Dynamically trying to update a field in an object using dataweave, how to achieve the same? - mule

The use case is : we'll be having translations stored in an object in a variable in the dataweave, we have to dynamically assign those translations in the "calingaKey" value, I tried doing something below, but it isn't working.
"editable": true,
"sections": [
"title": "Identification",
"calingaKey": "",
"content": [
"name": "Classification",
"text": "Product",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Product Number",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"title": "Position and Contact",
"calingaKey": "",
"content": [
"name": "Manufacturer",
"text": "Value of Manufacturer",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Hardware Version",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""
%dw 2.0
import * from dw::util::Values
output application/json
var calinga = {
"title": "titel",
"Position and contact": "Lage und Kontakt"
payload.sections map (item,index)->(item mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {'$(key)' : value} update field("calingaKey") with calinga.'$(key)' ))
"calinga.'$(key)'" doesn't seem to work for some reason, and gives me null, any issue with my code?
Expected Output
"title": "Identification",
"calingaKey": "titel",
"content": [
"name": "Classification",
"text": "Product",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Product Number",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"title": "Position and Contact",
"calingaKey": "titel",
"content": [
"name": "Manufacturer",
"text": "Value of Manufacturer",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Hardware Version",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""

%dw 2.0
import * from dw::util::Values
output application/json
var calinga = {
"title": "titel1",
"calingaKey": "titel1",
"Position and contact": "Lage und Kontakt"
payload.sections map (item,index)->(item mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {'$(key)' : value} update field("calingaKey") with calinga[key]


How to map an array within an array and achieve the following output?

In the given input,
"editable": true,
"sections": [
"title": "Identification",
"calingaKey": "",
"content": [
"name": "Classification",
"text": "Product",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Product Number",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"title": "Position and Contact",
"calingaKey": "",
"content": [
"name": "Manufacturer",
"text": "Value of Manufacturer",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Hardware Version",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"content" is an array of array of objects. Basically, the "name" field has to be replaced by values stored in their corresponding keys in the "calinga" variable.
I could do it for the "title" field, but each "name" field should also be replaced by it's name in the variable.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var calinga = {
"Identification": "Identifikation",
"Position and Contact": "Positions und Contacts",
"Classification": "Classifikation",
"Product Number": "Produkt Number",
"Manufacturer": "Manufakturer",
"Hardware Version": "Hware Vsion"
"editable": payload.editable,
"sections": payload.sections map(item01, index01)->{
"title": calinga[item01.title],
"content": item01.content map(item02)->(item02)
How Can I achieve the following output?
"editable": true,
"sections": [
"title": "Identifikation",
"calingaKey": "",
"content": [
"name": "Classifikation",
"text": "Product",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Produkt Number",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"title": "Positions und Contacts",
"calingaKey": "",
"content": [
"name": "Manufakturer",
"text": "Value of Manufacturer",
"url": "",
"info": ""
"name": "Hware Vsion",
"text": "####1234",
"url": "",
"info": ""
You can use mapObject() once you descend from the last nested array into objects. Then the trick is to use the value of calinga but if it null because the key is not present then use the original value as the default: item03 mapObject {($$):calinga[$] default $}.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var calinga = {
"Identification": "Identifikation",
"Position and Contact": "Positions und Contacts",
"Classification": "Classifikation",
"Product Number": "Produkt Number",
"Manufacturer": "Manufakturer",
"Hardware Version": "Hware Vsion"
"editable": payload.editable,
"sections": payload.sections map(item01, index01)->{
"title": calinga[item01.title],
"content": item01.content map(item02)->(item02 map(item03)-> item03 mapObject {($$):calinga[$] default $})

Convert TEXT file to JSON in Dataweave

How can I convert TEXT file into JSON in Dataweave.
"quantity": "1.0",
"uom": "every",
"amount": "5.0",
"allocation": [
"ID": "22245",
"price": "156",
"desc": "Product A1"
"quantity": "2.0",
"uom": "all",
"amount": "65888",
"allocation": [
"ID": "65665",
"price": "7789",
"desc": "Product A2"
Expected output in JSON:
"quantity": "1.0",
"uom": "every",
"amount": "5.0",
"allocation": [
"ID": "22245",
"price": "156",
"desc": "Product A1"
"quantity": "2.0",
"uom": "all",
"amount": "65888",
"allocation": [
"ID": "65665",
"price": "7789",
"desc": "Product A2"
enter image description here
Use the read() function to parse the input string as JSON.
ex: read(payload,"application/JSON")

How to parse a JSON with missing property name into a db table

I am trying to convert JSON into an SQL table. The source is the response from a REST API. I do not have the opportunity to change the response.
The response contains data on several projects. Projects are returned as individual members of a global projects object.
As the projectid is not at the same level with the other data and also does not have a name
fails to parse it properly. I end up with one row for projects and the json object as the value. Also without the proper way to refer to the elements I could not figure out a way to use JSON_VALUE.
Below is a sample structure. Actual data has much more properties and variations between the projects. I prefer to solve this in SQL. But any way to sort out the JSON will be appreciated. This is my first exposure to JSON. I want to ask if I am missing something very obvious...
"projects": {
"project1id": {
"data": {
"customer": "Cust1",
"name": "Project Name 1"
"projectType": "type0"
"project2id": {
"data": {
"customer": "Customer 2",
"name": "Name 2",
"projectManager": "Man Ager"
"projectType": "type2"
"Project3id": {
"data": {
"customer": "Another Customer",
"name": "Another Project"
"projectType": "type1"
Expected Result
Project Name
Project Type
Project Manager
Project Name 1
Cust 1
Customer 2
Man Ager
Another Project
Another Customer
Excerpt from original Json:
"projects": {
"10000eumbvqn76": {
"data": {
"inquiryNumber": "34635",
"customer": "C AS",
"name": "E W ",
"orderNumber": "1000",
"seller": "M A",
"projectManager": "B O V",
"phase": "fulfillment",
"exchange": {
"deadline": {
"time": [
"timezone": [
"settings": {
"client": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 21,
"consumer": 21
"clientForInformation": {
"cycles": {
"producer": 21
"supplier": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 14,
"consumer": 14
"supplierIsProducer": {
"supplierRole": "producer"
"supplierIsConsumer": {
"supplierRole": "consumer"
"sequences": {
"$salesPurchase": {
"label": "Client RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsProducer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesPurchaseSupplier": {
"label": "Supplier RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesClient": null,
"$salesClientFrom": null,
"$client": {
"label": "To client",
"group": "order-fulfillment",
"order": [
"stages": {
"IFR": {
"label": "Issued for Review",
"phase": "forApproval",
"settings": "client"
"IFI": {
"label": "Issued for Information",
"phase": "forInformation",
"settings": "clientForInformation"
"interpret": {
"type": "unordered"
"$supplier": {
"label": "From supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplier"
"$supplierTo": {
"label": "To supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer"
"$internal": null
"officialMailIdFormat": "M-1000-0001",
"transmittalMailIdFormat": "TR-1000-0001",
"commercialMailIdFormat": "Bid-34635-0001",
"officialMailIdFormats": [
"label": "Official",
"format": "M-1000-0001"
"label": "Commercial",
"format": "Bid-34635-0001"
"projectType": "commercial"
"1000hf30ua": {
"data": {
"inquiryNumber": "100",
"customer": "S M I Y P L",
"name": "1000 FSPO ",
"seller": "L H",
"projectManager": "L H",
"phase": "inquiry",
"exchange": {
"deadline": {
"time": [
"timezone": [
"settings": {
"client": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 21,
"consumer": 21
"clientForInformation": {
"cycles": {
"producer": 21
"supplier": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 14,
"consumer": 14
"supplierIsProducer": {
"supplierRole": "producer"
"supplierIsConsumer": {
"supplierRole": "consumer"
"sequences": {
"$salesPurchase": {
"label": "Client RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsProducer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesPurchaseSupplier": {
"label": "Supplier RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesClient": null,
"$salesClientFrom": null,
"$client": {
"label": "To client",
"group": "order-fulfillment",
"order": [
"stages": {
"IFR": {
"label": "Issued for Review",
"phase": "forApproval",
"settings": "client"
"IFI": {
"label": "Issued for Information",
"phase": "forInformation",
"settings": "clientForInformation"
"interpret": {
"type": "unordered"
"$supplier": {
"label": "From supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplier"
"$supplierTo": {
"label": "To supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer"
"$internal": null
"officialMailIdFormat": "M-100-0001",
"transmittalMailIdFormat": "TR-100-0001",
"commercialMailIdFormat": "Bid-100-0001",
"officialMailIdFormats": [
"label": "Official",
"format": "M-100-0001"
"label": "Commercial",
"format": "Bid-100-0001"
"orderNumber": "100"
"projectType": "commercial"
Possible options are: 1) Using OPENJSON() twice (with default and explicit schema) and an additional APPLY operator or 2) Using OPENJSON() (with default schema) and JSON_VALUE():
DECLARE #json nvarchar(max) = N'{
"name":"Project Name 1"
"customer":"Customer 2",
"name":"Name 2",
"projectManager":"Man Ager"
"customer":"Another Customer",
"name":"Another Project"
Statement with OPENJSON() and APPLY operator:
SELECT j1.[key] AS projectId, j2.*
FROM OPENJSON(#json, '$.projects') j1
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(j1.[value], '$') WITH (
name nvarchar(100) '$.data.name',
customer nvarchar(100) '$.data.customer',
projectType nvarchar(100) '$.projectType',
projectManager nvarchar(100) '$.data.projectManager'
) j2
Statement with OPENJSON() and JSON_VALUE():
projectId = [key],
name = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.data.name'),
customer = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.data.customer'),
projectType = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.projectType'),
projectManager = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.data.projectManager')
FROM OPENJSON(#json, '$.projects')

Compare 2 JSON arrays to get matching and un-matching outputs

I need to compare 2 JSON arrays using Mule 4 dataweave 2.0 to get matching and un-matching outputs.
The sample input JSON payload is given below:
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
This has to be compared to the below on ID/IDENTITY field.
"IDENTITY": "D40000",
"NM": "Delta"
"IDENTITY": "C30000",
"NM": "Charlie"
My expected output is 2 variable arrays containing matching and un-matching objects:
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
If that ID map is coming from somewhere else and you can't change its structure, I'd probably remap it and then use it like so:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var identMap = [
"IDENTITY": "D40000",
"NM": "Delta"
"IDENTITY": "C30000",
"NM": "Charlie"
var remapped = identMap reduce ((item,accum={}) -> accum ++ (item.IDENTITY): 1)
payload groupBy (if (remapped[$.ID]?) "varMatched" else "varUnmatched")
which produces
"varUnmatched": [
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
"varMatched": [
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
Hope this helps
%dw 2.0
var input1=[{
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
var input2=[
"IDENTITY": "D40000",
"NM": "Delta"
"IDENTITY": "C30000",
"NM": "Charlie"
var varMatch = input1 map $ filter (input2.IDENTITY contains $.ID)
var varUnmatch = input1 -- varMatch
output application/json
varMatch: varMatch,
varUnmatch: varUnmatch
Sample Output
"varMatch": [
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"varUnmatch": [
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
Here's another solution, albeit the previous two are solving your problem:
%dw 2.0
output application/dw
var data = [
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
var searchData = [
"IDENTITY": "D40000",
"NM": "Delta"
"IDENTITY": "C30000",
"NM": "Charlie"
data dw::core::Arrays::partition (e) -> searchData.*IDENTITY contains e.ID
Pick the one that perfoms the best and use it.

How to expand tree node without ajax request?

I am using Extjs tree, i got problem with click on nested node ajax request to server, i know this kind of lazy load but my tree is not big, around 35 items so i want request to server time only to collect all tree node and items.
Any idea?
Ext.define('CRM.view.role.RoleTree' ,{
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
alias: 'widget.roleTreeList',
split: false,
autoScroll: true,
lines: true,
singleExpand: false,
store: 'RoleList'
Ext.define('CRM.store.RoleList', {
extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',
storeId: 'RoleTreeStoreId',
//model: 'CRM.model.RoleList',
autoLoad: false,
proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
url : 'index.php/role/getRoleList',
async : false,
reader: {
type : 'json',
method : 'POST'
id : '/',
Json return:
"text": "Organization",
"id": "role-1",
"children": [
"text": "Admin",
"id": "role-12",
"expanded": "true",
"children": [
"text": "MSD",
"id": "role-23",
"children": [
"text": "Customer Care Manager",
"id": "role-4",
"children": [
"text": "Customer Care Adviser",
"id": "role-5"
"text": "Solution Adviser",
"id": "role-7"
"text": "Sales Manager",
"id": "role-31",
"children": [
"text": "Solution Sales",
"id": "role-6"
"text": "Teritory 01 - Safy",
"id": "role-9",
"children": [
"text": "Sales Person 01",
"id": "role-10"
"text": "Sales Trainee 01",
"id": "role-26"
"text": "Teritory 3 - Sambo",
"id": "role-11",
"children": [
"text": "Sales Person 3",
"id": "role-13"
"text": "Teritory 4 - Narong",
"id": "role-14",
"children": [
"text": "Sales Team 4",
"id": "role-15",
"children": [
"text": "Sales Person 4",
"id": "role-25"
"text": "branch shv",
"id": "role-16",
"children": [
"text": "sales shv",
"id": "role-19"
"text": "branch btb",
"id": "role-17",
"children": [
"text": "sales btb",
"id": "role-20"
"text": "branch srp",
"id": "role-18",
"children": [
"text": "sales srp",
"id": "role-21",
"children": [
"text": "sales person srp",
"id": "role-28"
"text": "Retention Program",
"id": "role-22",
"children": [
"text": "Retention Program Analysist",
"id": "role-24"
"text": "Sales Trainee",
"id": "role-27"
"text": "Enterprise Sales Engineer",
"id": "role-29"
"text": "Meas Test",
"id": "role-30"
"text": "Teritory 02 - Kol",
"id": "role-32",
"children": [
"text": "Sales Person 02",
"id": "role-8"
"text": "CTO",
"id": "role-35",
"children": [
"text": "Support Manager",
"id": "role-2",
"children": [
"text": "Technical Support Adviser",
"id": "role-3"
"text": "IT BIlling Product Manager",
"id": "role-33",
"children": [
"text": "IT Staff",
"id": "role-34"
"text": "Business Consultant",
"id": "role-36"
You can still use asynchronous call, but only once. To make sure only one call is made, return all children in first call. Extjs will load all children provided.
I found my mistake with JSON, i should add property "leaf = true/false" according has child or hasn't.