How to refer to the text of a shape in another page - vba

I have two shapes, masterShape on the page Data and slaveShape on the page ESB. I mention that the Name & NameU of my pages are the same. I already read a lot about this (See here for example).
My goal is to make the text of slaveText equal to this of masterText.
I read a lot about referencing pages and fields, but seemingly not enough.
I start with the two shapes on the same page. When the two shapes are on the same page, I can assign a field to the slaveShape with this custom formula =SHAPETEXT(masterShape!TheText) so that it gives the expected result. Yes.
How to access this shape with a page reference?
I tried this:
=SHAPETEXT(ThePage!Softwares!TheText) -> Error in formula (and should not meet the requirements)
=SHAPETEXT(Pages[Data]!Softwares!TheText) -> Bad ShapeSheet Name
Yet this code in VBA gives the expected text:
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Pages("Data").Shapes("Softwares").Text
Any idea to convert this VBA into a formula using =SHAPETEXT(...)?

Please use syntax with ID instead shape name. This syntax looks like
But you must find ID of master shape.


CATIA VBA: Extract name of generated point in CATDrawing

I'm tearing my hair out trying to work with generatedpoints in draft view. I have a 3D model with points that are named in a particular way, per the picture below:
point names
Then on the CATDrawing, I have generated views that show those points. if I click those points in 2D, they are named in the following manner, "GeneratedPoint (insert 3D point name here)". You can see this naming example below:
2D generated naming
Now, what I'm trying to do in VBA is run a code that will select those generated points in a view, duplicate geometry on them, and name that duplicated geometry to match the 3D point names. My problem is, I can't seem to access the "GeneratedPoint" names that show up when I click the points in 2D. Below is a snippet of my code where I'm trying to access the name of the selected points:
For j = 1 To totalcnt
Set bSel = aDoc.Selection
bSel.Add ActiveView
bSel.Search "Name='*GeneratedPoint *',sel"
Set nm = bSel.Item(j)
desc = nm.Name
desc = nm.Value.Name
Usually when I have a selection, and I make an object from one of those selections, I can access the name through selection.Item(j).Name or selection.Item(j).Value.Name, but in this case neither one works.
at the desc=nm.Name line above, it gives me a name of "CATIASelectedElement16", not the actual name I see in the status bar when I click it in the drawing. And when I use desc=nm.Value.Name it gives me "Front View", which is the name of the view these points are in. I know it's selecting the points correctly, I can see them get selected, and I can see the count on the selection object matches my number of points. What am I missing? For reference, when I run the line Set nm=bSel.Item(i), that object looks like this in the Locals window.
Object in Locals window
As you can see in that picture, the object Type is DrawingView, whereas I would expect it to be a point. Does anyone have any ideas on how to access the name of a generated item in 2D? So far the only way I can interact with it at all is by using selection.Search, which will find them by name, but I have no way of then actually using the specific names of those points it found. Any insight would be appreciated!

Error VBA in word code 4605 "can't use SetWidth because the object references the end of a table row."

I'm trying to use a macro in Word in order to adjust the width of a table. But I can't get it to work. When I use the SetWidth method on Selection.Columns in my macro, an error is thrown.
I use a macro that was working previously, but now it doesn't want to do this width adjustment. I already tried to use a variety of other solution like use width or preferredWidth instead of setWidth. I also tried executing that code earlier and it works fine.
This is the code supposed to adjust the column width.
Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="proj1_cat1_j"
Selection.Columns.SetWidth ColumnWidth:=105, RulerStyle:=wdAdjustFirstColumn
Moreover, the table is a big one. And I'm accessing the first cell of one column in order to adjust it. There is nothing that's attached to that table (like text on the right or something else)
The expected result is simply the table with the column adjusted. But instead I get an error code 4605 saying that I can't use the setWidth method because it's referencing the end of a table row.
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong ?
PS : I can't share more of the macro, it's so big it's difficult to know which parts are important to share or not.

MS Word Ignores Content Control Inside a Rich Text Box

Is there a reason why my MS Word VBA macro is ignoring a dropdown list I placed inside a shape (a rich text box)? I've tried referring to it by tag, name, number, etc. I even had the macro tell me the count of content controls:
I get 0.
Nothing works. If I take it out of the shape, it works fine. MS Word gives me a count of 1 item. But for some reason MS Word won't acknowledge it inside the shape. Any help on how to do this?
Edited as my previous post was completely wrong.
Each textbox in the main text story is a Shape which you can access using an index number. A shape has various properties but text etc. is in its Textframe, if it has one. But in that case the Range you need is not called Range but TextRange. So, e.g. the first contentControl in Shape 2 is
You will probably need to iterate through your shapes and you may need to verify that a given shape is a textbox and/or that it has a TextFrame.
If your text box is in another Story such as a header or footer, you will probably need to identify the relevant StoryRange.

How can i set the name of a textbox in publisher?

I want to set the name of the text box so it can be easily accessed by code.
I am looking for an editing field similar to this
There's a properties Window that can be accessed for each of the controls on the UI. There you may rename the controls. (Since you do not seem to have a VBA code yet and you want to rename the control from UI)
The other alternative. Record a macro, do some changes to the textbox (e.g. resize, change text etc). Then check the programme assigned default name of the textbox from the VBA editor. As you said, you can access the control via this default name and utilizing your VBA code (as you said), rename the textbox.
If you really want to be editing a worksheet object in Publisher you will have to get the OLEobject of the Shape and interpret it as an Excel.Application.
If you are just looking for a placeholder solution for Publisher documents, you could simply create a textbox that contains a certain string, then loop through all pages, all shapes on each page where HasTextFrame = msoTrue, and compare shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text to your placeholder string. If it's the one you're after, you can do anything you want with the shape in question.
Sorry for the vague answer, but your images don't work anymore.
Edit: you can work with Shape.Name for your comparison (you mentioned this property in a comment), but I have no idea how you'd set the value from the interface, without using VBA, in the first place, so if you're making templates the approach I outlined above might be easier for users (see for Shape.Name). There is also a .Name property for page objects (, so you should be able to do something like ActiveDocument.Pages("page_name").Shapes("shape_name").TextRange.Text = "your content" once you've figured out how to actually set the name values
Edit 2:
You can also try to use search and replace as per Replacing Text in Microsoft Publisher Using Powershell if you don't need to do anything advanced beyond placing some text
Edit 3: Given the title of your question, unless you can figure something out with Publisher's interface, you can set the .Name property of the selected text box (or other shape) with dim shape = Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.Parent and shape.Name = "your_name". You can set the name of the selected page with ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage.Name="your_name". (Create a VBA macro that prompts you for names and you should be good to go)

Inconsistent recognition of ranges (No errors thrown)

This is code from Excel 2010. All of the code resides within the workbook itself. Information is gathered using internal forms and the code is run.
I have code that retrieves data from a spreadsheet and populates an object with that data. The row number is dynamic as it is dependent on the form input. The column is by the header, not the column number. The following code works perfectly but for two anomalies:
cTank.RowForTankSpecs = rNum
cTank.MP = .Cells(rNum, Range("MP").Column).Value
cTank.Form = .Cells(rNum, Range("formName").Column).Value
cTank.TankProcess = .Cells(rNum, Range("Process").Column).Value
cTank.Location = .Cells(rNum, Range("Location").Column).Value
cTank.TankName = .Cells(rNum, Range("Tanks").Column).Value
cTank.tankID = .Cells(rNum, Range("TankID").Column).Value
The cTank.TankName is retrieving information from a column named "Tanks". That column does not exist. The actual column header is "Tank". But, it is retrieving the correct information. If I change the name to what it really is (Tank), it does not work.
When the cTank.TankID line is executed, I get the following error on the Range("TankID"):
Runtime Error 1004: Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed
This one has the appropriate header (column header), but it is not recognizing the range.
I have tried simple things such as changing the order of the code, but it doesn't help. As earlier stated, the other lines work. Later in the program, information is gathered in the same manner but using another worksheet from the same workbook, and none of them are working. I've double checked that strings are strings and integers are integers, etc. I've double checked the column headers match the range names. Nothing seems to jump out at me.
I would appreciate any input you may have on the situation.
Thanks in advance.
Ok. Being pretty sure my code was correct, I went to the spreadsheet itself. For some reason it was recognizing only certain columns and it was recognizing one of them incorrectly. So I started highlighting the columns that worked and also the columns that didn't. What I noticed was that on the columns that were being recognized, that column header was displayed where the cell location is normally displayed whereas on the columns that were not being recognized, the cell location (i.e. A1, A2, etc.) for the header was being displayed and not the header title itself. The incorrect label was showing up for one of them. As it turns out, the mislabeled column was one that I had used for a form dropdown menu. So, I checked the name manager, and the ones that were working were listed. So anyway, using the name manager, I added named ranges using the headers. Now, when I select the columns, the column header(named range) appears in that window and now, the code works.
Thanks guys for your input. I really appreciate it.
Two things you can do:
Do not use use Range, but as it seems you are using names, use Names("Yourname").Referstorange.
Make sure your names are set up correctly using the Name Manager in Data Ribbon.