PySpark Grouping and Aggregating based on A Different Column? - dataframe

I'm working on a problem where I have a dataset in the following format (replaced real data for example purposes):
2022-03-01 23:25:11
2022-03-01 23:31:10
2022-03-01 23:55:01
2022-03-02 07:15:00
2022-03-02 07:24:00
2022-03-02 07:35:55
2022-03-05 11:07:01
2022-03-05 11:22:51
I would like to be able to compute counting statistics for these events based on the pattern observed within each session. For example, based on the table above, the count of each pattern observed would be as follows:
'enter_store -> pay_at_cashier -> exit_store': 2,
'enter_store -> exit_store': 1
I'm trying to do this in PySpark, but I'm having some trouble figuring out the most efficient way to do this kind of pattern matching where some steps are missing. The real problem involves a much larger dataset of ~15M+ events like this.
I've tried logic in the form of filtering the entire DF for unique sessions where 'enter_store' is observed, and then filtering that DF for unique sessions where 'pay_at_cashier' is observed. That works fine, the only issue is I'm having trouble thinking of ways where I can count the sessions like 3 where there is only a starting step and final step, but no middle step.
Obviously one way to do this brute-force would be to iterate over each session and assign it a pattern and increment a counter, but I'm looking for more efficient and scalable ways to do this.
Would appreciate any suggestions or insights.

For Spark 2.4+, you could do
df = (df
.withColumn("flow", F.expr("sort_array(collect_list(struct(timestamp, activity)) over (partition by session))"))
.withColumn("flow", F.expr("concat_ws(' -> ', transform(flow, v -> v.activity))"))
# +-------------------------------------------+-------------+
# |flow |total_session|
# +-------------------------------------------+-------------+
# |enter_store -> pay_at_cashier -> exit_store|2 |
# |enter_store -> exit_store |1 |
# +-------------------------------------------+-------------+
The first block was collecting list of timestamp and its activity for each session in an ordered array (be sure timestamp is timestamp format) based on its timestamp value. After that, use only the activity values from the array using transform function (and combine them to create a string using concat_ws if needed) and group them by the activity order to get the distinct sessions.


PySpark - change dataframe column value based on its existence in other dataframe

I am relatively new in using Spark and didn't find out solution for this. I found several similar questions related to this but didn't find the way how to bundle this in my use-case.
I have two dataframes, first is based on CSV which looks like this (displayed as table):
Second dataframe is based on CSV which looks like this:
I need to check does license_no value exists in second dataframe, and if it exists and active=y, then I need to add some prefix (99 in the beginning) to its id and license_no in first dataframe - for example, license_id exists in second dataframe and it is active, so its ID in first dataframe should be changed to 992005 and license_no do 991011. If doesn't exits 88 should be added.
Dataframe should look like this after transformations:
I am not sure what is best solution for this, can I directly do this transformation in one spark command?
s = df.join(df1,how='left',on='license_no')
#Contitionally concat prefix using list squares*[when(col('active')=='y',concat(lit('99'),str(x))).otherwise(concat(lit('88'),str(x))).alias(x) for x in s.columns if x!='active']).show()
|license_no| id|
| 991011|992005|
| 991022|992006|
| 883911|882007|

Summing time series with slight variance in timestamps

I imagine that I have several time series like following, from different "sources":
time events
0 1000 1080000
1 2003 2122386
2 3007 3043985
3 4007 3872544
4 5007 4853763
Here, an monotonic increasing count events is sampled every 1000 ms. The sampling is not exact so most of the timestamps vary from their ideal values by a few ms - e.g., the second point is at 2003 instead of 2000.
I want to sum several of these time series: they will all be sampled at ~1000 ms but may not agree to the exact millsecond. E.g another time series could be:
time events
0 1000 1070000
1 2002 2122486
2 3006 3063985
3 4007 3872544
4 5009 4853763
I'd like something reasonable in terms of the final result. For example the same number of rows as each of the input dataframes, with a timestamp column the same as the first, or average of the inputs times. As long as the inputs are smooth, the outputs should be too.
I'd suggest DataFrame.reindex() with nearest method. Example:
def combine_datasources(reference_df, extra_dfs, tolerance_ms=100):
reindexed_df_list = [df.reindex(reference_df.index, method='nearest', tolerance=tolerance_ms) for df in extra_dfs]
combined = pd.concat([reference_df, *reindexed_df_list])
return combined.groupby(combined.index).sum()
combine_datasources(df_a, [df_b])
This code changes the index on the dataframes in the extra_dfs list to match the index for the reference dataframe. Then, it concatenates all of the dataframes together. It uses groupby to do the sum, which requires that the indexes match exactly to work. The timestamps will be the same as the one on the reference dataframe.
Note that if you have data from a time period not covered by the reference dataframe, that data will be dropped.
Here's the output for the dataset in your question:
1000 2150000
2003 4244872
3007 6107970
4007 7745088
5007 9707526

groupby 2 columns and count into separate columns based on one columns cases

I'm trying to group by 2 columns of which the first value has 5 different values and the second 2.
My data looks like this:
and using
df_counted = df_analysis
.groupby(['TYPE', 'RESULT'])
I was able to transform it into the cases I want:
However I don't want a column for result, just for counts.
It's suppoed to be like
FORWARD 21 182
RIGHT 24 298
LEFT 20 242
The best I could do there was this. How do I get there?
Pandas has a feature of making a pivot table with dataframe. Your task can also be done by making pivot table.
df_counted.pivot_table(index="TYPE", columns="RESULT", values="COUNT")
Solved it and went a kind of full SQL there. It's not elegant, but it works:
df_counted is the last df from the question with the NaN values.
# drop duplicates for the first counts
df_pos = df_counted.drop_duplicates(subset=['TYPE'], keep='first').drop(columns=['COUNT_POS'])
# drop duplicates for the first counts
df_neg = df_counted.drop_duplicates(subset=['TYPE'], keep='last').drop(columns=['COUNT_NEG'])
# join on TYPE
df = df_pos.set_index('TYPE').join(df_neg.set_index('TYPE'))
If someone has a more elegant way of doing this, I'd be super interested to see it.

Function to filter values in PySpark

I'm trying to run a for loop in PySpark that needs a to filter a variable for an algorithm.
Here's an example of my dataframe df_prods:
| 7983 |SNEAKERS 01 | Sneakers|
| 7034 |SHIRT 13 | Shirt|
| 3360 |SHORTS 15 | Short|
I want to iterate over a list of ID's, get the match from the algorithm and then filter the product's type.
I created a function that gets the type:
def get_type(ID_PROD):
return [row[0] for row in df_prods.filter(df_prods.ID == ID_PROD).select("TYPE").collect()]
And wanted it to return:
But I find two issues:
1- it takes a long time to do that (longer than I got doing a similar thing on Python)
2- It returns an string array type: ['Sneakers'] and when I try to filter the products, this happens:
type = get_type(7983)
df_prods.filter(df_prods.type == type)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported literal type class java.util.ArrayList [Sneakers]
Does anyone know a better way to approach this on PySpark?
Thank you very much in advance. I'm having a very hard time learning PySpark.
A little adjustment on your function. This returns the actual string of the target column from the first record found after filtering.
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
def get_type(ID_PROD):
return df.filter(col("ID") == ID_PROD).select("TYPE").collect()[0]["TYPE"]
type = get_type(7983)
df_prods.filter(col("TYPE") == type) # works
I find using col("colname") to be much more readable.
About the performance issue you've mentioned, I really cannot say without more details (e.g. inspecting the data and the rest of your application). Try this syntax and tell me if the performance improves.

iteration in spark sql dataframe , getting 1st row value in first iteration and second row value in next iteration and so on

Below is the query that will give the data and distance where distance is <=10km
var s=spark.sql("select date,distance from table_new where distance <=10km")
this will give the output like
12/05/2018 | 5
13/05/2018 | 8
14/05/2018 | 18
15/05/2018 | 15
16/05/2018 | 23
---------- | --
i want to use first row of the dataframe s , store the date value in a variable v , in first iteration.
In next iteration it should pick the second row , and corresponding data value to be replaced the old variable b .
like wise so on .
I think you should look at Spark "Window Functions". You may find here what you need.
The "bad" way to do this would be to collect the dataframe using df.collect() which would return a list of Rows which you can manually iterate over each using a loop.This is bad cause it brings all the data in your driver.
The better way would be to use foreach() :
df.foreach(lambda x: <<your code here>>)
foreach() takes a lambda function as argument which iterates over each row of the dataframe without bringing all the data in the driver.But you cant use a simple local variable v inside a lambda fuction when there is overwriting can use spark accumulators for such a case.
eg: if i want to sum all the values in 2nd column
counter = sc.longAccumulator("counter")
df.foreach(lambda row: counter.add(row.get(1)))