custom crafting skript minecraft - minecraft

So the problem is: on minecraft with skript I want to find a way to create custom recipes without addons !
I try with that code but it's not working !
on load:
set {hamer-data} to netherite pickaxe named "&7Hammer" with lore "&7The hammer is in devloppement"
register new shaped recipe for {hamer-data} using air, netherite ingot, netherite ingot, air, stick, air, air, stick, air

It might have something to do with your variable, try this:
Without Variables
on load:
register new shaped recipe for netherite pickaxe named "&7Hammer" using air, netherite ingot, netherite ingot, air, stick, air, air, stick, air
With Variables
on load:
set {hammer} to netherite pickaxe named "&7Hammer"
register new shaped recipe for {hammer} using air, netherite ingot, netherite ingot, air, stick, air, air, stick, air```

at the end you need to add the ID of the item. if you look at the tutorial on you can see that they add an item ID
on load:
set {_hellingot} to brick named "&cHell Ingot"
register new shaped recipe for {_hellingot} named "&cHell Ingot" using iron ingot, gold ingot, iron ingot, gold ingot, netherite ingot, gold ingot, iron ingot, gold ingot and iron ingot with id "hell_ingot"


Change the physical location of the device (React Native)

I am planning to make an application where the user can input a address and the location of the device would change. I saw a lots of people changing the location of the simulator but I would like to change the location of the actual device. An example: If I am living in California, I would like to show my device is in New York even the device is still in California but in the GPS it would show as new york.
How could I achieve this functionality using React Native or NodeJS.
Thank you

Unreal Engine Pawn Possession issues when using Mixed Reality UX Tools Plugin

I am having issues with attempting to start the game and possessing a pawn; But, when I enable the Mixed Reality UX Tools plugin it screws up my Player Controller.
This is my simple scene:
2 Pawns I have created over a chess board
I can easily set up possession when I start up the scene.
Player Controller that works without the plugin:
This works fine and takes one of the MR Pawns
But once I enable it I go from Left to Right on the views:
Left View: Before plugin and it possess a pawn. Right View: after plugin it creates a new pawn
I assume this is because the plugin creates a new pawn with interactive elements in it when you start up. But I was wondering if I could override this feature of the plugin.
This is likely caused by the input simulation feature in UXTools: it sets a view target in order to emulate the HMD position, which can interfere with expected camera views from a pawn. We intend to address these issues in the next release to make input simulation work more like a true HMD in the VR preview. In the meantime there are a few things you can try to work around the issue:
Disable input simulation: Under Project Settings > Platforms > Windows Mixed Reality you can disable the feature altogether. This means you have to play on-device in order to test interactions with UXTools.
Use a camera component on the pawn: That will override the view target defined by input sim and force the camera to be in the pawn location.

USB camera (not RPi camera) isn't working on Android Things Preview 2

There are samples of using RPi camera, but none of them are useful.
I have added permissions in the manifest file, but still the output is showing : No cameras found. Why?
02-22 19:24:42.936 2134-2134/com.example.androidthings.doorbell
D/DoorbellActivity: Doorbell Activity created.
02-22 19:24:43.131 2134-2134/com.example.androidthings.doorbell
I/CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
02-22 19:24:43.135 2134-2134/com.example.androidthings.doorbell
D/DoorbellCamera: No cameras found
02-22 19:24:43.135 2134-2134/com.example.androidthings.doorbell
W/DoorbellCamera: Cannot capture image. Camera not initialized.
If you look at the Hardware Support Matrix on the Developer Kits page, note that camera support is only provided over the CSI-2 interface, and not USB. The only media interface supported over USB in the current preview is audio record/playback.

RGBDToolKit calibrate correspondence cannot display the live view by my canon digital camera

Hi~ I am trying to calibrate my depth camera with my digital camera.. but I meet some problem using the RGBDKinectCapture...
1、why the calibrate correspondence cannot show the RGB view from my digital camera?? (canon EOS 600D)
I have set it the live view mode..
2、it cannot recognize my kinect(1414) on Win7 By the example application (download from the,
and I cannot run the source on Windows,just say the error 'enable_if' also mean the std::tr1::enable_if...
3、What is the methods of taking live preview for (all) the HD camera in RGBToolKit ??
is it without the SDK of camera??
which methods it based on??
which class? and I want to debug it...
I'm so sorry ... I see now...
1、the RGBDToolkit doesnot display the live preview of the HD camera.... it just load its video....
2、I cannot run the example on windows because it run with the different sdk for kinect ...(the source has give the sdk..)

Themes in Adobe AIR

What is the best way to skin/theme an AIR application. For example, I want to use a dark/blackish theme instead (similar to Tour de Flex) instead of the default gray one.
The ScaleNine themes are a good place to start, find one that is sort of like what you want, plug it into your app, and gradually replace the colors, images, and controls with your own.
I'm only just getting started in AIR as well, but if you're using Flex check out the Flex in a Week video series. There are several videos that cover creating custom MXML components and item renderers, which effectively let you skin your application.
You can also use CSS to style your app.
First you need to set the system chrome property in the air application properties file to none.
If the main file in your air app is named Main.mxml, then your application properties files will be named Main-app.xml. This file is not hard to find, it should be in the same location as the Main.mxml file.
By setting this property to none you are saying that you do not wish your air app window to take the style of the OS windows in which the app is running.
Since this property is set to none, the chrome for the air app will have to come from your Main.mxml file, which should be a WindowedApplication
Use the titleBarBackgroundSkin attriubute of the WindowedApplication To set the skin for the air app. titleBarBackgroundSkin defaults to "mx.skins.halo.ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin"