.width;
self.pageControl.currentPage = (self.collectionView.contentOffset.x + pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth;
Another option with less code is to use visible item index path and set the page control.
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
self.pageControl.currentPage = [[[self.collectionView indexPathsForVisibleItems] firstObject] row];
Place PageControl in your view or set by Code.
Set UIScrollViewDelegate
In Collectionview-> cellForItemAtIndexPath (Method) add the below
code for calculate the Number of pages,
int pages
[pageControl setNumberOfPages:pages];
Add the ScrollView Delegate method,
pragma mark - UIScrollVewDelegate for UIPageControl
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
CGFloat pageWidth = ImageCollectionView.frame.size.width;
float currentPage = ImageCollectionView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth;
if (0.0f != fmodf(currentPage, 1.0f))
pageControl.currentPage = currentPage + 1;
pageControl.currentPage = currentPage;
NSLog(#"finishPage: %ld", (long)pageControl.currentPage);
I know this is an old one but I've just needed to implement this sort of feature again and have a bit to add which gives a more complete answer.
Firstly: Using scrollViewDidEndDecelerating assumes that the user lifted their finger while dragging (more like a flick action) and therefore there is a deceleration phase. If the user drags without lifting the finger the UIPageControl will still indicate the old page from before the drag began. Instead using the scrollViewDidScroll callback means that the view is updated both after dragging and flicking and also during dragging and scrolling so it feels much more responsive and accurate for the user.
Secondly: Relying on the pagewidth for calculating the selected index assumes all the cells have the same width and that there is one cell per screen. taking advantage of the indexPathForItemAtPoint method on UICollectionView gives a more resilient result which will work for different layouts and cell sizes. The implementation below assumes the centre of the frame is the desired cell to be represented in the pagecontrol. Also if there are intercell spacings there will times during scrolling when the selectedIndex could be nil or optional so this needs to be checked and unwrapped before setting on the pageControl.
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset
let centrePoint = CGPointMake(
contentOffset.x + CGRectGetMidX(scrollView.frame),
contentOffset.y + CGRectGetMidY(scrollView.frame)
if let index = self.collectionView.indexPathForItemAtPoint(centrePoint){
self.pageControl.currentPage = index.row
One more thing - set the number of pages on the UIPageControl with something like this:
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
self.pageControl.numberOfPages = 20
return self.pageControl.numberOfPages
Simple Swift
public func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
pageControl.currentPage = (collectionView.indexPathsForVisibleItems().first?.row)!
UIScrollViewDelegate is already implemented if you implement UICollectionViewDelegate
If using scrollViewDidScroll, updating the page control should be done manually to ⚠️ avoid the flickering dots when you tap on the page control.
Setup the UIPageControl.
let pageControl = UIPageControl()
pageControl.pageIndicatorTintColor = .label
pageControl.defersCurrentPageDisplay = true // Opt-out from automatic display
pageControl.numberOfPages = viewModel.items.count
pageControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(pageControlValueChanged), for: .valueChanged)
Implement the action (using the extensions below).
#objc func pageControlValueChanged(_ sender: UIPageControl) {
collectionView.scroll(to: sender.currentPage)
Update UIPageControl manually on every scroll.
extension ViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
pageControl.currentPage = collectionView.currentPage
pageControl.updateCurrentPageDisplay() // Display only here
Convinient UICollectionView extensions.
extension CGRect {
var middle: CGPoint {
CGPoint(x: midX, y: midY)
extension UICollectionView {
var visibleArea: CGRect {
CGRect(origin: contentOffset, size: bounds.size)
var currentPage: Int {
indexPathForItem(at: visibleArea.middle)?.row ?? 0
func scroll(to page: Int) {
at: IndexPath(row: page, section: 0),
at: .centeredHorizontally,
animated: true