SQL - How do I expand a dataset to do a cohort analysis? - sql

This is my first post so apologies if something is posted incorrectly - please let me know and I will fix it.
I am trying to build a SQL query in bigQuery that creates a cohort analysis so I can see how many customers have been retained over time by the month they joined (their cohort).
I work in insurance, so we have data on customers, when they joined, and any time they changed the policy (e.g., when they added a car to their coverage), but I do not have it laid out as every month of premium. The data is as follows:
Data vs how I need the data
Do you know how I could fill in the missing months?


Libreoffice Base - Triggering stock table deductions from orders table

I'm working on a DB that consists mostly of two tables. One with our stock of memorial markers, and the other where I keep a running list of ongoing and completed orders.
When I change an ongoing order in the Orders table to completed I would like to have one of the corresponding memorial markers deducted from that size category in the stock table.
I've mostly been building this using the form designer and wizards but I am comfortable with coding, though I'm not super familiar with SQL. Some pointers in the right direction should to get me going should help. I've been searching around but keep getting results for other things.
Thanks for your time

How to show dimension members for which there are no values in fact in SSAS Multi-Dimensional?

I have two tables in my Ticket Management Application, "ExpositionPeriods" and "OrganisedVisits".
ExpositionPeriods - Defines the periods for which tickets can be purchased.
OrganisedVisits - Stores the tickets purchased information.
In the example below, we have 5 periods available, and tickets have been purchased for 2 of the periods.
The customer wants a report which shows "Number of visitors against each available period". That means if, for any period which doesn't have a visitor, the report should show "0" for that period. Something like this.
So far so good. Since the production database is humongous (~500 GB), it is not advisable to report on this database directly. Things turn to be challenging when I create an OLAP cube out of this schema and try to achieve the same report functionality in the cube. It seems the cube actually performs an action similar to SQL INNER JOIN as opposed to a LEFT OUTER JOIN and hence I do not see those Periods for which there are no tickets sold.
Is this how SSAS actually behaves? Am I missing out any particular setting that will indicate the SSAS engine to process the cube in a different manner so as to include the missing periods as well? Please note, end customers don't have access to MDX/DAX scripts, they can only use the cube by drag-drop measure and dimensions like in Excel pivot table.
In your image the browser is carrying out a non empty on rows on the date dimension. If you want to show the dates with no visitors then select the option to show empty cells.
You can define such scope in "calculations" as
So you have zeros instead of nulls and side effect. You or customer can't hide empty cells, cause now it's not empty enough.

Use domain of one table for criteria in another in ms Access query?

I am trying to create a report that displays 3 different numbers for each of my projects.
Contract Hours - Stored in projects table, 1 to 1 relationship
Worked Hours - Stored in linked table that will be updated using an external website reporting feature that will contain only data for the dates that are to be displayed in the report, one to many relationship needs to be a sum
Allocated Hours - Stored in a table in my database called allocations and contains data for all dates, one to many relationship needs to be summed.
Right now i have it set up in a way that the user has to type the data range for the report every time it is run, however the date range only actually applies to the Allocation data because the worked hours data comes filtered and the contract data is one to one.
What I would like to do is set up a query that can see the domain of the worked hours and apply it as a date criteria for the allocated hours.
I have attempted to use max and min values of the Worked hours and tried to get creative but I'm actually not even sure if this is possible because I cannot see any simple solution (although I know it should be possible and fairly simple)
Any help, suggestions, or recommendations are appreciated.

MDX filter on fixed value depending on hierarcy level

I need to build a named set with mdx which tells me for a whole year what which are the large records. I cannot share my data, so I'll use a sales example.
All sales reps. need to enter their sales numbers in a application and on top of that database there is a cube configured. One of the goals is to find weird sales behaviour in this cube. This would mean a sales rep that is selling 100k every year, suddenly only sells 30k a year.
I have created a dynamic set that allows me to filter on this by using a calculated member named 'qualifies'. This qualifies is defined like this. (Diff is calculated before)
CREATE MEMBER Currentcube.qualifies AS iif(abs([Diff]) > 50000, 1, NULL),DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'Check big difference';
So this check can be used to filter all the sales reps that have a difference of 50k sales.
When I add aonther filter to my cube, for example region, the 50k threshold will never be exceeded, because no body has more than 50k sales in one region. I want to make the 50K dynamic based on my where clause in my filter.
My question is, is this possible? I'm fairly new to MDX so if this is an easy question, please forgive me. I have been trying lots of different scenario's but none gave a wanted result. I have been looking online, but this specific scenario hasn't passed in my search results.

MS Access tables that need to be in the listbox

OK, I have the worst VB class in the world. The friggin textbook has you do programming projects but the stupid book doesn't even explain everything required for the project. Oh yeah, the professor for the class doesn't help worth a crap (online schooling).
So needless to say, I have been struggling with the class for a very VERY LONG TIME...
Well, here's my request:
Here is visual representation of what is required
Now, I have been fighting this thing for MANY MANY hours and would like some tips and advice on how to get this stupid thing done. I usually get more specific when it comes to posting in this website except this time, it seems like I have a problem with EVERYTHING!!!
Here is the instructions:
"The database Microland.accdb is maintained by the Microland Computer Warehouse, a mail-order computer-supply company. The tables below show data in the three tables in the database. The table Customers identifies each customer by an ID number and gives, in addition to the name and address, the total amount of purchases during the current year prior to today. The table Inventory identifies each product in stock by an ID number and gives, in addition to its description and price (per unit), the quantity in stock at the beginning of the day. The table Orders gives the orders received today. Assume that it is now the end of the day. Write a Visual Basic program that uses the three tables to do the following two tasks:
Display in a listbox the items that are out of stock and those that must be reordered to satisfy today’s orders.
Display in a listbox bills for all customers who ordered during the day. Each bill should show the customer’s name, address, items ordered (with costs), and total cost of the order.
So, if any of you VB geniuses would like to tell me how to do some of this stuff, that would be absolutely awesome. Any kind of help will definitely make a difference for me.
(I'm assuming it's VB.NET) Here's some pointers on the bigger picture, you'll need Google to fill-in the details:
1) Establish a connection to your Access database using ADO.NET. Maybe do this in code or use the data tools in Visual Studio?
2) Write a query (in Access or plain SQL) to find the count of the distinct stock items that have been purchased today and subtract that from the count of the items in stock at the beginning of the day. Select the items where the count is zero or less.
You can use the visual builder in Access and save the query object, referring to this query object in code. Or you can copy the SQL generated by Access and use this with ADO.NET command objects.
3) Show the results of this query in a listbox. Either step through the DataReader adding items to listbox in code, or investigate databinding to your datasource.
4) Write another query that shows the data requested in step 2 in your question and then list those results in another listbox.
Try to get a little further with it and then respond with progress and further issues.