Workday Extend format option for cellTemplate type="date" - workday-api

I am implementing a grid in a Workday Extend worklet.
The code for the date column looks like this:
"type": "column",
"columnId": "c3",
"label": "Start Date",
"sortableAndFilterable": "true",
"cellTemplate": {
"type": "date",
"value": "<% grdRow.startDate %>"
It was "type":"text".
Now I would like to make it "type":"date" The grdRow.startDate is a date type.
I also want to format the date in a format of "DD-MMM-YYYY".
I cannot find something in the Workday documentation about an option to format a date column.
Do I really need to format it my self in the underlying report and view as text?

If the page is a view page, you can use the "dateDisplayPattern" attribute on the "date" widget.
Note: An edit page uses the preferred display language of the signed-in user to determine the display format of the date widget. An edit page ignores the dateDisplayPattern attribute.


How to get the link data with pretty text in it from Google Sheet API

I'm getting data from google sheet in CSV format. But when the sheet has a Hyperlink in its cell, like =Hyperlink("URL", "pretty text"), the google sheet only gives me the pretty text not the link, So my question is how can I get both links & pretty text from google sheet.
Thanks for helping me
You will have to make use of the valueRenderOption parameter when making the spreadsheets.values.get API call.
Assuming your cell looks like this:
You can retrieve the following values using different values for the valueRenderOption parameter as this one will determine how values are rendered in the output.
1. If valueRenderOption is FORMATTED_VALUE (which is the default value when making the API call):
Then the response will look like this:
"range": "Sheet1!A1",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
"pretty text"
2. If valueRenderOption is UNFORMATTED_VALUE:
Then the response will look like this:
"range": "Sheet1!A1",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
"pretty text"
3. If valueRenderOption is FORMULA:
Then the response will look like this:
"range": "Sheet1!A1",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
"=HYPERLINK(\"URL\", \"pretty text\")"
Therefore, depending on the exact result you want to achieve, it would be best to use the FORMULA parameter as this will retrieve the formula with its link and value as well. This might require some string processing if you simply want the link and its value.
Sheets API spreadsheets.values.get;
Sheets API ValueRenderOption.

bigcommerce hide a custom address field

I want to hide one of the fields created in Advanced Settings > Account Setup Form (Address Fields) during the Shipping and Billing steps of optimized one-page checkout.
I can the field names/values using this api, but no ID.{{store-hash}}/v3/customers/form-field-values?customer_id=1
gives me this output
"data": [
"name": "Sales Agent",
"customer_id": 1,
"value": "Unassigned Customer-web (9990)"
When editing in the admin console, it's referred to as FormFieldID
When in the checkout, the markup for this field is contained inside of a custom element, dynamic-form-field with a very predictable name attribute.
What's the deal with this?
ng-repeat="formField in checkoutAddressCtrl.formFields track by"
class="dynamic-form-field dynamic-form-field--field_41"
ng-attr-mirror="{{ === 'addressLine1' &&
checkoutAddressCtrl.hasAutocomplete() ?'google-autocomplete' : null }}"
Why don't you use some css?
[name="field_41"] {
display: none;
I believe from memory you can add a css class for the custom field in the Big Commerce control panel. So give it a class of, say, nodisplay, then add
.nodisplay {display: none}
to your store's css.

How do i select the e.g. first entry in a dropdown list which is created when typing in characters?

I'm testing the chrome extension "Kantu browser automation" and could use some help in figuring out how to select from a drop down list, when the drop down list is created based upon typed characters.
The website I'm testing on is
I've tried to record my way through with no success.
I've tried to use click, but can't select the dropdown-list, since it disappears when attempting to clicking on it.
I've tried ClickAt with Coordinates 262,504 and other coordinates as well. Nothing happens.
"Name": "Uddannelsesstatistik - Dagtilbud",
"CreationDate": "2019-2-11",
"Commands": [
"Command": "open",
"Target": "",
"Value": ""
"Command": "type",
"Target": "id=dawa-autocomplete-input",
"Value": "Aabakken 1, Rebæk, 6000 Kolding"
"Command": "clickAt",
"Target": "id=dawa-autocomplete-input",
"Value": "262,504"
Right now, it stops when the characters is typed.
The expected output would be that i typed in e.g. "Aabakken 1" and then select the first entry in drop down list "Aabakken 1, Rebæk, 6000 Kolding".
I'm not that experienced in reading html code and how to specify to select first element in a html list, so i could really use all the references, examples, and all help in general.
I have never used kantu before, but you can use the below xpath to identify the first element of the auto completion drop down and you can click on it.
Give some(at least 3 seconds) delay before performing click action using the above xpath otherwise you will get an error.
I hope it helps...

How to "lock" a field value based on default value in a react Json Schema form?

We have a json schema that includes a field, for which we want to control the value via the schema (rather than having the user specify the value).
We can set a default value - but this is simply overwritten by the formData that the user parses.
Is there a way to "lock" the field value to the default value provided in the schema, ensuring that the formData is updated with the schema-specified value?
"meta": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"rev": {
"title": "We want to lock the below default value via the schema",
"type": "string",
"default": "10.00"
Sorry, you cannot do this using the schema alone. It's not designed to be used for forms, so it doesn't have that functionality.
It sounds like you want a read-only field. The documentation for react JSON Schema form supports this:
The ui:readonly uiSchema directive will mark all child widgets from a
given field as read-only.
Note: the uiSchema is in addition to your JSON Schema.

jQuery DataTables - understanding how data is fed in, mRender/mData..?

I am struggling with grasping jQuery datatables (v1.10.1 via CDN), and the conventions used in the current version. Various documentation is confusing/lacking in 'complete' examples at best, conflicting at worst.
Please explain the current (v1.10.1) best practices with regards to defining the contents of a field.
I see lots of information about columns/mData/mRender/mDataProp, amongst others and I feel overloaded as to what each one means and/or when each should be used (see the 'research' section below for examples).
Secondly, where do I stand with regards to using dates and "set"/"display"/"filter"/"sort" (assuming that this is the route to take, with mData/mRender)?
EDIT: Here's an example of some data in a fiddle:
var massData = [
{ "Column1": "test1", "Timestamp": "Sun Jul 27 2014 14:42:20 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time)", "Date": "18/10/2012" },
{ "Column1": "test2", "Timestamp": "Mon Jul 28 2014 14:42:20 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time)", "Date": "18/10/2016" },
{ "Column1": "test3", "Timestamp": "Wed Jul 22 2014 14:42:20 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time)", "Date": "18/01/2012" }
var keys = ["Column1", "Timestamp", "Date"];
var columns = [];
for (var keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keys.length; keyIndex++) {
"title": keys[keyIndex],
"data": keys[keyIndex],
"defaultContent": ""
$('#demo').html('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="example"></table>');
"data": massData,
"deferRender": true,
"scrollY": 400,
"scrollX": true,
"columns": columns
I see this question which has code using mRender, though my understanding is that filtering/sorting will use the actual data
I see this example and this documentation which uses aoColumnDefs, aTargets and mData..?
This question has a reply to "Filtering using the rendered text", but uses aoColumnDefs, mDataProp, and a 'renderDate()' function, but does NOT make use of mRender
The documentation for mRender and mData suggests that mRender depends upon mData..
Other documentation suggests fnRender/bUseRendered is deprecated
First of all, you're looking at examples from previous version (which are obvious based on the Hungarian Notation) So any example with mData may work now, but could be rendered unusable once legacy support is removed. While they can give you an idea of a direction to go, it's dangerous to find methods in the old API and then expect them to work as-is with 1.10. There is a version converter document that helps a lot to understand equivalents between old and new.
My preference is to use this example that uses the "columns" definition to specify the data field easily. You can also quickly and easily define things for each column there, such as searchable, title, visible, etc. See the API for others.
So, a sample Datatable in my code would look like this:
$('#example').DataTable( {
data: data,
columns: [
{ data: 'keyoffield1', title:'name title', visible:'false' },
{ data: 'keyoffield2', title:'position title' },
{ data: 'keyoffield3', title:'salary title here' },
{ data: 'keyoffield4', title:'office title here' }
} );
As for sorting, it's setup to recognize date fields out of the box for you, as you can see in your example (click on the header to change the sort) However, if you want to set default sorts such as asc, desc, etc, that's pretty easily done with columns.sort as you'll see in the API. There is a simple plugin to enhance sorting on fields that may not be formatted in a way that DataTables is built to use.
fnRender is gone, the closest equivalents are explained here. If you ignore those examples and the complaining that happened when it was removed, it's pretty easy to see how Allan was proceeding with the new methods like column.render for example.