I am unsure of the SPARQL query needed to replicate the results of DL Query "has part some benzamide".
That query should return all entities that have some part that is a benzamide or a subclass of benzamide.
My SPARQL attempt:
PREFIX opioid: <https://mac389.github.io/ontology#>
SELECT ?substance ?substance_label
{ ?substance rdfs:subClassOf* opioid:chemical_entity.
?substance rdfs:subClassOf* / opioid:has_part / owl:someValuesFrom opioid:benzamide.
?substance rdfs:label ?substance_label }
Link to OWL as RDF/XML
In this code the 1st and 3rd lines work as intended, retrieving a list of all chemical entities and their labels. When I add the second line, the query returns no answers (there should be 21 items which is what the DL Query in Protege returns).
How does one query for anonymous subclasses like this?
I have looked at this question but I am looking for a subclass that only fulfills one of the property restrictions. I don't fully understand the answer to this question, but mine seems very related.
Trying to find if there is a property that connects two arbitrary entities on Wikidata. This works fine, unless one of the entities is in a list for the other entity. In this case only the first entity in the list is seen as being connected to the other. For example: 'Python' and 'object-based language' (first in the list for property 'instance of') return a property, but 'Python' and 'programming language' do not.
SELECT ?prop
wd:Q28865 ?prop wd:Q9143.
How to make this work for all entities in such a list?
When you use the normal wdt: namespace for properties, you will only get the statements of the highest rank for each property. Wikidata in general has three ranks:
Preferred rank
Normal rank
Deprecated rank
In your case "object-based language" (Q899523) has the preferred rank. So all statements returned need to have the same preferred rank. "programming language" (Q9143) only has normal rank and hence is not included in that namespace.
If you want all statements, afaik you have to take the detour via the statement entities like this:
wd:Q28865 ?propP ?stmt .
?stmt ?propPS wd:Q9143 ;
wikibase:rank ?rank .
FILTER( STRSTARTS( STR(?propPS), 'http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/' ) ) .
Try it
This actually uses the p: and ps: namespaces.
See also this subsection in the Wikidata wiki on using ranks in SPARQL.
Hi I'm trying to learn how to query DBpedia using SPARQL. I can't find any website/source that shows me how do this and I'm finding it difficult to learn how to use all the properties (like the ones available at http://mappings.dbpedia.org/index.php?title=Special%3AAllPages&from=&to=&namespace=202 ). Any good source I can learn from?
So for example if I want to check if the wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inception is a movie (property film) or not, how do I do that?
The wikipedia URL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inception maps to the dbpedia URI http://dbpedia.org/resource/Inception. Dbpedia has a SPARQL endpoint at: http://dbpedia.org/sparql, which you may use to run queries either programmatically or via the html interface.
To check if http://dbpedia.org/page/Inception is a "movie", you have many options. To give you an idea:
If you know the URI of "movie" in dbpedia (it is http://schema.org/Movie), then run an ASK query to check against that type. ASK will return true/false based on whether the pattern in the where clause is valid against the data:
ASK where {
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Inception> a <http://schema.org/Movie>
If you don't know the URI of "movie" then you have a number of options. For example:
Execute an ASK query with a filter on whether the resource has a type that contains the word "movie" somewhere in its uri (or its associated rdfs:label, or both). You would use a regular expression for this:
ASK where {
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Inception> a ?type .
FILTER regex(str(?type), "^.*movie", "i")
Same idea, but return all matches and post-process the results (programmatically I pressume) to see if they match your request:
select distinct ?type where {
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Inception> a ?type .
FILTER regex(str(?type), "^.*movie", "i")
Return all the types of the resource without applying a filter and post-process to see if they match your request:
select distinct ?type where {
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Inception> a ?type
Many options. The SPARQL spec is you number one resource.
First I suggest you start reading up on what exactly SPARQL is. There are tons of really good tutorials such as: this.
If you want to write SPARQL queries on dbpedia, there are various endpoints that you can use. They don't always accept all features that are supported by SPARQL, but if you don't want to go through the trouble of installing one locally, they can be a relatively reliable test environment. The queries that I am going to write below, have been tested on Virtuoso endpoint.
Let's say you want to find all the movies in dbpedia. You first need to know what is the URI for a movie type in dbpedia. If you open Inception in dbpedia, you can see that the type dbpedia-owl:Film is associated to it. So if you want to get the first 100 movies, you just need to call:
select distinct *
where {
?s ?o dbpedia-owl:Film
} LIMIT 100
If you want o know more about each of these movies, you just need to expand your queries by expanding the triples.
select distinct *
where {
?s ?p dbpedia-owl:Film.
?s ?x ?y.
} LIMIT 100
I've been testing Sesame 2.7.2 and I got a big surprise when faced to the fact that DESCRIBE queries do not include blank nodes closure [EDIT: the right term for this is CBD for concise bounded description]
If I correctly understand, the SPARQL spec is quite loose on that and says that what is returned is actually up to the provider, but I'm still surprised at the choice, since bnodes (in the results of the describe query) cannot be used in subsequent SPARQL queries.
So the question is: how can I get a closed description of a resource <uri1> without doing:
query DESCRIBE <uri1>
iterate over the result to determine which objects are blank nodes
then DESCRIBE ?b WHERE { <uri1> pred_relating_to_bnode_ ?b }
do it recursively and chaining over as long as bnodes are found
If I'm not mistaken, depth-2 bnodes would have to be described with
DESCRIBE ?b2 WHERE {<uri1> <p1&> ?b . ?b <p2> ?b2 }
unless there is a simpler way to do this?
Finally, would it not be better and simpler to let DESCRIBE return a closed description of a resource where you can still obtain the currently returned result with something like the following?
CONSTRUCT {<uri1> ?p ?o} WHERE {<uri1> ?p ?o}
EDIT: here is an example of a closed result I want to get back from Sesame
<urn:sites#1> a my:WebSite .
<urn:sites#1> my:domainName _:autos1 .
<urn:sites#1> my:online "true"^^xsd:boolean .
_:autos1 a rdf:Alt .
_:autos1 rdf:_1 _:autos2
_:autos2 my:url ""#fr
_:autos2 my:url ""#en
Currently: DESCRIBE <urn:sites#1> returns me the same result as the query CONSTRUCT WHERE {<urn:sites#1> ?p ?o}, so I get only that
<urn:sites#1> a my:WebSite .
<urn:sites#1> my:domainName _:autos1 .
<urn:sites#1> my:online "true"^^xsd:boolean .
Partial solutions using SPARQL
Based on your comments, this isn't an exact solution yet, but note that you can describe multiple things in a given describe query. For instance, given the data:
#prefix : <http://example.org/> .
:Alice :named "Alice" ;
:likes :Bill, [ :named "Carl" ;
:likes [ :named "Daphne" ]].
:Bill :likes :Elaine ;
:named "Bill" .
you can run the query:
PREFIX : <http://example.org/>
describe :Alice ?object where {
:Alice :likes* ?object .
FILTER( isBlank( ?object ) )
and get the results:
#prefix : <http://example.org/> .
:likes :Bill ;
:likes [ :likes [ :named "Daphne"
] ;
:named "Carl"
] ;
:named "Alice" .
That's not a complete description of course, because it's only following :likes out from :Alice, not arbitrary predicates. But it does get the blank nodes named "Carl" and "Daphne", which is a start.
The larger issue in Sesame
It looks like you're going to have to do something like what's described above, and possibly with multiple searches, or you're going to have to modify Sesame. The alternative to writing some creative SPARQL is to change the way that Sesame implements describe queries. Some endpoints make this relatively easy, but Sesame doesn't seem to be one of them. There's a mailing list thread from 2011, Custom SPARQL DESCRIBE Implementation, that seems addressed at this same problem.
Roberto GarcĂa asks:
I'm trying to customise the behaviour of SPARQL DESCRIBE queries.
I'm willing to get something similar to CBD (i.e. all properties and
values for the described resource plus all properties and values for
the blank nodes connected to it).
I have tried to reproduce a similar behaviour using a CONSTRUCT query
but the performance is not good and the query gets quite complex if I
try to consider long chains of properties pointing to blank nodes
starting from the described resource.
Jeen Broekstra replies:
The implementation of DESCRIBE in Sesame is hardcoded in the query
parser. It can only be changed by adapting the parser itself, and even
then it will be tricky, as the query model has no easy way to express it
either: it needs an extension of the algebra.
> If this is not possible, any advice about how to implement it using CONSTRUCT
I'm not sure it's technically possible to do this in a single query.
CBDs are recursive in nature, and while SPARQL does have some support
for recursivity (property chains), the problem is that you have to do an
intermediate check in every step of the property chain to see if the
bound value is a blank node or not. This is not something that SPARQL
supports out of the box: property chains are defined to have only length
of the path as the stop condition.
Perhaps something is possible using a convoluted combination of
subqueries, unions and optionals, but I doubt it.
I think the best workaround is instead to use the standard DESCRIBE
format that Sesame supports, and for each blank node value in that
result do a separate consecutive query. In other words: you solve it by
The only other option is to log a feature request for support of CBDs in
Sesame. I can't give any guarantees about if/when that will be followed
up on though.
Say I need to fetch content from wikipedia about all mountains. My target is to show initial paragraph, and an image from respective article (eg. Monte Rosa and Vincent Pyramid.
I came to know about dbpedia, and with some research got to find that it provides live queries into wiki database directly.
I have 2 questions:
1 - I am finding it difficult how could I formulate my queries. I can't play around iSPARQL. I tried following query but it throws error saying invalid xml.
SELECT DISTINCT ?Mountain FROM <http://dbpedia.org> WHERE {
[] rdf:type ?Mountain
2 - My requirement is to show only mountains that have at least 1 image (I need to show this image too). Now the ones I listed above have images, but how could I be sure? Also, looking at both examples I see many fields differ in wiki articles - so for future extension it maybe quite difficult to fetch them.
I just want to reject those which do not have sufficient data or description.
How can I filter out mountains based on pictures present?
My corrected query, which solves my first problem:
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?description
?name rdf:type <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Mountain>;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?description .
You can also query dbpedia using its SPARQL endpoint (less fancy than iSPARQL). To find out more about what queries to write, take a look at the DBpedia's datasets page. The examples there show how one can select pages based on Wikipedia categories. To select resources in the Wikipedia Mountains category, you can use the following query:
select ?mountain where {
?mountain a dbpedia-owl:Mountain .
SPARQL Results
Once you have some of these links in hand, you can look at them in a web browser and see the data associated with them. For instance the page for Mount Everest shows lots of properties. For restricting results to those pages that have an image, you might be interested in the dbpedia-owl:thumbnail property, or perhaps better yet foaf:depiction. For the introductory paragraph, you probably want something like the dbpedia-owl:abstract. Using those, we can enhance the query from before. The following query finds things in the category Stratovolcanoes with an abstract and an depiction. Since StackOverflow is an English language site, I've restricted the abstracts to those in English.
select * where {
?mountain a dbpedia-owl:Mountain ;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
foaf:depiction ?depiction .
SPARQL Results
I've the following Ontology built in Protege 4.
In this Ontology : The main class Frame has an datatypeProperty hasDuration with domain 'Frame' and range UnsignedShort. the ClassShortFrame and LongFrame are inferred from the class SizedFrame with the followiing restriction
Rectriction for ShortFrame class
SizedFrame that hasDuration some unsignedLong[<=20]
Rectriction for LongFrame class
SizedFrame that hasDuration some unsignedLong[>=200]
I've manually created an instance of the class frame named frame0, which has a property hasDuration set to 12.
What is the SPARQL query that I need to get the all shortFrame. I hope that frame0 will be inferred like a shortFrame ?
Thanks for any reply !
Edition: sample query
PREFIX frame: <http://www.semantic.org/sample.owl#>
SELECT ?y WHERE {?y rdf:type frame:Frame}
but It is not working ! maybe It is not correct !
I believe, You're going to write some queries for OWL restriction information in SPARQL language. SPARQL is a RDF query language and has no understanding the concepts of OWL. Instead of making a restriction, you can use a data property to define duration value and from that you can get all the shortFrames using SPARQL. Other option I would recommend is use SWRL rules instead of SPARQL. Hope this helps !!
The query you give asks for all instance of type frame:Frame. Since you want just the short frames, you should adapt it like so:
SELECT ?y WHERE {?y a frame:ShortFrame}
...but the above will only work if the reasoner understands your restriction and can correctly classify frame0 as an instance of ShortFrame. I am not overly familiar with Protege's syntax for owl restrictions, so I am not 100% sure your restriction expresses what you want it to express.
As an alternative, you can actually express the restriction you require in SPARQL. To query for all frames with a duration of less than 20:
?y a frame:Frame;
frame:hasDuration ?d .
FILTER (?d <= 20)