public API to get Indian GST rate details - api

is there any public API to get details about Indian GST tax?
I want to build a Restful service, which will response GST details like GST rate, chart number, item name etc base on the input as item or gst chart number


How to get real weight / price of label via FedEx API?

I already have a working FedEx API in production with two services: rate and shipping.
Note that I use:
My own packages: "PackagingType": "YOUR_PACKAGING"
Almost always I know estimated weight of parcel: "RequestedPackageLineItems": { "Weight": { "Value": "42" } }
So, I do rate&buy label with concrete price. But sometimes package exceeds dimensions or weight is changed after buying label – this leads to additional payments and total price for label is different in real life than i receive at the moment of buying label.
The question is: How can I get REAL weight and price of sent package?
I tried to use tracking service with no luck – API returns old incorrect data of weight and no price.
For example, I know that label 123456789012 was created with 2 lbs of weight with price 9.45$. Later on, weight changed dramatically (to 48 lbs) and price changed to 48.98$. I know that because of talking with real people but request to tracking service of FedEx API says that PackageWeight is still 2 LB and Payments parameter contains only "Type": "SHIPPER_ACCOUNT" value and that's all.
Okay, I've found out that i need to request invoices because they contain needed information. How to get them? Didn't find any documentation inside PDF for developers.

Currency Code in Twitter Ads Business account

How can I get what currency code is set for twitter ads business account. I have gone through their api-documentation, but i don't seem to find any endpoint mentioning currency code.
On the Ads Getting Started guide, there is a section discussing Currency:
The type of a currency is identified using ISO-4217. This is a three-letter string like “USD” or “EUR”. The value of a currency is represented in micros. For USD, $5.50 is encoded as 5.50*1e6, or 5,500,000. To represent a “whole value”, you need to multiply the local micro by 1e6 (1_000_000) for all currencies.
Currency is associated with a funding instrument and can be programmatically queried using the Funding Instrument API endpoints.

how to set currency code in square payment gateway? and what types of currency it support.?

i have integrate payment gateway in my web application on PHP and i want to use CAD or GBP for currency so how to use that currency and what types of currency support it.
I have to set as below:
$request_body2 = array("amount_money" => array (
"amount" => (int)$total_ammount,
"currency" => "USD"
You can find all of Square's supported currencies here.
In order to charge a card in a specific currency, your location must support that currency. See Square's documentation on Charge for v2 in the section for amount_money.
The value of currency must match the currency associated with the business that is charging the card.
You can also only create locations for the country with which you had registered your Square account. So if you had registered in the US, you can only create US locations and process USD on your Square account.
If you're processing payments on behalf of other Square accounts (using OAuth), then you could process the payment in the currency that matches that Square account's country.

The TaxType code 'MOSS Spain 21%' cannot be used with account code '200'

My UK-based application needs to create invoices using Xero's API. Some customers are in other EU countries, so I have to use a different VAT rate for them.
I've added a new Tax Rate called 'MOSS Spain 21%', with the Tax Type as 'MOSS Sales'.
When creating an invoice via the API using this tax rate I get the following validation exception:
The TaxType code MOSS Spain 21% does not exist or cannot be used for this type of transaction.
The TaxType code 'MOSS Spain 21%' cannot be used with account code '200'.
200 is the sales account, so should be fine. I can manually create an invoice in the Xero UI. It's just the API call that fails. Other invoices with the normal OUTPUT2 tax rate work.
I'm using the .NET Xero API:
The TaxType code isn't the user displayed name (MOSS Spain 21%) but something like TAX001 .
I had to query the API's Tax Rates end point to find the correct code for my custom tax rate.

How can I use Stripe to delay charging a customer until a physical item is shipped?

I'm in the process of building an online marketplace which sells shippable goods. The site will be similar to Etsy, which will connect merchants with buyers.
I'd like to be able to charge a customer's card ONLY when an item is shipped by a merchant to avoid chargebacks and provide an Amazon-like payment experience. This will also help us avoid chargebacks and payment disputes in case a merchant is slow to ship or flakes out. In some cases, the goods will take more than 7 days to be custom manufactured and shipped out
Here's an example timeline:
1/1/2014 - Customer adds $75 worth of items to their cart and clicks "buy". Enters credit card info.
1/1/2014 - Customer's card is verified and a $75 temporary hold is placed on their card. Order is sent to merchant for fulfillment.
1/14/2014 - Merchant ships goods to customer and adds shipping tracking info
1/14/2014 - Customer's card is charged for the full amount and merchant receives $75 minus fees.
I plan to use Stripe Connect for payment processing, but am not sure how to delay capturing a payment for more than 7 days. Any thoughts? I don't want to aggregate the funds under my own account and use payouts since this will likely run afoul of money transmission laws. Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT: It looks like Quora has a similar question here , but the answers don't seem to deal with the case where a merchant ships out the item but the payment fails.
After further research, it seems there's no way to delay capturing a charge past the 7 day authorization window.
But here's one way to delay a charge:
Tokenize a credit card using the stripe.js library
Create a new stripe customer passing in the token as the "card" param
An example from the Stripe FAQ:
Note that the longer you wait between tokenizing a card and actually charging it, the more likely your charge will be declined for various reasons (expired card, lack of funds, fraud, etc). This also adds a layer of complexity (and lost sales) since you'll need to ask a buyer to resubmit payment info.
I'd still like to confirm that a certain amount can be charged (like a "preauthorization"), but this lets me at least charge the card at a later date.
Celery has built a service to help you do this with Stripe. They are very easy to use, but note that they charge 2% per transaction.
actually you can save user token and pay later with tracking info
# get the credit card details submitted by the form or app
token = params[:stripeToken]
# create a Customer
customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
card: token,
description: 'description for',
email: ''
# charge the Customer instead of the card
amount: 1000, # in cents
currency: 'usd',
# save the customer ID in your database so you can use it later
# later
customer_id = get_stripe_customer_id(user)
amount: 1500, # $15.00 this time
currency: 'usd',
customer: customer_id
Stripe release a delay method to place a hold without charging.
\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey('your stripe key');
$token = $_POST['stripeToken'];
$stripeinfo = \Stripe\Token::retrieve($token);
$email = $stripeinfo->email;
$customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array(
"source" => $token,
"email" => $email)