How to use pandas read_csv to read csv file having backward slash and double quotation - pandas

I have a CSV file like this (comma separated)
ID, Name,Context, Location
123,"John","{\"Organization\":{\"Id\":12345,\"IsDefault\":false},\"VersionNumber\":-1,\"NewVersionId\":\"88229ef9-e97b-4b88-8eba-31740d48fd15\",\"ApiIntegrationType\":0,\"PortalIntegrationType\":0}","Road 1"
234,"Mike","{\"Organization\":{\"Id\":23456,\"IsDefault\":false},\"VersionNumber\":-1,\"NewVersionId\":\"88229ef9-e97b-4b88-8eba-31740d48fd15\",\"ApiIntegrationType\":0,\"PortalIntegrationType\":0}","Road 2"
I want to create DataFrame like this:
ID | Name |Context |Location
123| John |{\"Organization\":{\"Id\":12345,\"IsDefault\":false},\"VersionNumber\":-1,\"NewVersionId\":\"88229ef9-e97b-4b88-8eba-31740d48fd15\",\"ApiIntegrationType\":0,\"PortalIntegrationType\":0}|Road 1
234| Mike |{\"Organization\":{\"Id\":23456,\"IsDefault\":false},\"VersionNumber\":-1,\"NewVersionId\":\"88229ef9-e97b-4b88-8eba-31740d48fd15\",\"ApiIntegrationType\":0,\"PortalIntegrationType\":0}|Road 2
Could you help and show me how to use pandas read_csv doing it?

An answer - if you are willing to accept that the \ char gets stripped:
pd.read_csv(your_filepath, escapechar='\\')
ID Name Context Location
0 123 John {"Organization":{"Id":12345,"IsDefault":false}... Road 1
1 234 Mike {"Organization":{"Id":23456,"IsDefault":false}... Road 2
An answer if you actually want the backslashes in - using a custom converter:
def backslash_it(x):
return x.replace('"','\\"')
pd.read_csv(your_filepath, escapechar='\\', converters={'Context': backslash_it})
ID Name Context Location
0 123 John {\"Organization\":{\"Id\":12345,\"IsDefault\":... Road 1
1 234 Mike {\"Organization\":{\"Id\":23456,\"IsDefault\":... Road 2
escapechar on read_csv is used to actually read the csv then the custom converter puts the backslashes back in.
Note that I tweaked the header row to make the column name match easier:


Spark Scala : How to read fixed record length File

I have a simple question.
“How to read Files with Fixed record length?” i have 2 fields in the record- name & state.
File Data-
File Layout-
Name String(6);
State String(10);
I just want to read it and create a DataFrame from this file. Just to elaborate more for example on “fixed record length”- if you see since “OHIO” is 4 characters length, in file it is populated with 6 trailing spaces “OHIO “
The record length here is 16.
Read your input file:
val rdd = sc.textFile('your_file_path')
Then use substring to split the fields and then convert RDD to Dataframe using toDF().
val df = => (l.substring(0, 6).trim(), l.substring(6, 16).trim()))
|Name |State |
|John |OHIO |
|Victor|NEWYORK |

Strings and quotation-marks in csv file

I have a csv file that looks like this:
"1,0,3,""Braund, Mr. Owen Harris"",male,22,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S"
Can I use pandas to read the csv such that it gets read in the obvious way?
In other words, I want the csv file to be read as if it looked like this:
1,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Owen Harris",male,22,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S
Any suggestions?
is the answer to your problem.
Here is the code I used for this Kaggle dataset:
training_set = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
Output (Just first row)
PassengerId Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
0 1 0 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22 1 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S

Matching a string which includes -,.$\/ with a regex

I am trying to match a string which includes -,.$/ ( and might include other special characters which I don't know yet( with a regex . I have to match first 28 characters in the string
The String is -->
The regex I am using is ((([\w-,.$\/]+)\s){28}).*
Is there a better way to match special characters ?
Also I get an error if the string length is less than 28. What can I do to include the range so that the regex works even if the string is less than 28 characters
the code looks something like this
Select regexp_extract(Txn_Desc,'((([\w-,.$;!#\/%)^#<>&*(]+)\s){1,28}).*',1) as Transaction_Short_Desc,Txn_Desc
from Table x
It seems you are looking for 28 tokens.
([^ ]+ +){0,28}
This is the result for 8 tokens:
Received - Data Migration 1. Units, of UNITED
| | | | | | | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Filtering DataFrame by list of substrings

Building off this answer, is there a way to filter a Pandas dataframe by a list of substrings?
Say I want to find all rows where df['menu_item'] contains fresh or spaghetti
Without something like this:
df[df['menu_item'].str.contains('fresh') | (df['menu_item'].str.contains('spaghetti')]
The str.contains method you're using accepts regex, so use the regex | as or:
Example Input:
0 fresh fish
1 fresher fish
2 lasagna
3 spaghetti o's
4 something edible
Example Output:
0 fresh fish
1 fresher fish
3 spaghetti o's

Value to table header in Pentaho

Hi I'm quite new in Pentaho Spoon and I have a problem:
I have a table like this:
model | type | color| q
--1---| --1-- | blue | 1
--1---| --2-- | blue | 2
--1---| --1-- | red | 1
--1---| --2-- | red | 3
--2---| --1-- | blue | 4
--2---| --2-- | blue | 5
And I would like to create a single table (to export in csv or excel) for each model grouped by type with the value of the group as header and as value the q value:
type | blue | red
--1--| -1-- | -1-
--2--| -2-- | -3-
type | blue
--1--| -4-
--2--| -5-
I tried with row denormalizer but nothing.
Any suggestion?
Typically it's helpful to see what you have done in order to offer help, but I know how counterintuitive the "help" on this step is.
Make sure you sort the rows on Model and Type before sending them to the denormalizer step. Then give this a try:
As for splitting the output into files, there are a few ways to handle that. Take a look at the Switch/Case step using the Model field.
Also, if you haven't found them already, take a look at the sample files that come with the PDI download. They should be in ...pdi-ce-\data-integration\samples. They can be more helpful than the online documentation sometimes.
Row denormalizer can't be used here if number of colors is unknown, also, you can't define text output fields dynamically.
There are few ways that I can see without using java and js steps. One of them is based on the following idea: we can prepare rows with two columns:
Row Model
type|blue|red 1
1|1|1 1
2|2|3 1
type|blue 2
1|4 2
2|5 2
Then we can prepare filename for each row using Model field and then easily output all rows using text output where file name is taken from filename field. In this case all records will be exported into two files without additional efforts.
Here you can find sample transformation: copy-paste me into new transformation
Please note that it's a sample solution that works only with csv. Also it works only if you have the same number of colors for each type inside model. It's just a hint how to use spoon, it's not a complete solution.