Prometheus Discovering Services with Consul: tls:Bad Certificate - ssl

I want to make use of Consul with Prometheus. But receive the tls:Bad Certificate error.
caller=consul.go:513 level=error component="discovery manager scrape" discovery=consul msg="Error refreshing service" service=NodeExporter tags= err="Get \"https://consul.service.dc1.consul:8500/v1/health/service/NodeExporter?dc=dc1&stale=&wait=120000ms\": remote error: tls: bad certificate"
At the same time when running the same manually with curl, I am able to get an expected output:
curl -v -s -X GET "https://consul.service.dc1.consul:8500/v1/health/service/NodeExporter?dc=dc1&stale=&wait=120000ms" --key /secrets/consul.key --cert /secrets/consul.pem --cacert /secrets/cachain.pem
To see more details from curl debug output, please see here:
The Prometheus is running in Docker. The Prometheus version is 2.31.1
curl command I also execute from the same Docker container.
Here Prometheus config:
# my global config
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
- job_name: "node_exporter"
- server: "consul.service.dc1.consul:8500"
scheme: "https"
datacenter: "dc1"
services: [
ca_file: "/secrets/cachain.pem"
cert_file: "/secrets/consul.pem"
key_file: "/secrets/consul.key"
The Prometheus is able to access the specified certificates.
I have also tried to add "insecure_skip_verify" property into the prometheus config file. I receive the same error.
The steps how the certificates are created:
I create an offline self-signed root CA by using Ansible modules from community.crypto collection
Create CSR and sign Intermediate CA1 with that root CA
I upload the Intermediate CA1 and the corresponding key into PKI secret engine in Hashicorp Vault.
After that inside Vault PKI I create new CSR and use Intermediate CA1 to sign Intermediate CA2.
Create a PKI role
The certificates in Prometheus are leaf certificates of Intermediate CA2 issued against the mentioned PKI role.
See the output of openssl x509 -text command for the used certificates here
Any ideas what I am missing here?


Troubleshooting - Setting up private GitLab server and connecting Gitlab Runners

I have a Gitlab instance running in docker on a dedicated private server (accessible only from within our vpc). We want to start doing CI using Gitlab runners so I spun up another server to host our runners.
Now that Gitlab-Runner has been configured, I try and register a runner with the private IP of the Gitlab server and the registration token
Enter the GitLab instance URL (for example,
Enter the registration token:
Enter a description for the runner:
Enter tags for the runner (comma-separated):
ERROR: Registering runner... failed runner=m616FJy- status=couldn't execute POST against https://$GITLAB_PRIVATE_IP/api/v4/runners: Post "https://$GITLAB_PRIVATE_IP/api/v4/runners": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-02-06T20:00:35Z is after 2021-12-24T04:54:28Z
It looks like our certs have expired and to verify:
echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $GITLAB_PRIVATE_IP:443 2>&1 | openssl x509 -noout -dates
notBefore=Nov 24 04:54:28 2021 GMT
notAfter=Dec 24 04:54:28 2021 GMT
Gitlab comes with let's encrypt so I decided to enable let's encrypt and cert autorenewal in gitlab rails, however when I try and reconfigure I get the error message:
There was an error running gitlab-ctl reconfigure:
letsencrypt_certificate[$GITLAB_PRIVATE_IP] (letsencrypt::http_authorization line 6) had an error: Acme::Client::Error::RejectedIdentifier: acme_certificate[staging] (/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/letsencrypt/resources/certificate.rb line 41) had an error: Acme::Client::Error::RejectedIdentifier: Error creating new order :: Cannot issue for "$GITLAB_PRIVATE_IP": The ACME server can not issue a certificate for an IP address
So it looks like I can't use the let's encrypt option that packaged with gitlab to enable the renewal of certs.
How can I create/renew ssl certs on a private linux server without a domain?
If you've set up Gitlab + Runners on private servers, what does your rails configuration look like?
Is there a way to enable DNS on a private server for the sole purpose of a certificate authority granting certs?
I would suggest to use Self-signed certificate I have tested this before and its working fine but require some work. I will try to summarize some of the steps needed:
1- generate Self-signed certificate with the domain you choose and make sure to keep it in /etc/gitlab-runner/certs/
2- you need to add the domain and certs path in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
3- reconfigure giltab
4- when connecting the runner make sure to manually copy and activate certs to the runner server .

Https for prometheus with self-signed ssl certificate

Trying to get up SSL for prometheus (started via docker). I generated key and crt myself using open ssl. Pair: key and crt works ok.
when I execute this command on my host:
openssl s_server -cert prometheus.crt -key prometheus.key
It's saying "ACCEPT"
Here is my Dockerfile for prometheus container:
When I build image and start it, it's saying:
level=error ts=2021-09-24T20:44:11.649Z caller=stdlib.go:105 component=web caller="http: TLS handshake error from" msg="remote error: tls: bad certificate"
кричит постоянно
In the web.yml I configure SSL in a following way:
cert_file: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.crt
key_file: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.key
In the prometheus.yml I configure SSL in a following way:
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'prometheus'
scheme: https
ca_file: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.crt
cert_file: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.crt
key_file: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.key
What could be the reason of this error ?
If it's self-signed, you shouldn't need a CA file, so try deleting that line in the tls_config and restarting the container.
I know this is old, so apologies if it's bad to answer an old question. Feel free to delete.

Consul Helm TLS erro: unknown PEM block type for signing key: CERTIFICATE

I'm trying to understand this error. I am deploying Consul with TLS and Consul Server and Clients. On the tls init containers I get this error.
kubectl logs consul-consul-tls-init-b2rfv
==> WARNING: Server Certificates grants authority to become a
server and access all state in the cluster including root keys
and all ACL tokens. Do not distribute them to production hosts
that are not server nodes. Store them as securely as CA keys.
==> Using /consul/tls/ca/cert/tls.crt and /consul/tls/ca/key/tls.key
unknown PEM block type for signing key: CERTIFICATE
I have tried to create CA certificate and the key in a number of ways. First I tried with openssl, then I tried with cfssl and finally I tried with the consul client. All the same error.
From best I can tell, the volumes are mounting from the secrets. Here is an example of my values.yaml I am deploying consul with through helm 3.
secretName: "gossip"
secretKey: "key"
enabled: true
verify: false # only for troubleshooting hoping it would help, also tried with true
secretName: "consul-tls-ca"
secretKey: "tls.crt"
secretName: "consul-server-tls"
secretKey: "tls.crt"
Examples of how I create my gossip and tls secrets
export GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY=$(consul keygen)
kubectl create secret generic gossip --from-literal="key=${GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY}"
kubectl create secret generic consul-tls-ca --from-file="tls.crt=./ca.pem"
kubectl create secret generic consul-server-tls --from-file="tls.crt=./server.pem" --from-file="tls.key=./server-key.pem"
I have not found any similar reported errors from others by googling or searching SO. Hashicorps documentation says nothing about it, or I have not found it.
They fixed it in consul 1.10 - previously it knew only ECP certificates. More in

Docker private registry | TLS certificate issue

I've tried to follow the following tutorial to setup our own private registry (v2) on an AWS Centos machine.
I've self signed a TLS certificate and placed it in /etc/docker/certs.d/MACHINE_STATIS_IP:5000/
When trying to login the registry (docker login MACHINE_IP:5000) or push a tagged repository (MACHINE_IP:5000/ubuntu:latest) i get the following error :
Error response from daemon: Get https://MACHINE_IP:5000/v1/users/: x509: cannot validate certificate for MACHINE_IP because it doesn't contain any IP SANs
Tried to search for an answer for 2 days, however I couldn't find any.
I've set the certificate CN (common name) to MACHINE_STATIC_IP:5000
When using a self signed TLS certificate docker daemon require you to add the certificate to it's known certificates.
Use the keytool command to grab the certificate :
keytool -printcert -sslserver ${NEXUS_DOMAIN}:${SSL_PORT} -rfc > ${NEXUS_DOMAIN}.crt
And copy it your client's machine SSL certificates directory (in my case - ubuntu):
sudo cp ${NEXUS_DOMAIN}.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/${NEXUS_DOMAIN}.crt && sudo update-ca-certificates
Now reload docker daemon and you're good to go :
sudo systemctl restart docker
You can also use the following command to temporarily trust the certificate without adding it your system certificates.
docker --tlscert <the downloaded tls cert> pull <whatever you want to pull>

docker pull gets me the error: "Download failed, retrying: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"

so I am working behind a corporate Proxy that uses it's own, self-signed certificates.
What I did was editing ~/.curlc so that it is configured to use my proxy, as well as setting the environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy.
Then I installed the proxy's ca certificate by moving it into \etc\ssl\certs and creating the link to its hash via ln -s my_ca.pem `openssl x509 -hash -noout -in my_ca.pem`.0.
So now I can curl and wget and everything works fine.
Next I created the directory /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d and created a new file in it called http-proxy.conf:
Environment= "HTTP_PROXY=" "HTTPS_PROXY="
After doing that docker search works as it should but I still cannot pull a container from the official registry.
systemctl status docker tells me: Download failed, retrying: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
So I really don't know what else I can do for it to work. Maybe anybody on here has an idea?
The full output of a docker pull call when running the docker daemon in debug mode:
DEBU[0092] Calling GET /v1.22/info
DEBU[0092] GET /v1.22/info
DEBU[0092] Calling POST /v1.22/images/create
DEBU[0092] POST /v1.22/images/create?fromImage=httpd%3Alatest
DEBU[0092] Trying to pull httpd from v2
DEBU[0093] Increasing token expiration to: 0 seconds
DEBU[0094] Pulling ref from V2 registry: httpd:latest
DEBU[0094] pulling blob "sha256:7268d8f794c449e593d3a48f62e7e22b7c3a4b6e615caaf9494ec3cb2d48f503"
DEBU[0094] pulling blob "sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4"
DEBU[0094] pulling blob "sha256:5d77cae53716e669a240114fc676b26cb052cb325078c869f884cab8a658be17"
ERRO[0095] Download failed, retrying: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
ERRO[0095] Download failed, retrying: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
ERRO[0095] Download failed, retrying: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority