Connecting Celery to Azure GOV Redis - redis

I'm trying to get Celery to connect to an Azure GOV Redis resource.
Found and have tried this answer How to setup Celery to talk ssl to Azure Redis Instance for the connection string.
When I used port 6380 I get a ('time-out') - "ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to rediss://:#* Error while reading from socket: ('timed out',)" ...So I added BROKER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT and TRANSPORT OPTIONS to try and give me a different result but no change.
My last thought was to try 6379 which I believe is the port that azure suggests... with this I get "Cannot connect to rediss://:#* Error 111 connecting to *** ECONNREFUSED"
I know GOV is more restrictive and therefore different than normal Azure so I was wondering if anyone has been able to connect this way successfully, thanks!


How to get all Connected Clients of Redis Cluster?

How to get all connected clients of a redis cluster?
I am using AWS elasticCache redis with non cluster mode and redission as my redis client.
My Use Case:
I need to run specific code from only 1 connected redis client.
redis has command about client information like CLIENT LIST, check out this page .
you could checkout this page for the command redisson has not supported yet.

Stack Exchange Connecting to Redis Cluster Connection error

I am trying to connect our application through Stack exchange client to Redis Cluster, but I am getting an connection error shown below :
No connection is available to service this operation:
I am using the connection string :
< add key="SearchCacheRedisConnectionString" value="IP:6379,IP:6379,connectTimeout=1000,abortConnect=false,ConnectRetry=3,syncTimeout=500,keepAlive=180" />
I have used the same connection string to connect to a standalone redis instance and everything works perfectly.
Its only when i try to connect to a cluster ( 3 master 3 slave ) architecture that i am getting a connection error.
Is there a different connection string i am supposed to use to connect to a Redis Cluster or is there any specific changes i am supposed to make in my code to connect to a Cluster.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you
Could your connectTimeout be too low? The StackExchange.Redis default is 5000

Redis: ERR command SLAVEOF is not allowed

I'm trying to setup Redis replication in order to migrate data from server A to server B. Server A is a master and on server B I'm running:
But I get the error:
ERR command SLAVEOF is not allowed
Any idea what's causing this error?
Redis Labs' Redis Cloud does not expose replication verbs to its users, as this is entirely managed by the service. You can refer to the FAQ's answer about compatability with the open source comparison as well.
That said, live migrations to our service via standard Redis replication are supported - to achieve that simply contact our support team with your request for further assistance at

Redis exception StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException

I am getting this exception. Any clue?
It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); to create a disconnected multiplexer, disable AbortOnConnectFail.
Possible reasons:
Is Redis up and running? Try to connect to it using redis-cli.
Is your connection settings to Redis right in your code (i.e. you're connecting to the right host and port...)?
The exception is quite expressive: ConnectionMultiplexer couldn't reach target Redis server.

Glassfish 3.1 Remote client connecting to JMS queue in cluster

Glassfish 3.1.2
Ubuntu 12.04
I've created a cluster of two nodes and have a JMS queue.
I'm having issues trying to connect to this JMS queue using a remote standalone client.
The cluster JMS listener is on port 27676 and the queue is deployed to the cluster.
When I connect using the code I'd use to connect to a stand alone instance the message is not received by the cluster.
I believe it is using the default 7676 port. When the IIOP port is changed to use port 23700 which is the one the cluster (DAS) is using I get a connection refused exception as it is trying to connect to localhost:27676. At least it's the right port.
WARNING: [C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:27676]. - cause: Connection refused: connect
I've also updated the following values in node config file (domain.xml) to remove references to localhost. jms-host and node-host values.
I had this issue before with a stand alone instance and it was resolved by adding entries to the /etc/hosts file. However, this does not seem to resolve the issue.
I also have all server instance IPs in the hosts file.
Am I missing something very basic here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you look log files under
folder, you will see that
master brockers does not match
Every your node has different master brockers, probably every node know its own brocker as master brocker..
I had the same error and after a few days find this..