Js cookie Pyqt web browser - pyqt5

I’m trying to make a web browser with pyqt5. When I run web pages such as YouTube or yahoo, I see in the cmd prompt that it couldn’t enable the js cookie. How do I get this to work thanks


Google ClientID works for Google Sign-in platform library but not new GIS library

I'm trying to migrate my application from the older Google Sign-In platform library to the newer Google Identity Services library.
I have a client ID that works for the old method, but when I load the "Google Sign-in" button using GIS, I get 403 errors and an error log that GSI_Logger says my origin is not allowed for the client ID. I'm on localhost, but when I use the old method, there are no issues with localhost.
The only thing I can think of being different is that I load my Google client ID as a constant and rendered the button in the mounted() section of my Vue app's Login.vue, while previously I loaded it in main.js.
"Google One Tap can only be displayed in HTTPS domains".
So, it doesn't work because localhost is HTTP. I deployed to my testing environment which is HTTPS and got no such 403 errors.
Source: https://developers.google.com/identity/gsi/web/guides/get-google-api-clientid

Preventing users to get 403 disallowed_useragent Google error in react-native app

I've developed a react-native app which uses Auth0 to authenticate users.
I am getting a 403 disallowed_useragent error when some users try to authenticate using Google from my react-native app, using webAuth. As I searched, this is related to the browser app installed in the user device.
I can reproduce this issue using an Android 11 emulator disabling the Chrome browser, so the OS uses the WebView Browser Tester. If I let Chrome browser enabled, everything works OK.
So my question is: Is there a way to check if the browser installed in the user device supports Google Auth? So I can tell the user to update/install his browser if necessary.
I am using the official SDK react-native-auth0 v2.9.0 and react-native v0.66.0

Java + Pa11y + login web page

I am a beginner to Pa11y. The web application on which I am working needs user login. Once the user logs in then then only the rest of the pages are visible.
Any idea how can I use pa11y to login to the web page and run pa11y on those pages using java ?
We use java in pur project. Is ther any way to achieve this using java and how?
Your help is much appreciated as I could not find any example on internet which uses java + pa11y + web page login
Pa11y is a NodeJS application that spins up an instance of a headless browser, injects some JavaScript into the rendered page, then runs a series of tests against that rendered page. It doesn't interact in any way with the server-side technology of your website, so that's why you can't find instructions for using Pa11y with Java.
The Pa11y documentation explains how to log into a webpage using basic auth or through the site's login form. See How can Pa11y log in if my site's behind basic auth? and How can Pa11y log in if my site has a log in form?
Hope this helps!

JavaScript redirect in web context of HTML & JS store app

I'm having an issue with an which sits behind an enterprise authentication system. The app is an HTML5 web app which is loaded remotely through an iframe. This works fine, until the authentication system is integrated; this uses a javascript redirect which WinJS refuses to follow and logs an error APPHOST9624.
Is there a way around this?

Objective-c login to google and get user bookmarks

I'm working on a web browser for iOS and I'm trying to add google chrome sync for bookmarks. I've seen a few ps do this, like the chrome app and Mercury web browser. I can't find anything for the API to retrieve the bookmarks.