Processing can't access PShape array - nullpointerexception

I'm afraid I have a problem with a "NullPointerException".
I'm writing a Processing (v4) Sketch, which should load multiple svg files from a folder, into a PShape Array. Initializing the array works fine, giving it a length works fine but somehow when I want to overwrite a value, I get a NullPointerException.
int imageCount = 1;
PShape[] images;
void setup() {
images = new PShape[imageCount];
for (int i = 0; i<images.length; i++) {
println(images.length); //prints the expected result 1
images[i] = loadShape("platzhalter/Platzhalter_2_"+str(i)+".svg");
// throws NullPointerException
I hope someone here can help me, thx!

Okay so I solved it in the meantime.
Turns out that processing has some kind of limitations in terms of interpreting svg files. I had to transform text to outlines in the adobe illustrator export settings to make it work. Hope this helps anyone with the same issue.


PDFBox_Facing issue while extracting a certain image from the top of each page

Recently I had asked THIS QUESTION to be able to save all the images present in a PDF file on the File System and I was able to save the images successfully.
I tested my code on a lot of pdf files and it ran just fine. But, today I came accross THIS pdf file from where it is not able to extract some images(attached below).
Can anyone please tell me what else I can do to extract these images? Is it even possible to extract them? Are they really images or something else? I would really appreciate the help.
My code(Please ignore the hardcoding as I am still testing this out):
function fn_getAllImages()
var strPdf = "C:\\Users\\a614923\\Desktop\\haka\\Work\\2017\\10. October\\31\\test.PDF";
var strout = "C:\\Users\\a614923\\Desktop\\haka\\Work\\2017\\10. October\\31\\Newfolder\\img"
intPage = 2; //for the 2nd page(the image is present in the 2nd page)
var objPdf = JavaClasses.org_apache_pdfbox_pdmodel.PDDocument.load_3(strPdf);
var objPage = objPdf.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages().get(intPage-1);
var objImages = objPage.getResources().getXObjects().values().toArray();
var objImage, objImgBuffer, objImageFile;
for(var i=0; i<objImages.length; i++)
objImage = objImages.items(i);
//objImgBuffer = objImage.getRGBImage();
//objImageFile = JavaClasses.java_io.File.newInstance(strout+i+".png");
The image in the PDF file which I want to save(the one inside the red box below):

I'm looking for a solution for a loop with a array of images

so what i'm trying to do is to change the images that's stored in a array that contains 16 imgs, it's basically a animation for when you play a game (press forward character moves[moving imgs], release button character stops[stoped img]). The thing is that after the array reaches it's length max and the key is still being pressed it needs to reset the array to 15 (so this loop will give the illusion of the constant movement), but i think i'm not finding the right synthax or something.
Thanks in advance.
PImage p1;
PImage[] zeroArray = new PImage [16];
void setup() {
for(int i = 0; i < zeroArray.length; i++){
zeroArray[i] = loadImage (i + ".png");
void draw() {
if(keyPressed) {
} else if (i > zeroArray.length) {
zeroArray[] = zeroArray[15]; // <--this ain't right, how should i declare this??
image(zeroArray[i], 300, 300, 800, 800);
I think you're mixing a few ideas into one if statement. Let's take a look at this section of your code:
else if (i > zeroArray.length){
zeroArray[] = zeroArray[15];
Run through this line-by-line and really think about what it's doing. If a key is pressed, it increments the i variable. If a key is not pressed, then it checks whether i is greater than the length of the zeroArray array variable. If it is, it attempts to reset the array, which is not valid syntax.
Take a step back and think about what you're trying to do. Forget about code for a second. Write down exactly what you're trying to do, in English. My guess is you're trying to do something like this:
Change the image being drawn whenever the key is pressed.
If we reach the end of the images, then start over at the first image.
When you have something like that written out, that's an algorithm that you can start thinking about implementing with code. Break your problem down into smaller steps and take those steps on one at a time.
For example, step 1 is to change the image whenver the key is pressed. You basically have that already:
Then, step 1 is to reset the i variable whenever it reaches the end of the array. You might do that using an if statement like this:
if(i >= zeroArray.length){
i = 0;
Putting it all together, it would look like this:
if(i >= zeroArray.length){
i = 0;
Now this code checks if a key is being pressed, and if so it increments the i variable. It then checks whether the i variable has gone past the end of the array, and if so it reset it back to the beginning.
If that's not exactly what you're looking for, then the process of solving your problem is still the same: you need to write down, in English, exactly what you're trying to do. You need to do that before you start hammering away at the code.
Are you sure you want to reset the array to 15? That's the last element. However, in general, the solution would be to change the line:
zeroArray[] = zeroArray[15];} // <--this ain't right, how should i declare this??
i = 15; //Just change the index pointer to 15 (or whichever frame you want to reset to)
Thank you all for the answers, they really gave me some light.
To Kevin Workman.
Writing down the path that i intended to take really helped out, your thinking was almost on point. Using your method i came up with this
1)Change character sprites if key is being pressed
2) Reset movement to a certain point in case it exceeded the animation sprites, and the key is still being pressed
3)Set to fist sprite if the key is released or not being pressed at all
To Sahil Jain
You were right about changing the index to [15], it didn't work so well
Here is the revised code:
PImage p1;
PImage[] zeroArray = new PImage [16];
void setup(){
for(int i = 0; i < zeroArray.length; i++){
zeroArray[i] = loadImage (i + ".png");
void draw(){
if (keyCode == RIGHT){
} else {
i = 0;
if (i >= zeroArray.length){
i = 4;}
image(zeroArray[i], 300, 300, 800, 800);
Have you tried switching your else if to your main argument in the last If...Then statement? Also, don't forget to reset your variable i to 0 so it resets too and doesn't continue to always try to reset and end up in an infinite loop of sorts :)
As it is in your code in the question, it does the increment first and will never follow through to read into the second choice (the one you want it to do).

Illustrator variables - dynamically line up two text strings next to each other when autogenerating

I am automating the generation of several thousand labels in Adobe Illustrator. The use of the VariableImporter script has made easy work of it so far, but now I have reached an issue where I am stumped. The original plan worked great, until the powers that be requested that one line of text have a bold text string, followed by a normal weight text string. Before, when the font weights were the same I could have connected the two strings of text in the CSV file prior to loading them into the drawing, and they would have came out lying right next to each other. This is now no longer possible and I can't think of a solution that is not incredibly fussy.
I don't know illustrator very well, so I am thinking I could just be unaware of some setting that would stick an object next to another one even as the other one moves.
Okay here is the way I figured out how to do this with help from Adobe forums and from Vasily.
First of all, use InDesign if possible. It is better at performing a Data Merge and can do this without your scripting.
Write out <variable1> <variable2> which is formatted as needed on the same line of text.
You will need to have the variables that you are putting in there somewhere in the illustration. Recommended to put it in a hidden layer behind everything.
replace variable1 and variable2 with the names of your variables where the functions getVariableContents() are called in this script
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var vars = idoc.variables;
var replace1 = /<variable1>/g;
var replace2 = /<variable2>/g;
// author CarlosCanto on adobe forums
function getVariableContents(variableName) {
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var ivar = idoc.variables.getByName(variableName);
return ivar.pageItems[0].contents;
var replaceWith1 = getVariableContents('variable1'), result;
var replaceWith2 = getVariableContents('variable2'), result;
// regex_changeContentsOfWordOrString_RemainFormatting.jsx
// regards pixxxel schubser
function exchangeWords(s, replacer) {
var s = s;
var replacer = replacer;
var atfs = activeDocument.textFrames;
for (var i = atfs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
atf = atfs[i];
while (result = s.exec(atf.contents)) {
try {
aCon = atf.characters[result.index];
aCon.length = result[0].length;
aCon.contents = aCon.contents.replace(s, replacer);
} catch (e) {};
run the script
There is a way to accomplish this by having a script do some processing during the course of your batch output, and an organizational system which adds some overhead to your file, in terms of adding more text boxes and possibly an extra layer to your document. But - here's what you can have: a hidden layer with all your variables there in separate single point-text objects, and a layer with your regular template objects such as any point text or area-text objects. Your art text objects will need to be re-worked to contain a string with multiple variable placeholders like this: "Hello, <FirstName> <LastName>". The placeholders can be styled, and a processing script would then need to replace the <placeholder> words with your real variable values. Where are the varible values? They are going to be populating into your hidden layer which has your separate text objects and the script would need to read the contents of each of those to put into the <placeholders>. ~~Those same text fields can be styled as you wish, and the script could apply the same styles to your text when it is replaced in the main text body.~~ -actually this won't be necessary of your routine backs up the original text frame with the placeholder in it, therefore preserving the styling, but it may be necessary if you are going to instead use an external text file to keep your original text in. And of course, it will need to make a backup of the original text with all the <placeholders> so that it will reset the text for every new dataset during your batch process.
However, this is much easier done in Indesign, can you not use ID for your task?
I modified script from #tucker-david-grebitus's answer. So now it gets all textual variables and replaces all their names edged by percent symbol
for (var i = activeDocument.variables.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
var variable = activeDocument.variables[i];
if (variable.kind !== VariableKind.TEXTUAL || !variable.pageItems.length) {
var search = new RegExp('%' + + '%', 'g');
var value = variable.pageItems[0].contents;
for (var j = activeDocument.textFrames.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
var textFrame = activeDocument.textFrames[j];
textFrame.contents = textFrame.contents.replace(search, value);

AS2 Attaching a Bitmap to Dynamic created Variables

I'm stuck with this problem and simply cannot get it solved, sorry if there was another post about this already but I couldn't find it as well.
On to the problem then: I'm trying to make a simple function capable of initializing and updating bitmaps, and a few other variables I haven't thought of yet, when needed.
I created on the stage some MovieClips called slot0, slot1, slot2 etc... inside another MovieClip called ButtonRootPannel in order to have a visual of where I'll be putting the images without having to guess numbers in the code.
Together with those I set up this code:
var buttons_rootArray:Array = new Array;
for(var i=0;i<=11;i++){
this["slot"+i] = this.ButtonRootPannel.createEmptyMovieClip("slot"+i, i);
this["slot"+i].customState = "Inactive"; //Active, Inactive or Unavaiable
this["slot"+i]._x = eval("_root.ButtonRootPannel.slot"+i)._x;
this["slot"+i]._y = eval("_root.ButtonRootPannel.slot"+i)._y;
this["slot"+i]._width = eval("_root.ButtonRootPannel.slot"+i)._width;
this["slot"+i]._height = eval("_root.ButtonRootPannel.slot"+i)._height;
function UpdateButtonsSlot(slot:Number, newImage:String):Void{
var tempData:BitmapData = BitmapData.loadBitmap(newImage);
var tempClip:MovieClip = eval(buttons_rootArray[slot]);
Anyone knows what I might be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Well, problem solved, this now seems to be working for some strange reason:
for(var i=0;i<=11;i++){
var currentMC = eval("_root.ButtonRootPannel.slot"+i);
this["slot"+i] = this.ButtonRootPannel.createEmptyMovieClip("slot"+i, i);
this["slot"+i].customState = "Inactive"; //Active, Inactive or Unavaiable
this["slot"+i]._x = currentMC._x;
this["slot"+i]._y = currentMC._y;
//this["slot"+i]._width = currentMC._width;
//this["slot"+i]._height = currentMC._height;
Only those commented lines makes the MovieClip disappear if I uncomment them. Will just leave them out then and problem solved.

JSFL: selecting items returned by fl.findObjectInDocByType()

I can't seem to use the info returned by fl.findObjectInDocByType() with fl.getDocumentDOM().selection.
I want to use document.setTextRectangle to re-size some text fields from an array generated using fl.findObjectInDocByType().
I can easily access all the textObject properties but since document.setTextRectangle requires a current selection, I am at a loss.
The example in the documentaion for setting selection is:
fl.getDocumentDOM().selection = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline().layers[0].frames[0].elements[0];
fl.findObjectInDocByType() returns an array of objects with the attributes: (object.timeline, object.layer, object.frame, object.parent)
But these are objects, and don't have a property for array index numbers required by fl.getDocumentDOM().selection=...
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var textFieldArray = fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", doc);
for (var i=0; i < textFieldArray.length; i ++){
function fnResizeTheTextField(theTextField){
//force current selection to be theTextField
//doc.selection MUST be an array, so assign theTextField to an array...
var selectArray = new Array();
selectArray[0] = theTextField.obj;
var theTimeline =theTextField.timeline;
var theLayer =theTextField.layer;
var theFrame =theTextField.frame;
doc.currentTimeline =theTextField.timeline;
doc.selection = doc.getTimeline().theLayer.theFrame.selectArray;//error
//resize the text rectangle
doc.setTextRectangle({left:0, top:0, right:1000, bottom:1000});
Result: Error:doc.getTimeline().theLayer has no properties
It turns out, the ObjectFindAndSelect.jsfl script already contains a function specifically for this: fl.selectElement(). Much more elegant:
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
// generate an array of elements of type "text"
var textFieldArray = fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", doc);
for (var i=0; i < textFieldArray.length; i ++){
function fnResizeTheTextField(theTextField){
//force current selection to be theTextField
fl.selectElement(theTextField,false);//enter 'edit mode' =false...
//resize the text rectangle
doc.setTextRectangle({left:0, top:0, right:1000, bottom:1000});
I found the answer. In order to select anything for a document level operation, you have to also make flash focus on the keyframe of that object.
so, if I loop through an array of objects created by fl.findObjectInDocByType(), I use this code to make flash focus on the object correctly:
function fnMakeFlashLookAt(theObject){
doc.currentTimeline =theObject.timeline;
doc.getTimeline().currentLayer =theObject.layer;
doc.getTimeline().currentFrame =theObject.frame;
this may not work on objects nested inside a symbol however.
I had a similar issue recently, and apparently all google results about setTextRectangle() direct us here. It's unbelievable how poorly documented jsfl is :)
If you need to use setTextRectangle() inside an library item that is not on stage, you need to open for edit the item first.
Here's the code that solved my problem:
doc.selection = [tf];//where tf is the reference to textfield we need to edit
doc.setTextRectangle({left:l, top:t, right:r, bottom:b});
If you have a better working solution, please post. I hope it saves somebody's time. Good luck!