Zoom URL-schema and deep link format for zoomus links - url-scheme

I'm developing web application which uses Zoom API. In this application users are to be able to go to the specific Zoom meeting. Currently, we are using HTTPS-based links but Zoom provides very low-quality user experience with whose links. How to redirect users to zoomus:// meetings? I found Zoom Documentation such links exist. And found no information about format of those links.
So, the questions I have:
What is the format of zoomus:// URL-schema links
What is the format of Zoom deep links
Is there any API which allows to get a direct Zoom app link for a meeting.

When going via an HTTPS link the web browser then opens a zoommtg:// link which opens the Zoom app. I've not found any documentation for the schema, but looking at the URLs they're of the form:


How to implement customized unfurling (preview snippets) with Branch.io quick links?

We generate quick links in our iOS app that are supposed to point to specific content within the app. When a quick link is shared via a messaging app that supports preview snippets, we want the snippet to display custom content depending on the parameters passed when our iOS app generates a link.
For example, user wants to share an audio, the app generates a link which is then posted in a messaging app or social media. We want the preview snippet to reflect specific title/subtitle and image related to that audio.
We use a custom domain name for Branch links if that matters.
What is the right way to achieve this?
You can use Link Preview for achieving this functionality. It will enable the link to display content as a preview card in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, iMessage, etc. This card can contain a title, description and image (that you append in the link as OG Tags such as $og_title, $og_description, and $og_image_url) .

Incorrect image displayed when Gigya opens Google Plus share modal

I'm working with Gigya's Share Bar javascript api and am having an issue with google plus sharing. I have separate UserAction objects for facebook, twitter and google plus to display different text and linkbacks. I'm adding a media item (image) to the facebook and google plus actions to share that image along with the text. Facebook is sharing the correct image, however, google plus is displaying a different image. I have no idea where this image is coming from. Text and link are correct on both, but the image is frustratingly incorrect.
Has anyone encountered an issue like this? Is there something different that must be done for google plus shares?
Test your target URL with Google's structured data testing tool.
Read the snippet documentation to understand how the Google crawler determines what to use in the share preview.

Recommended way to embed Google Drive inside a WebView?

I have embedded a Google Drive webpage inside a webView in Mac OS X, but in this case the webpage is not fully functional:
It's not possible to Drag & Drop a file from the filesystem inside a document, (while it's possible to drop an image from another application)
The "Share" button does not work
The Print Button does not work
Multiple entries for the same user appear into the chat when opening the same document various times. The expected behavior is that the number of entries decrease when the user close the page. When a document is shown inside a Mac OS X WebView, the number of entries is increased correctly when opening a page, but it do not decrease when the WebView is closed.
I want to understand what is the recommended way to embed a Google Drive page inside a WebView to avoid all these issues.
Additionals information:
WebView documentation
All the requests are authenticated using the Google Drive Oauth access token.
There is no current recommended way of doing this, it should just work as if you are viewing Google Drive in any browser. Authorization should be done by the cookie though, Oauth token won't help you here.

Get img thumbnails from Yahoo! Screen Video Player (not older webplayer)

I am trying to get yahoo! screen video's image thumbs to embed on my website like we can easily do in other websites ( Get img thumbnails from Vimeo?, How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?, etc.).
There used to be a sugestion: Get thumbnail image for Yahoo video? (python) but it doesn't seem to work now with the new Yahoo! Screen.
Some quick searching on the Internets led me to Y!'s very own online help: http://help.yahoo.com/l/in/yahoo/video/using/using005.html;_ylt=Aj3rNfbhKBNyXODHGK5ONSo1qXtG
According to which, all I have to do is Copy the thumbnail code under the Share tab. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any thumbnail code under the Share tab.
I also couldn't find any Y!Screen api on http://developer.yahoo.com/everything.html that could help me with this... ideas?
Using YQL for cross domain data scraping along with jQuery is the solution that works.
Some of it is sound, some of it is hackish, but that's what scraping is all about I suppose.
The basis for this method was not done by me, but by using a tutorial for Facebook titled
Create a Facebook-style Link Preview Using jQuery & YQL written by Jocelyn Stretton.
Included in the modified JavaScript which serves as a starting point, you will have access and understand how to retrieve the following:
1. Yahoo! Screen Video Webpage Title
2. Yahoo! Screen Thumbnail URL Link
3. Yahoo! Screen Video URL Link
4. Scrape Other meta Tag Content
5. Yahoo Screen Video Embed Code provided by the Yahoo Screen Player itself.
DEMO in jsFiddle!
EDIT: jsFiddle DEMO is no longer subdomain (regionally) dependent for video example.
EDIT 2: For those that would like to see another tutorial based on this .ajax() YQL process, I've made two jsFiddles for Pinterest Data Scraping. You can see that SO Answer here that discusses a lot more in detail for XPATH.

How can I post a video, via Facebook's Connect API, to my Facebook profile page?

Has anyone posted a video via the Facebook Connect API to their profile / feed page?
Ideally, the video should be queued to the first frame with the superimposed Facebook's blue right arrow "play" button. Or if a thumbnail representing the video has to also be uploaded (rather than the video being queued to the first frame) as well, this is fine.
Also, when the video, or thumbnail, on the profile page is clicked, the video plays where it is - rather than going to another page off Facebook to be played there.
The question may have not been correctly worded. The term "API" was misleading to a couple of folks - and I apologize for that.
What I was trying to do was to "share" a video by linking it in Facebook, AND to have it play in the profile feed (ie. to not leave the Facebook site while viewing the video - just like YouTube and Hulu.com do).
After digging into the JavaScript that Hulu was using to get this behavior, we noticed that a link tag was missing between our version of the <meta> and <link> tags, and Hulu's.
Facebook's web page, http://www.facebook.com/share_partners.php, was missing a tag that you should have if the content is a video, and you want it played in the profile feed.
Along with:
<link rel="video_src" href="http://www.example.com/player.swf?video_id=123456789"/> ...
You should include:
<link rel="media:video" href="http://www.example.com/player.swf?video_id=123456789"/>
That will get it to play in the feed. BUT, your domain name must be whitelisted.
To get your domain whitelisted, fill out this form: http://www.facebook.com/share_partners.php#/developers/developer_help.php
I got a reply, and approval, within a day! Kudos to the Facebook developer support staff!
Use the Video.upload as described by stevedbrown or the Stream API or if you want to go simple share the link via API or share link.
Have you read the Facebook developer wiki page on this? That explains what is possible and how, it's pretty decent.