Apex - Create DB link - sql

so, I have to make an Application Page with Oracle Apex. It is relatively simple, I only need one table. I tried to connect to it by SQL, but here comes the problem. There is no DB-Link existing.
How do I create a database link. I have Admin rights for Apex and have access to the admin account on the database server, from which I would need the data. Previously the data would be sended by E-Mail to us.
The sending Mailadress is adminname#servername.domain.net, that way I know on which server the database is located
I sadly do not know how the Mail Protocoll works, cause this was created before I started there.
I also do not know where on the server the database is located, all I know is that it is somewhere on the server.
Kind regards


How to delete a corrupt database from azure sql

I have tried to delete a SQL database from the azure portal. It looks like it has failed part way though. The database doesn't show up under the list of SQL servers in the Azure portal. However if I login to the server through SSMS it is still there. I now can't delete the database or create a new one with that name.
I've tried deleting the database with a query and get an error saying the database doesn't exits. If I try to create it either from the Azure portal or SSMS it gets an error saying it already exists.
I had a similar problem once, with SSL settings, where it would return that it is linked to the app even tho it wasn't, hence I was not able to delete it. After a couple of weeks of back and forward with the support, we removed it through azure resource explorer.
How to:
Once you are logged in, set read/write
In serach box find your resource
Click actions (POST/DELETE) // these should be available now since you have set read/write
Click Delete
Hopefully, this would help anyone who has any corrupted resources in Azure.

Microsoft SQL Server connection error with Visual Studio.net (Windows forms)

I've been trying for a while to connect the database to visualstudio.net and it just doesn't work.
First I made the database and made everything I needed there and when I tried connecting it in visual.net through datagridview (trying to get it displayed there) it only gives me access to the "System databases" in which I can't make a database.
After that I decided to make the tables under the "master" database to see if that worked and yeah I can select the database and everything but it says it's empty when I know it's not. It says it has no tables when I've checked multiple times and saw the tables I've created there.
I would appreciate some help to either be able to get for visual to accept a database I make (to be able to automatically detect it once I enter the server name) or to see how can I use the master one properly.
You can add a data source to your project and it will be able to connect to the user databases. Also, it is highly inadvisable to create any user objects in the master database.
master database is a system database and you should not create user objects in the system database. In the connection string, provide the user database name explicitly. If you dont provide the database name, it defaults to master database.
Refer to connection strings for Sql Server for providing the right connection string for SQL Server in .net.

Track all logins on to a single SQL Server database

Thanks in advance for any help.
We have a particular database on a SQL Server 2012 box along with about 20 other databases.
What I require is a method/script/audit (open minded about the solution) that will simply track anyone who logs in (successfully / unsuccessful) to this one particular database on the server (the single database is the key as the end user does not want information on any of the other databases that sit on the server), it also has to log time the attempt was made and it must track the logins via SQL Server or the application itself that is attached to the database.
Once we have this information we need to simply store that somehow. I say somehow as the storing part depends on the solutions recommended to me, so I’m open minded about this too.
Any help would be great as I'm scratching my head on this one.
There's actually a tool built into SQL Management Studio for this.
Please see the attached link for Configure Login Auditing
Once it has been setup, all events will be recorded in the error log.

Cloud Database problem while connecting thru SSMS

I have created a cloud database and was able to connect successfully thru SSMS.
Now I want to create a table in that.
Henceforth after the successful connection ( in am doing thru SSMS) when I am trying to connect to the database i.e. MyFirstCloudDB database which is available in the Available Databases section of SSMS, I am getting the error message " The database MyFirstCloudDB" is not accessible.
What to do now?
I have success accomplished my work.
But what I have done is that after I logged in to my SQL AZURE platform thru SSMs, first I created a database(say myFirstDB).
Then I logged out. Again I connected and this time Under Options->Connect to Database->I typed myFirstDB and then connected.
After that I created a table and inserted some values.
I have included this paras by thinking that if someone like me face the same problem then they can go ahead with this solution.
Thanks for the great support of Mr. Rob Farley for being with me in this journey and also to all the SO members. This forum is really really great (:
Pls help.
You need to login to your new db as your admin login and create a user for your new login. Then try connecting as the new login again.

Problem with an Access 2007 Project connecting to Sql Server 2005

So I've created an Access Project for one of my users so he can connect to a reporting database. The .adp project connects to the DB and he can query data to his heart's content. The problem is, no queries can be saved. Whenever he opens the project, he is presented with the following error:
"This version of Microsoft Access does not support design changes with the version of Microsoft Sql Server to which your Access project is connected. See the Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads. Your design changes will not be saved."
Again, this is Access 2007 and Sql Server 2005. My googling efforts - which are coming on a day when I seem to be especially stupid - keep bringing up information regarding this error for Access 2002/2003 trying to connect to Sql Server 2005, which is clearly not my problem.
I'm seeing that one can connect to Sql Server with the normal Access databases (.accdb in 2007 or some such), but I'm seeing mixed information regarding whether I want to do this or not. And since I can't get a copy of Access 2007, I can't really test this (topic for another time).
Before I do down that road, I'd like to get to the bottom of this one. Anyone have any suggestions, useful links, or useful knowledge? Or an older developer who knows the answer that is no longer needed, so I can eat him and absorb his knowledge and powers?
The account being used to connect to the DB was only a db_reader. I changed it to DBO and that fixed the problem - user can now create and save queries, and sleep at night knowing that tomorrow will bring a new day with new querying possibilities.
I'm not super crazy about this though the reporting database has been set up on a separate install/server from impotant App databases. I'm not worried about the user (or anyone on his group) blowing anything up. I'd like to understand why this is, and don't (outside of the obvious - reader is read only! I didn't expect that to extend to work in Access), and will try to do so at a later time. One of the unfortunate aspects of working at a dev shop focused on internal app development is, "well, it's working, you have other things to see to".
I am not sure if I can be of help here.
But you can have a view inside Access which connects to SQL database and use that view.
Alternatively, you can go the other way. Have a DB project with SQL Server & create a linked server to MS-Access DB.
Did you try linking to the tables through an ODBC connection?
CodeSlave, I did not. The attitude from higher up is "it's working, move on". I'm not sure the boss really wanted to go down that road anyway, but it's a moot point. I should probably try granting the account dbreader and dbwriter access and see if that accomplishes the same thing, but it being dbo isn't really a huge deal. Or rather, it's not a big enough deal that The Powers That Be want me to seek an immediate change.
I was going to try linked tables until changing the SQl Server account permissions "fixed the problem" (quotes very deliberate; it feels like one of those solutions you arrive at without a proper understanding of what it worked, which vexes me).