How to get pricelist value in odoo 15 - odoo

I am trying to access all customer details along with pricelist value via a controller.
But I am getting an error.
Here is my code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import http, _, tools
from odoo.http import request,Response
import base64
import datetime
import json
# methods=['POST']
class CustomerDetailsform(http.Controller):
#http.route('/customer_details/', auth="none", method=['GET'])
def customer_search_form(self, **kw):
pricelist = request.env["product.pricelist"].sudo().search([])
customer_data = request.env["res.partner"].sudo().search([])
data =[]
for line in customer_data:
if line.company_type == 'person' and not line.parent_id:
print('amd here')
print("pricelist", line.property_product_pricelist) // In this line I am getting error
name =
'CardCode': "Sample Code",
'CardType': "Sample Code",
'Address': line.street,
'PriceMode': "sample Pricelist Mode",
# 'PriceList': name
dd= json.dumps(data)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
return Response(dd,headers=headers)
Here is the error:
ERROR odoo15ee odoo.sql_db: bad query:
SELECT substr(p.res_id, 13)::integer,
FROM ir_property p
LEFT JOIN product_pricelist r ON substr(p.value_reference, 19)
WHERE p.fields_id=3116
AND (p.company_id=false OR p.company_id IS NULL)
AND (p.res_id IN ('res.partner,3', 'res.partner,35', 'res.partner,47', 'res.partner,26', 'res.partner,9', 'res.partner,28', 'res.partner,14', 'res.partner,34', 'res.partner,8', 'res.partner,41', 'res.partner,1', 'res.partner,36', 'res.partner,24', 'res.partner,52', 'res.partner,12', 'res.partner,18', 'res.partner,20', 'res.partner,33', 'res.partner,48', 'res.partner,51', 'res.partner,50', 'res.partner,43', 'res.partner,46', 'res.partner,27', 'res.partner,49', 'res.partner,11', 'res.partner,37', 'res.partner,23', 'res.partner,13', 'res.partner,39', 'res.partner,40', 'res.partner,10', 'res.partner,21', 'res.partner,17', 'res.partner,7', 'res.partner,30', 'res.partner,38', 'res.partner,16', 'res.partner,44', 'res.partner,19', 'res.partner,15', 'res.partner,45', 'res.partner,29', 'res.partner,31', 'res.partner,32', 'res.partner,42', 'res.partner,25', 'res.partner,22') OR p.res_id IS NULL)
ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = boolean
LINE 6: AND (p.company_id=false OR p.company_id ...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

Finally found the solution,
changed the authentication from None to Public.


Update records on one2many fields in wizard for odoo16

Geting Issue 'TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' for insert values in one2many field from onchange method in odoo16
My code is below:
class EmployeeAddWizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'employee.add.wizard'
line_ids = fields.One2many('employee.goal.add.line', 'wizard_id', string="Lines")
#api.onchange('challenge_id', 'employee_id')
def _onchange_action_goal_add(self):
r = []
value = {}
self.line_ids = {}
if self.challenge_id and self.employee_id:
goal_records = self.env['gamification.challenge.line'].search([('challenge_id', '=',])
for emp in self.employee_id:
for line in goal_records:
data = {'wizard_id':, # Other table m2o
'goal_rating': 0.0,
'goal_target': line.target_goal,
self.line_ids = value['records']
class GoalLine(models.Model):
_name = 'employee.goal.add.line'
wizard_id = fields.Integer()
goal_definition_id = fields.Many2one('gamification.goal.definition', string='Goal Definition', required=True, ondelete="cascade")
goal_rating = fields.Float('Rating', required=True)
goal_target = fields.Float('Target Value ', required=True)
employee_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string="Employee", required=True, ondelete="cascade")
Thanks in advance
You passed a list of dicts which is not valid, you need to use special commands
r.append((0, 0, data))
You can use Command.clear(), to remove previous lines if needed ( self.line_ids = {} should raise an error: ValueError: Wrong value).
Check this answer

Odoo 12 num2words Amount To Text

I'm new in this community and I setting up Odoo Community version for my little comapny. I does all the things just doesn't know how to set up num2words to show Total Amount in Invoice Reports!
I found num2words api in in Base/Modules but I spend two days researching how to connect and nothing. What I have to inherite and how and also what to put in invoice document qweb?
I made module like this:
from num2words import num2words
class account_invoice(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.invoice"
def amount_to_text(self, amount):
def _num2words(number, lang):
return num2words(number, lang=lang).title()
except NotImplementedError:
return num2words(number, lang='en').title()
if num2words is None:
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("The library 'num2words' is missing, cannot render textual amounts.")
return ""
formatted = "%.{0}f".format(self.decimal_places) % amount
parts = formatted.partition('.')
integer_value = int(parts[0])
fractional_value = int(parts[2] or 0)
lang_code = self.env.context.get('lang') or self.env.user.lang
lang = self.env['res.lang'].search([('code', '=', lang_code)])
amount_words = tools.ustr('{amt_value} {amt_word}').format(
amt_value=_num2words(integer_value, lang=lang.iso_code),
if not self.is_zero(amount - integer_value):
amount_words += ' ' + _('and') + tools.ustr(' {amt_value} {amt_word}').format(
amt_value=_num2words(fractional_value, lang=lang.iso_code),
return amount_words
Got error like this:
Error to render compiling AST
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'currency_id'
Template: account.report_invoice_document_with_payments
Path: /templates/t/t/div/p[1]/span
Node: <span t-if="doc.currency_id" t-esc="doc.currency_id.amount_to_text(doc.amount_total)"/>
In QWeb I put this:
<span t-if="doc.currency_id" t-esc="doc.currency_id.amount_to_text(doc.amount_total)"/>
Thank you in advance!
In your case "currency_id" is a Many2one field. The 'res.currency' model does not contain the class 'amount_to_text' function.
You have written amount_to_text function in 'account.invoice' model. So change your like this,
<span t-if="doc.currency_id" t-esc="doc.amount_to_text(doc.amount_total)"/>
OR(if you don't have currency_id field in your object)
<span t-if="doc.amount_to_text" t-esc="doc.amount_to_text(doc.amount_total)"/>
Please use the below code
<span t-if="o.currency_id" t-esc="o.amount_to_text(o.amount_total)"/>
You are getting the error because in the base report they are using o instead of doc. please see the below part of code from base.
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
So try to use o instead of doc

Fill up items from parent sale order to wizard

My goal is to get all items from parent quotation, to the wizard window.
I don't know i do this right way or not, but for now i can get all the products from quotation, and don't understand how to fill them into my wizard items line.
Quotation example
Wizard on that quotation
I remove the pieces of code which not matter.
from odoo import fields, models, api
import logging
class back_to_back_order(models.Model):
_name = ""
_description = "Back to Back Order"
line_ids = fields.One2many('','back_order_id', 'Order Lines', required=True)
def get_items_from_quotation(self, context):
items = []
quotation_id = context['id']
current_quotation = self.env['sale.order'].search([('id','=',quotation_id)])
if quotation_id ==
for line in current_quotation.order_line:
item = {
'product_id': line.product_id,
'qty': line.product_uom_qty,
'price': line.price_unit,
'subtotal': line.price_unit*line.product_uom_qty
class back_to_back_order_line(models.Model):
_name = ""
_description = "Back to Back Order"
product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product')
back_order_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Back Order')
qty = fields.Float('Quantity')
price = fields.Float('Unit Price')
subtotal = fields.Float('Subtotal')
Firstly, if you are creating a wizard, then it's very likely you should be using models.TransientModel and not model.Model for your classes.
class back_to_back_order(models.TransientModel):
Wizard records are not meant to be persistent; they are automatically deleted from the database after a certain time. This is why they are called transient.
You mentioned you are already able to get the Sales Order Lines within your wizard, but you aren't sure how to fill your Back to Back Order Lines with the data.
One2many and Many2many use a special "commands" format to manipulate the set of records stored in/associated with the field.
I originally found these commands on another answer but they are also covered in the Documentation.
As for your specific application, you should be able to simply create your records and they will be linked as long as you provide the back_order_id.
def get_items_from_quotation(self, context):
b2b_line_obj = self.env['']
quotation = self.env['sale.order'].browse(context['id'])
if quotation:
back_order_id =
for line in quotation.order_line:
'back_order_id': back_order_id,
'qty': line.product_uom_qty,
'price': line.price_unit,
'subtotal': line.price_unit * line.product_uom_qty,

Concatenate fields on Odoo v9

I'm trying to concatenate 3 fields to form a internal code and display it in the views:
I have 3 models:
Category (size=2)
Product (size=4)
Serie (size=3)
And I want to display it in the form like this
Product Code: CAT-PROD-001
I don't know if i have to use a computed field or if exist anoter way to do this, because I was doing test with computed fields but can't reach the desired output.
Now I'm trying to use a computed field with a onchange function to generate the value on the field
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from openerp import models,fields,api
class exec_modl(models.Model):
_name = "exec.modl"
_rec_name = "exec_desc"
exec_code = fields.Char('Identificador',required=True,size=3)
exec_desc = fields.Char('DescripciĆ³n',required=True)
cour_exec = fields.Many2one('cour.modl')
proc_exec = fields.Many2one('enro.modl')
inte_code = fields.Char(compute='_onchange_proc')
def _onchange_proc(self):
cate = "XX"
cour = "XXXX"
exet = "XXX"
output = cate+"-"+cour+"-"+exet
return output
I'm just trying with plain values just to know how to send it to the field.
Using the answer from #Charif I can print the static strings on the form, but the next milestome I'm trying to reach is getting the codes (external models fields) to crate that inte_code
ex: From the model cour.modl I want to get the value from the field cour_code(internal_id for course) corresponding to the cour_exec field on the first model (the cour_exec field have the description of the course from cour.modl model)
def _onchange_proc(self):
cate = "XX"
cour = self.env['cour.modl'].search([['cour_desc','=',self.cour_exec]])
exet = "XXX"
output = cate+"-"+cour+"-"+exet
self.inte_code = output
E #api.depends('inte_code')
def _onchange_proc(self):
cate = "XX"
# first domain use tuple not list
cour_result = self.env['cour.modl'].search([('id','=',exec_modl.cour_exec)]).cour_code
cour = "" # empty string because you cannot contcatenate None or False with a string value
#if cour_result :
# cour = ",".join(crse_code for crse_code in cour_result.ids)
#else :
# print "result of search is empty check you domain"
exet = "XXX"
output = cate+"-"+cour+"-"+exet+"-"+cour_result
self.inte_code = output
I've been trying to usse the search mode calling other model values but I have the console output :
Can't adapt type 'Many2One' , seems im trying to compare 2 different type of fields, the types can be parsed on odoo ? or I'm using a wrong syntax for search method?
def _onchange_proc(self):
cate = "XX"
# first domain use tuple not list
cour_result = self.env['cour.modl'].search([('id','=',exec_modl.cour_exec)]).cour_code
exet = "XXX"
output = cate+"-"+cour+"-"+exet+"-"+cour_result
self.inte_code = output
Finally I've reach the desired output! using the following code:
def _onchange_proc(self):
cate_result = self.cate_exec
proc_result = self.env['enro.modl'].search([('id','=',str(]).enro_code
cour_result = self.env['cour.modl'].search([('id','=',str(]).cour_code
output = str(proc_result)+"-"+str(cate_result)+"-"+str(cour_result)+"-"+self.exec_code
self.inte_code = output
Additionaly I've added a related field for add the course category to the final output.
cate_exec = fields.Char(related='cour_exec.cour_cate.cate_code')
Now the output have this structure:
EX: xxxxxxxx-xx-xxxx-xxx
First in compute field use api.depends not onchange :
Second the compute function don't return anything but it passes the record on the self variable so all you have to do is assign the value to the computed field.
def _onchange_proc(self):
# compute the value
# ...
# Than assign it to the field
self.computed_field = computed_value
one of the thing that i recommand to do is to loop the self because it's recordSet so if the self contains more than one record this previous code will raise signlton error
so you can do this :
# compute the value here if it's the same for every record in self
for rec in self :
# compute the value here it depends on the value of the record
rec.compute_field = computeValue
or use with api.depends
#api.depends('field1', 'field2', ...)
def _onchange_proc(self):
cate = "XX"
# first domain use tuple not list
cour_result = self.env['cour.modl'].search([('cour_desc','=',self.cour_exec)])
cour = "" # empty string because you cannot contcatenate None or False with a string value
if cour_result :
cour = ",".join(id for id in cour_result.ids)
else :
print "result of search is empty check you domain"
exet = "XXX"
output = cate+"-"+cour+"-"+exet
self.inte_code = output
try this code i think the result of search is a recordSet so you can get the list of ids by name_of_record_set.ids than create a string from the list of ids to concatenate it try and let me know if there is an error because i'm using work PC i don't have odoo on my hand ^^
You can create new wizard.
From wizard you can generate Internal Reference.
class create_internal_reference(models.TransientModel):
def create_internal_reference(self):
if active_ids:
return True
Create View & act_window
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="create_internal_reference_1">
<field name="name">Create Internal Reference</field>
<field name="model">create.internal.reference</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Create Internal Reference">
<button name="create_internal_reference" string="Generate Internal Reference" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
<button string="Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
<act_window name="Generate Internal Reference" res_model="create.internal.reference"
src_model="product.product" view_mode="form" view_type="form"
target="new" multi="True" key2="client_action_multi"
class product_product(models.Model):
def generate_new_internal_reference(self):
for product in self:
if not product.internal_reference:
From product.product under more button you can access this wizard and generate internal reference.
This may help you.

How to filter a many2many field in odoo8?

I've the following model, and the extend to the product_template
class Version(models.Model):
name = fields.Char()
model_id = fields.Many2one('product_cars_application.model',string="Model")
brand_id = fields.Char(related='',store=True,readonly=1)
year_id = fields.Char(related='',store=True,readonly=1)
from openerp.osv import osv,fields as Fields
class product_template(osv.osv):
_name = 'product.template'
_inherit = _name
_columns = {
And the following controller which I need to filter products by version_id
#http.route('/pa/get_products/<version_id>', auth='none', type='json',website=True)
def get_products(self,version_id,**kwargs):
version_id = int(version_id)
products = http.request.env['product.template'].sudo().search([(version_id,'in','versions_ids')])
I get none products in return while the version_id is in versions_ids.
Do anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?
I need to make the value of comparison of the field a list, maybe becouse the field versions_ids is a many2many
I have solved like this:
#http.route('/pa/get_products/<version_id>', auth='none', type='json',website=True)
def get_products(self,version_id,**kwargs):
products = http.request.env['product.template'].sudo().search([('versions_ids','in',[version_id])])
list = []
for p in products:
return {
"return products.ids" is missing inside get_products like:
#http.route('/pa/get_products/<version_id>', auth='none', type='json',website=True)
def get_products(self,version_id,**kwargs):
version_id = int(version_id)
products = http.request.env['product.template'].sudo().search([(version_id,'in','versions_ids')])
return products.ids