Graph API Call Issues - POST Event - api

I'm running into issues when trying to create an event in a specific user calendar.
This call works fine: POST
But when I change the API Call to include the other user details, it throws this error: "The specified object was not found in the store."
I have created an app on Azure and assigned all necessary permissions.
App Permissions
Can someone please assist if I'm missing something?

Please note when you use /me, it means you are calling the ms graph api with a delegate api permission which is authentiated by entering user name/password, you can only do operations on your own account with this kind of authentication. While you want to do operations for other users like /users/user_id/xxx, you required the application api permission. That's why api document showed api permission in Delegated and Application. One for personal and another for all users.
When we need to get access token contain application permission, we need to use client credential flow. This flow is used for daemon application since this kind of application doesn't have user interactive operation, so we can only use application permission for this kind of scenario. And as you can see it will offer "very big ability" to the application(allow application to create/change/delete items for any user in your tenant), so we need to use appliation permission with caution.
Come back to the case, you can follow this section to generate access token and call the api. You can also using graph SDK in your code to call that api.
using Azure.Identity;
using Microsoft.Graph;
public async Task<string> testAsync() {
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var tenantId = "";
var clientId = "azure_ad_clientid";
var clientSecret = "client_secret";
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
var a = await graphClient.Users["user_id"].Request().GetAsync();
return a.DisplayName;


Microsoft Graph access token refresh

I am writing an application that uses the "OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow" to get an access token for calling the Microsoft Graph API. The application authenticates as itself, not on behalf of a signed in user.
I based my code off of this example from Microsoft.
This is how I initialize the GraphServiceClient:
// Read application settings from appsettings.json (tenant ID, app ID, client secret, etc.)
AppSettings config = AppSettingsFile.ReadFromJsonFile();
// Initialize the client credential auth provider
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(config.TenantId, config.AppId, config.ClientSecret);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
And this is how I later use it (for example):
var users = await graphClient.Users.Request().GetAsync();
My application is an API. It is not an application that runs once and done. It will be continuously running for a long time. So I am concerned about what will happen when the access token expires. How do I make sure that when I need to use the graphClient the access token will not be expired?
According to your code snippet above, I think you are using the graph SDK and using the client credential flow as the authentication.
So we are no need to generate access token here but just using the graphClient to call the graph api and gather the information you needed. And due to this mode, it won't appear the token expired situation as each time you call an api you will new clientSecretCredential before it.
And let's come back to the refresh, azure ad provide refresh token for refreshing the access token when it expired as refresh token has much longer expire time than access token, when we try to get the refresh token, we need to append offline_access to the scope when generate the access. But using client credential flow means your app requests a new token with it's own credentials, so it's no need to using refresh token to avoid making signed-in user sign in again. Using credential flow shouldn't return refresh token.
Then you may have some ideas that you insist on using refresh the expired token process, then what you only can do is generate an access token first and save the token with its expired time in some place, and using the access token as the http request header and calling graph api. Then the code should like this, but I don't think you're willing to using this kind of code, you may also refer to this document for more details:
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var tenantId = "";
var clientId = "your_azuread_clientid";
var clientSecret = "corresponding_client_secret";
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var tokenRequestContext = new TokenRequestContext(scopes);
var token = clientSecretCredential.GetTokenAsync(tokenRequestContext).Result.Token;
//using http sender with the token
httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token );
// Call the web API.
HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(apiUri);

Which is the correct flow to get current user's groups from Microsoft graph?

Hi I am implementing Groups based authorization to my web api. I have client application swagger. Through swagger I am logging in and calling web api. In web api I want to implement groups based authorization through Microsoft graph. When I logging through swagger I will get one token and I am passing to my webapi. If I am not wrong, Now I required one token to call Microsoft graph. So can I use same token to call microsoft graph? I confused my self and implemented client credential flow. Client credential flow will get token for the app(here user signed in token has nothing to do).
public static async Task<GraphServiceClient> GetGraphServiceClient()
// Get Access Token and Microsoft Graph Client using access token and microsoft graph v1.0 endpoint
var delegateAuthProvider = await GetAuthProvider();
// Initializing the GraphServiceClient
graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(graphAPIEndpoint, delegateAuthProvider);
return graphClient;
private static async Task<IAuthenticationProvider> GetAuthProvider()
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
ClientCredential clientCred = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
// ADAL includes an in memory cache, so this call will only send a message to the server if the cached token is expired.
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(graphResource, clientCred).ConfigureAwait(false);
var token = authenticationResult.AccessToken;
var delegateAuthProvider = new DelegateAuthenticationProvider((requestMessage) =>
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token.ToString());
return Task.FromResult(0);
return delegateAuthProvider;
Below code will return all the groups.
GraphServiceClient client = await MicrosoftGraphClient.GetGraphServiceClient();
var groupList = await client.Groups.Request().GetAsync();
but my requirement is to get current signed in users group. So can someone help me which flow I should use and In the above code only Is it possible to get current users group? Can someone help me in understanding these and implement correctly? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
As we have discussed before, you should call Microsoft Graph API from your webapi app.
So you should not use the same access token to call Microsoft Graph. You should specfy the Microsoft Graph endpoint ( as the resource when you request a new access token to Microsoft Graph.
Secondly, client credential flow means app-only permission (without user). So if there is no signed in user, how could we get user's groups?
You should consider using AcquireTokenAsync(String, ClientAssertion, UserAssertion).
After that, using the following code to get the signed in user's groups.
GraphServiceClient client = await MicrosoftGraphClient.GetGraphServiceClient();
var memberOf = await graphClient.Me.MemberOf.Request().GetAsync();

Identity Server 4 : Custom OIDC login callback to store tokens in a store

I'm currently building a Blazor app that needs authentication and retrieve acces_token to access an API. I'm also using refresh_token to avoid user relogin when browsing.
My current way to manage it is to register a custom httpClient in dependency injection system, retrieve HttpContext to check for access_token and if not good, call manually idsrv4 to retrieve new access & refresh tokens
The main issue is that by doing so, I cannot write into httpContext the new values (response has already begin) so I'll have to do it everytime, losing advantages of token lifetime.
My goal is to store all user informations & token informations within a custom store. To do so, I'll have to handle the point when tokens are retrieved, but I can't find a god place to fit in as callback ?
I've already tried the Events property within the AddOpenIdConnect options, but it doesn't seems any of them can fit my needs ?
Where can I put my custom callback logic after login ?
If you want to get and store the access token after client app get the access token , you can use OnTokenResponseReceived event :
options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnTokenResponseReceived = ctx =>
var accessToken = ctx.TokenEndpointResponse.AccessToken;
var idToken = ctx.TokenEndpointResponse.IdToken;
return Task.CompletedTask;

How can I get a user password using the Auth0 Management API nuget package?

We are currently trying to make a change to our website so that it uses Auth0 to authenticate. As part of that, I am rewriting a "config" website that we have for managing the users. The users will now be stored in Auth0 and the config website will therefore have to be able to add and edit Auth0 users in my tenant.
The config website uses the Auth0 Management API nuget package:
But I have run into a problem. I can get a list of users and I can create a user. I can get the user's details and present them in an edit form onscreen, but I can't save the changes made, because when I try to do this I get an error that I need to supply a password in the UserUpdateRequest.
But when I get the user's details (client.Users.GetAsync(id)), it doesn't give me back a password property. If I could get the password from the call to GetAsync(id) then I could add it to the UserUpdateRequest. But if I can't get the password from GetAsync, how can I put the password in the UserUpdateRequest? How am I supposed to ever save a user?
I guess my ultimate question is: how can I get the user's password using the Management that I can supply it later on to the UserUpdateRequest model when calling Users.UpdateAsync. Or if I can't get the user's password, can I somehow update the user without knowing their password?
It looks like the Nuget Management API was expecting this method to be used by the user themselves (and they could therefore put in their password to change their details), not an admin user operating through a config/admin website that wouldn't know the users password.
C# User/Edit [HttpGet] action method to get users and display them:
var token = GetAccessToken();
var apiClient = new ManagementApiClient(token, new Uri(""));
var user = await apiClient.Users.GetAsync(id);
var userModel = MapUserToUserModel(user);
return View(userModel);
C# User/Edit [HttpPost] action method to save the changes to user's details:
var token = GetAccessToken();
var apiClient = new ManagementApiClient(token, new Uri(""));
var updateReq = new UserUpdateRequest()
UserName = model.UserId,
Email = model.Email,
Password = model.Password,
EmailVerified = model.EmailVerified,
AppMetadata = model.AppMetadata,
UserMetadata = model.UserMetadata
var user = await apiClient.Users.UpdateAsync(model.UserId, updateReq);

Cannot access UserInfo endpoint in IdentityServer4 doc example from Client

I'm testing out IdentityServer4, going through the documentation in order to learn more about OAuth2, OpenId Connect and Claim-based authentication, all of which I'm new at. However, some of the example code behaves weirdly and I can't figure out why...
So from my understanding, when given permission to access user data, the client can reach out to the UserInfo endpoint, which contains data such as claims, etc.
In IdentityServer4 there's even a setting
that the documentation recommends we set to true.
So I'm following the IdentityServer4 startup guides and everything works perfectly until a point. This Quickstart contains the example code provided, although I'm assuming that I'm missing something obvious and seeing the code is not required.
Based on the openId Configuration page of the running server, the userinfo endpoint is located at
http://localhost:5000/connect/userinfo and when I try to access it via the browser I'm seeing a navbar which claims I'm logged in, but the body of the page is a signin prompt. Looks weird but I'm assuming that this is because I'm logged in at localhost:5000 (IdentityServer4), but I'm not sending the userId token which I got for the client on localhost:5002.
So I wrote the following code on my client app:
public async Task<IActionResult> GetData()
var accessToken = HttpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token").Result;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var userInfo = await client.GetStringAsync("http://localhost:5000/connect/userinfo");
return Content(userInfo);
Here I know that GetTokenAsync("access_token") should work as it's used in other places in the example project by the client app that connect to an API. However, the responce I'm getting is again the layout page of IdentityServer and a log in prompt.
Any idea what my mistake is and how to access the UserInfo endpoint?
Edit: removed thread-blocking so that I don't show strangers shameful test code
Ok, so it turns out that this code should have a simplified version, namely:
UserInfoClient uic = new UserInfoClient("http://localhost:5000", idToken);
var result = await uic.GetAsync();
return Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Claims));
Yet, the problem persists, even the encapsulated code inside UserInfoClient hits the brick wall of "no user endpoint data, just the layout for the example website".
It's probably little late to answer, but for anyone who is still stumbling upon this, try this ---
var accessToken = await HttpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
var client = new HttpClient();
var userInfoClient = new UserInfoClient("http://localhost:5000/connect/userinfo");
var response = await userInfoClient.GetAsync(accessToken);
var claims = response.Claims;
You can also get the list of claims on the client app like -
var claims = HttpContext.User.Claims.ToList();
without calling the endpoint.