Downloaded a bunch of lottie animations from
Trying to run these lottie animations on PyQt5 QML and i get an error on Qt Creator:
qt.lottieqt.bodymovin.parser: assets not supported
qt.lottieqt.bodymovin.parser: Unsupported layer type: 0
qt.lottieqt.bodymovin.parser: Unsupported layer type: 1
qt.lottieqt.bodymovin.parser: Unsupported layer type: 2
QColor::setRgbF: Alpha parameter is out of range
And many more issues...
Is there any explanations for this because i couldn't find anything online
for example:
1 Lottie animation worked was:
and that's the only one that worked
lottie animation that didn't work is:
I'm trying to display 3d model in react-native iOS, but with no luck yet. I tried two libraries: expo-three, react-fiber-three.
Both working great on Android - no issues here, but when I'm trying to run it on iOS I'm just getting empty screen - 3d model hasn't being loaded.
By any chance does anybody worked lately with this libraries and have a luck with iOS setup? I would appreciate any information.
I'm new to React Native and I'm having problems in both platforms with react-native-maps Callout. I'm using Apple maps on iOS and Google ones on Android. Callout shows title and image.
On iOS when I have several markers in the map, and some of them are very near each other, when clicking the marker the callout shows for a second but then it hides and shows the one from the nearest marker. I have searched for a solution and found people using some workarounds like setting pointerEvents="auto" but nothing worked for me.
On Android when clicking the marker the callout shows correctly but the image is not shown. I also searched and found a workaround including the image inside a but this didn't work for me at all, it works better, because the image is shown most of the times, but not always. So for now I'm only showing the title on Android.
I have tried using last react-native-maps version 0.28.0 and same behavior. I haven't tried Google Maps on iOS, I think that will be the following step if I can't find a solution.
I also tried react-native-mapbox-gl and works fine on iOS, the Callout shows correctly with title and image, but on Android I install the app and it opens for a second and then closes throwing MainActivity not found error. If I go back to the previous commit without react-native-mapbox-gl then it installs and opens correctly. I have thought also about using react-native-mapbox-gl on iOS and react-native-maps on Android. But, is it really so hard this to work with maps in React Native?
Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue and solved it adding this to the Marker
anchor={{x: 1, y: 1}}
In a React native application, We are trying to load Lottie animation as a splash screen.
In android, I'm able to achieve it by creating a native view for the android Lottie library. I want to play lottie animation in splash screen+ React native
I need the same in iOS, currently, we have an image splash screen, which we have implemented images.xcassets and LaunchScreen.storyboard (refer to screenshots)
Is there any possibility to use Lottie animations instead of these images here?
There is a workaround where I can add the Lottie animation in the app.js before starting with app content. In this case, first, the above-mentioned splash screen comes and the animation. If I remove this splash screen here, then a white screen and the animation will come.
How to use the Lottie animation instead of splash screen image on iOS?
At first, I have searched many articles about changing ios's LaunchScreen.storyboard with lottie animation. However, Xcode enforces that LaunchScreen.storyboard should be static screen. So, I inserted animation code after static launch screen loading. Maybe, launch screen is essential, because it is loading screen for initial loading resource in ios. If you remove the launch screen, then ios app shows black or white screen at first loading. Remove launch screen, Xcode 7
If you looking for animation launch screen using lottie in react native, i would suggest looking into this package.
It implements animation splash screen using airbnb lottie files. Also, I apply this for multiple react native projects and it worked well. Have a nice day!
In iOS, the splash screen is a view without any associated logic.
What you could do to give the impression of the animation is to have it look like the first frame of your Lottie file.
Then, in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, you can start your Lottie animation.
In a RN application, the splash screen should be a quick flash and most of the startup time would be taken up by the RN setup. So, the animation should show up relatively smoothly even with this approch.
You can take a look at this repo to see how they've implemented it.
I'm trying to build an react native app that allow user to record and publish square video (like instagram). Here are my attempts :
1 - Find a library that crop video in app => fail
2 - Find a library that show a square camera screen => fail
3 - Record video using native picker and use hidden overflow to display square video => success
I think that solution 3 is not optimal, do you have others ideas ?
(Library I checked : react-native-image-picker, react-native-image-crop-picker, react-native-camera, react-native-video-processing)
I think react-native-camera and react-native-video-processing is the right combo. You capture video with camera and then aggregate it with processing lib. To display a preview square screen to a user it would be best to crop camera view and make it look as a square. Later, in background, make it actual square.
I'm messing with this currently too :)
I'm using this animation in my react native Expo app:
The animation runs, I can see the shadow of the ball but I can't see the ball image.
The image is defined like this in the animation json file:
I put the image and the json file into the same folder. I guess Lottie can't find the image. I tried lots of different combinations for the "u" parameter but I couldn't manage to show the image.
Any help is appreciated.
I found the solution - just drag the images folder into your bundle resources in your Xcode project.