How to format/decode service logs from Docker API - express

I'm trying to get logs from the Docker API at this endpoint. I'm just trying to get the logs returned as a string, not using the websocket option. It mostly works, but the string contains strange characters that I'm not sure what to do with.
I'm using Axios, with Express, like so:
let result = await AXIOS.get(`http://${managerNodeIPAddress}/services/${idForLogs}/logs?stdout=true&stderr=true`);
and if I console.log(result), the data property looks like this:
data: '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00#Example app listening on port 5000\n' +
'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1F[16/4/2022-21:05:02] GET/: 200\n' +
'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1F[16/4/2022-21:05:43] GET/: 200\n' +
'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1F[16/4/2022-21:05:44] GET/: 200\n' +
'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1F[16/4/2022-21:06:33] GET/: 200\n' +
// ...
and if I console.log(, it looks like this:
<Buffer 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 45 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 61 70 70 20 6c 69 73 74 65 6e 69 6e 67 20 6f 6e 20 70 6f 72 74 20 35 30 30 30 0a 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... 972 more bytes>
If I send along this response, and try to view it response in Postman, or elsewhere, the viewer doesn't know what to do with the initial \x01-type strings:
I gather that they are escaped binary, or something along those lines, and I need to change something about my request headers, or parse the axios response, in a particular way, to deal with this. I would be happy either
decoding those characters into whatever they are supposed to be (I've tried "decoding" the buffer, using toString('utf-8), etc, but that doesn't seem to get rid of the characters, so they still show up strange when passed along and viewed in certain contexts.). OR,
getting rid of those characters entirely (I tried to do the later with the replace method, but it isn't working for some reason).
I've never dealt with this before, so the world of encoding/decoding things like this feels a bit mysterious, and I would appreciate any pointers anyone might have.

I think I was able to figure this out. As I understand things now, the 00 and 01 are (or represent?) hex bytes, which correspond to the ASCII characters SOH (start of header) and NUL (null). The mac terminal doesn't have trouble interpreting them, but it appears some other applications do. I was able to get rid of them by filtering the buffer array, like so:
let logs = => byte !== 01 && byte !== 00).toString();
I was honestly a little surprised this worked, but it seems to have. It doesn't affect how the logs look in the terminal, and they look fine in Postman now.


Sending `Encrypted Extension` and `Server Finished` in one handshake message. Is it mandatory in TLS1.3?

As per RFC 8446 (TLSv1.3) []
Encrypted Extension and Finished are two different handshake messages.
But in RFC 8448 (Example Handshake Traces for TLS 1.3) []
In all examples of this trace document, Encrypted Extension (message type 0x08) and Server Finished
(message type 0x14) messages are concatenated and send together.
Refer page number 23 and 24 of RFC 8446.
payload (80 octets): **08** 00 00 28 00 26 00 0a 00 14 00 12 00 1d 00
17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 1c 00 02 40 01
00 00 00 00 00 2a 00 00 **14** 00 00 20 48 d3 e0 e1 b3 d9 07 c6 ac
ff 14 5e 16 09 03 88 c7 7b 05 c0 50 b6 34 ab 1a 88 bb d0 dd 1a
34 b2
I know by adding two handshake messages (if they are sent by one entity immediately one after other) together will increase performance and RFC 8446 provide this provision.
But is this really mandatory by any server implementation to send Encrypted Extension and Server Finished messages together?
Or Server and Client should support both implementations i.e.
a) Sending Encrypted Extension and Server Finished messages separately one by one.
b) Sending Encrypted Extension and Server Finished message together in one handshake message.
TLS is send over TCP. TCP is a byte stream which has no concept of messages and thus has no concept of "messages send together" too. Two send at the application level or from within the TLS stack might end up within the same TCP packet the same as one send might be spread over multiple TCP packets.
In other words: since the TCP layer underlying TLS is only a byte stream which can be packetized in arbitrary ways not controlled by the upper layer, it would be impossible to follow a mandatory requirement of sending multiple TLS messages in the same TCP packet.

Extracting GPS metadata from hex of JPG image

I am trying to extract GPS metadata from hex following this tutorial, but cannot understand why at the end the latitude and longitude have length 24 and values 42 and 73:
I found the tags of latitude and longitude (00 02 00 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 02 42) and (00 04 00 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 02 5A). As I understood, if count = 3, then the values of both of them should follow in the last 4 bytes of tags. but 02 42 and 02 5A are not "42" and "73"...
Who could explain me what is wrong?
Please, don't recommend any tools - I need to do it manually.
You need to also consider the size of each value. The count is three, but the size of each is larger than one byte. Therefore it won't fit in the four bytes, and those four bytes represent an offset to the value.
GPS data is usually stored as three rational numbers, where each rational number is two 32-bit integers (numerator, denominator). Therefore you have three values for latitude, but each is 8 bytes. The 24 bytes won't fit within the TIFF tag, so it is stored somewhere else in the file, and the four bytes you're seeing are a pointer to it. You need to look into the spec to find out where that pointer is relative to, as it's probably not the start of the file.
Check out my metadata extractor libraries (in Java and C#) for reference.
Apparently the 24 bit data type is a PropertyTagTypeRational
Specifies that the value data member is an array of pairs of unsigned long integers. Each pair represents a fraction; the first integer is the numerator and the second integer is the denominator.
Mostly gotten from: Getting GPS data from an image's EXIF in C#
This bit of python code might have a good hint too at how you can decode the data

String Serialization in utf-8 using Node Buffer

I have a sql database storing a blob using unhex('6BFD3D0AFDFD4E01FDFD67703A34757F').
The server retrieves the blob and stores it in a Node Buffer as <Buffer 6b 8a 3d 0a 9b eb 4e 01 96 a6 67 70 3a 34 75 7f>.
The server serializes the buffer and send it to the client using buffer.toString() which defaults to utf8 encoding.
The client receives and deserializes the buffer using Buffer.from(buffer, 'utf8'), which results in <Buffer 6b ef bf bd 3d 0a ef bf bd ef bf bd 4e 01 ef bf bd ef bf bd 67 70 3a 34 75 7f> and then if I convert it back to hex using .toString('hex') I get 6BEFBFBD3D0AEFBFBDEFBFBD4E01EFBFBDEFBFBD67703A34757F.
So to sum it all up, if I do:
let startHex = "6BFD3D0AFDFD4E01FDFD67703A34757F"
let buffer = Buffer.from(hex, 'hex')
let endHex = Buffer.from(buffer.toString()).toString('hex').toUpperCase())
The output is:
My question is why is startHex and endHex different? They aren't just different. They look similar except the endHex has extra characters. I know I get the correct output if I serialize the buffer between the server and the client using base64 or binary, but for my project it is easier if the client is able to figure out startHex given the serialized buffer using utf8. The reason is that I do not have access to the inner workings of the server which actually calls buffer.toString() before sending to the client, so I cannot change the encoding.
You have invalid UTF-8 characters in your original input. The invalid UTF-8 replacement character has bytes EFBFBD and you can see that several times in the output.

What is the exact procedure to perform external authentication?

I am trying to perform external authentication on smart card, I got the 8 byte challenge from the card and then I need to generate the card cryptogram on that 8 bytes.
But I don't know how to perform that cryptogram operation (smartcard tool kit converting 8 bytes to 72 bytes).
The following commands are generated by the tool kit
00 A4 04 00 0C A0 00 00 02 43 00 13 00 00 00 01 04
00 22 41 A4 06 83 01 01 95 01 80
command: 80 84 00 00 08 Response: (8 bytes challenge)
command: 80 82 00 00 48 (72 bytes data)
Can any body say what are the steps to follow to convert 8 byte challenge to 72 bytes ?
Conversion is not exactly the right term. You need to apply the cryptographic algorithm with the correct key to the received challenge. I assume, that an External Authenticate command is performed, but the strange data field length allows no assumption on the algorithm used. Possibly an external challenge is also provided in the command and session keys are established. Since the assumed Get Challenge command and the External Authenticate command have a class byte indicating a proprietary command, ISO 7816-4 won't help here and you need to refer to the card specification. To get knowledge of the key you probably have to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the card issuer.

Redirection rules with special characters

I want to use redirect 301 rules (i.e. I hope to be able to avoid rewriting rules) to redirect URLs that contain special characters (like é, à ,...) like for instance
redirect 301 /éxàmple
However, simply adding this doesn't work. Any suggestions?
How to troubleshoot this on a Windows system
On Windows, you can use Notepad++ to enter Unicode characters correctly. After launching Notepad++, select 'Encoding in UTF-8 without BOM' from the 'Encoding' menu, then type your Unicode characters and save the file.
To make sure that the characters have been saved properly, download a hex editor for Windows and make sure that é is saved as c3 89 and à is saved as c3 a0.
Previous response where I assumed that you are on a Linux system
Most likely the Unicode characters have not been saved properly in .htaccess file.
What do you get when you try this command:
grep -o .x.mple .htaccess | od -t x1 -c
You should get this if your Unicode characters are saved correctly.
0000000 c3 a9 78 c3 a0 6d 70 6c 65 0a 65 78 61 6d 70 6c
303 251 x 303 240 m p l e \n e x a m p l
0000020 65 0a
e \n
If you have xxd or hd installed, you can get a neater output to do your troubleshooting:
$ grep -o .x.mple .htaccess | xxd -g1
0000000: c3 a9 78 c3 a0 6d 70 6c 65 0a 65 78 61 6d 70 6c ..x..mple.exampl
0000010: 65 0a e.
In all the outputs you can see that é is saved as the binary numbers: c3 89. You can see from that the é when encoded in UTF-8 is indeed two-bytes: 0xC3 and 0xA9.
Similarly, à in UTF-8 format is: 0xC3 0xA0. See You can see these codes in the output as well.
These should work, but it depends on some things that you have to check as a checklit:
Do you have mod_alias enabled? If not, you should run a2enmod mod_alias
Do you have some redirection to your example page? (Redirections are applied before aliases)
Then, instead of converting it to UTF-8, you can try to put the characters as they're encoded by browsers, for example %C3%A9 for é, etc.