Appropriate report items to design price label in RDLC - rdlc

could anyone give me some idea on how to design a price label using rdlc report. I'm not sure which tool (list,table,etc) should be used. My expectation is displayed as below.
enter image description here


ReportViewer in Winform doesn't show correctly the page designed in RDLC Report - VB.NET

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 with VB.NET
I've prepared a rdlc report, with rectangles and textboxes (no tables, cause I don't need to show any dataset, but only a list of data resulting by an elaboration).
I simply need to print this report on a common A4 paper, so I've added a reportviewer correctly connetted with my rdlc report.
In the rdlc report design screen I correclty see my report, with rulers on the left and on the top, that correctly indicate the A4 measures: 21cm W x 29,7 H.
Also my rdlc report InteractiveSize and PageSize are set on 21cm x 29,7cm , with 1cm; 1cm; 1cm; 1cm in margins.
With this situation, I start the program, make the elaboration and view my report in reportviewer after the elaboration. In its layout view, my rdlc report is shown like "pressed" and miniaturized on the left, with the header of the rdlc report that is repeated along 3 pages. The first page contains both header and all textboxes with solid borders, small and pressed on the left of the reportviewer view, while page 2 and 3 have only the header, with the rest blank.
If I print this reportviewer view, I get on paper exactly what I see in the reportviewer layout view, while if I export it in a pdf, I get 3 pages, but this time they are not smaller and pressed on the left of the screen, instead they correclty fit my rdlc original settings, even if the header is repeated along 3 pages again (but not "smallerized" this time).
I'm forced to ask this question cause after a long search I haven't found any solution, despite the big amount of topics I've read where users ask similar problems with this reportviewer.
Really hope in some suggestion.
You can decrease the size of your RDLC report page, it will not add additional page in PDF and would correctly fit with your default settings.

Crystal Report Default Picture not changing to my Path Picture

Why is it the Old picture in my crystal report is not changing to my Path Image?
What wrong with my steps?
Insert Picture Box and Select Any image.
Format Object
Select Picture Tab control
Modify Graphic Location
In Formula Workshop i've drag the fields contains my Path Image
Then Save.
Still not working. Is there something wrong?
Please help me.
Finally I found an answer to my question.
All my steps are correct but the error is in the [Picturebox].
before I will click the print button to print my report, In the form there is a picture box that display the image of the path that I will be using in the crystal report. So when the crystal report loads. The default image is showed not the image from path it because picture box is still using the image; that's why Crystal Reports cannot open the image.
Hope this is the correct reasons to my problem.
For users wondering why the image in their Crystal Reports load some time and some time not. It is because maybe you open the form that contains that image. For example you have a form company profile and there is a image of company there. Then you have some reports that will be using the company image just for the header part; then your problem is the image load correctly but some time is not. Try to dispose the image in the company form when you close the form so that the crystal report can use the image.

Divide Legal page into three parts in Crystal Reports

I am working on a VB.NET project. In that we have Visual Studio 2012, .NET Framework 4.5.1 and Crystal Reports
I need to print a receipt and as per requirement, I need to fit 3 receipts on one single Legal Size page. Considering the margins, I managed to design a receipt which fits in required length.
Please refer image for receipt layout and printing page preferences. Receipt Image with Layout and Properties
I tried to print the out very different setting, but I am not getting print at the upper side of the Legal page.
I tried to Create Custom Printing form (Dimensions referred in image) in Printer Properties, selected input paper as Legal and output paper as Custom Paper Size but that did not worked too.
All I am getting is print at the center of the page.

continues printing in crystal report in

i am trying to make a software for inventory and invoice.
i am using 4.5, SQL-server 2005 and crystal report.
my problem is that sometimes items are increases more then page size and i want them all to print on a single paper.
i am using TVS RP 3160 thermal printer. i want the paper width 7 cm and height according to the items.
i create two pages ,now i want that when the first page finish then the printer continues to print second page from details section or report footer.
i want to print my bill properly ,i don't want to print two different bills.
hope you understand my problem. please give your suggestions.
I appreciate if you can provide me some tutorial or source code for this problem.
Thank you.
Consider using SubReport in Crystal report. You can design your first page at first subreport and then the next page on the other sub report. Your main report will contain your one or more subreport on its footer section (you can use as many subreport as you want but also consider the performance impact).
Here is a tutorial

How to view multipe reports in 1 crystal reports viewer?

How can I open 2 seperate reports in 1 crystal reports viewer at a single time?
And when previewing the report, I see that my subreport doesn't filled its parent control width, how to Subreport width fill its parent width?
I use crystal reports for visual studio 2010.
As far as I know you can't have multiple reports show in the same viewer as the report gets bound to the viewer. Now there are some ways of getting around that and making it look like you have multiple reports showing in one viewer:
1) You could append multiple viewers to your page and suppress all toolbars.
2) You could make each of the reports into a subreport and put them into one report.
3) If the report is not going to be interactive(ie - paging, links, drill down, etc) you could just generate pdf's for each report and merge them.
And about your subreport not showing correctly: you need to format the subreport seperately to make it fit your page. Just formatting the subreport container will not help, you have to format the subreport itself.
Hope that helps!