React Native Render Component in Text - react-native

I want to render a TextInput inside of a larger text in order to give the user the change to directly make changes in a text:
For this to work it would be great to manage that the TextInput behaves like a text and that the line wrapping etc would work the same as for a text.
Unfortunately I did not found a way to get this fully working. As long as it is only a nesting of Text components the wrapping works as expected, but as soon as there is another component, the wrapping and the inline style does not work anymore.
Only Nested Texts (coloring the text that should be text inputs):


React Native Text Selectable prop not working

I have a Text component which I would like to make selectable. I provided the Text component the selectable prop, however it isn't working. I am pretty sure that it is because I have it nested in a ScrollView and my pressing it is only registering on the scrollview. Any way to get past this?
Can provide a code example if needed.

How to style only FlatList content when it has Header

I'm trying to make whole screen scrollable. So I need to make the area marked with red ListHeaderComponent and style the actual content area (add a bacgroundColor and shadow to it).
columnWrapperStyle is exactly what I need to use to accomplish the task. But it only works if numColums > 1.
Separating FlatList and Header, and wrapping them into a ScrollView is another option but VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews with the same orientation.
There are props to style Header and Footer but there is no way to style only the actual content.
So, How can I style only the content area?

React Native SearchBar placeholder alignment

I'm using react-native-elements Searchbar and want the placeholder on the right, and the text entry on the left.
It appears that you can only use text align to determine where to type, so I attempted to use a state to make the text on the left, placholder on the right. But this solution doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
React Native Elements supports styles similar to the TextInput along with their own props.
Since there is no prop to style the placeholder in react-native's textinputas well assearchbar`, therefore it cannot be done just with the styles.
However I can suggest you to make a separate instance of react-native-element SearchBar and pass your CustomTextInput component that contains the placeholder styles as mentioned in this post

How to select/highlight text in React Native

I am making an English Reading app. When the user clicks on a word, they will see the translation of that word.
So how to make text is selected when the user clicks and holds for some time? I desire something likes document.onselectchange event in JavaScript for the web.
wrap the Text component with one of the available Touchable components i.e TouchableOpacity. You'll then have access to the onLongPress prop, where you can call a function which allows you to change the background color of the text to give the feel of being selected.

How do I get to ellipses to display on a React Native <Text> element using numberOfLines that's being clipped on a line break?

In React Native, I have a <Text numberOfLines={5}> element that is working properly, but not when the text gets clipped right before a line break.
For example, in this screenshot, the first section is working fine, but in the second section, there is a line break immediately after "Transport:" and then the text is continued, but React Native isn't displaying ellipses so users won't know that there is text being clipped.
Is this possible? I saw some PRs for the Text prop lineBreakMode, but it doesn't look like it's been released yet. Would that prop would solve this issue? Is there an easy way to do this in the current version of React Native?