Upload file using selenium vba - vba

I am using selenium vba and on the webpage there is an element that is supposed to enable me to upload a file. Here's the html for that element
<input type="file" name="attachments" id="attachments" accept=".pdf" maxlength="20" class="inputTextBox2">
I tried both methods to click on the element but the element doesn't respond at all
bot.ExecuteScript "arguments[0].click();", .FindElementById("attachments")
but both methods don't work and the element doesn't respond

Solved as I discovered that the input is a textbox so I used SendKeys to send the path
.FindElementByCss(".inputTextBox2").SendKeys THEFILEPATH


How to click on the element as per the html through VBScript and Selenium

I'm using VbScript with Selenium driver to connect to Chrome (store.steampowered.com/app/681530/NOISZ/) and want to click the "Next in Queue" button which is a div class, but nothing happens. I know I'm on the right track because the below lines does work as expected:
(Displays the text Next in queue)
msgbox(driver.FindElementsByXPath("//div[#class='next_in_queue_area']/div[#class='btn_next_in_queue btn_next_in_queue_trigger']").Item(1).text)
(Scrolls to the Next in queue button)
(But trying these ones does nothing and also no error messages)
Using Chrome's Inspect when highligtning this code the Next button is highlighted entirely:
<div class="btn_next_in_queue btn_next_in_queue_trigger" data-tooltip-text="Remove this product from your queue and continue to the next item.">
<div class="next_in_queue_content">
<span>Next in Queue<br>
<span class="queue_sub_text">(11 remaining )</span>
So it is just a question of finding the correct div or span to click
To click the button with text as Next in Queue you can use either of the following solution:
FindElement with XPath:
driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[#class='btn_next_in_queue btn_next_in_queue_trigger']/div[#class='next_in_queue_content']/span").Click
FindElements with XPath:
driver.FindElementsByXPath("//div[#class='btn_next_in_queue btn_next_in_queue_trigger']/div[#class='next_in_queue_content']/span").Item(1).Click
As an alternative you can use the ExecuteScript() method as follows:
Dim js As IJavaScriptExecutor = TryCast(driver, IJavaScriptExecutor)
js.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[starts-with(#id, 'button-')][#class='x-btn-inner x-btn-inner-center']"))
Imports OpenQA.Selenium.Support.Extensions
driver.ExecuteJavaScript("arguments[0].click();", driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[starts-with(#id, 'button-')][#class='x-btn-inner x-btn-inner-center']"))

Xpath not working as expected while running the test

I am trying to automate the browser, while I try to locate the element via xpath in browser in static mode it is able to highlight the element where as when I run the script it comes back with an error that it is unable to find the element.
xpath I have written:
Here is the HTML:
<form name="f2" onsubmit="return verify();" action="/ATS/cgi-bin/barcap_jobaction.pl" method="post">
<input name="jobname" type="hidden" value="soa_b_pbtv_l0_trnkni"/>
<input name="jobinstance" type="hidden" value="D03"/>
<input name="jobproceed" type="hidden" value="web"/>
<td style="background-color: #ffffff;">
<select name="jobaction">
if you're trying to select the select, jobaction then try this:
use css selector for the select select[name='jobaction']
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
List<WebElement> eleList = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("form[name='f2']")));
for(WebElement element: eleList) {
if(element.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[name='jobname']")).getText().equalsIgnoringCase("expectedValue")) {
WebElement element = element.findElement(By.cssSelector("select[name='jobaction']"));
The INPUT is hidden so it won't be found using typical Selenium means. Selenium was designed to only interact with elements that a user can see and interact with. You are able to locate it in the browser because you are using JS or JQuery and they are not designed to ignore hidden elements. One way to get around this is to use JavascriptExecutor... it basically allows you to run JS in Selenium and find hidden elements. Since it sounds like you already have successful locators, I would suggest you look up some tutorials on JSE and you should be set.
If you run into a new issue while using JSE, come back and post a new question and we can try to help you.

Click on hyper link is not loading webpage using Selenium webdriver

Here is how my html looks like on the web page:
<form id ="invoice request">
<div id = "charges">
<div id = "charges">
<div id= "billing">
<a id = "modify" class="modify_link" href = "#"> Modify </a>
I am unable to load Web page by clicking on Modify charges link. Selenium test passes without actually loading webpage.
Here are my trails:
driver.findElement (By.id ("modify")).click ();
wait.until (ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated (By.id ("modify")).click ();
What's wrong in the code?
You're expected condition doesn't actually do anything there. You're HTML shows that the element is already present when you click, because it's what you clicked. That element will still be on the DOM. You need to find an element (on what I am assuming is an AJAX call) that is presented only after you have clicked the modify button to ensure that the click button you invoked did anything.

WebDriver SendKeys Doesn't Send Value

I am trying to run selenium webdriver, imitating typing something to textbox and submit it.
I have this following code:
WebElement element = null;
element = waitForElementPresent(tFByCssSelector,timeoutValue);
element.sendKeys("Input String");
The code successfully type "Input String" to the textField, but when I submit the form, it says the form is empty (The form had been set to catch empty input exception).
I wonder why sendKeys does not set the value of the text field even though it has typed the wanted value into the text field.
Try to tab out of the field:
element.sendKeys("Input String");
It may be that the field value only gets set on blur.
As I see, all looks okay in your selenium code. I believe there is some problem with your HTML form.
The form should have proper action for receiving the values. A sample form is provided below.
<form action="http://foo.com" method="post">
<input name="say" value="Hi">
<input name="to" value="Mom">
<button>Send my greetings</button>
Based on what you use in method parameter, you will get the form data in POST or GET variables.
Also you don't need to click on the element before sending keys in Selenium.

Upload file to hidden input using protractor and selenium

I've got a hidden file input field like this:
<input type="file" id="fileToUpload-1827" multiple="" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().setFiles(this)" data-upload-id="1827" class="hidden-uploader">
I'd like to be able to upload files to this. The normal way to do this in protractor would be to do:
ptor.findElement(protractor.By.css('.file-upload-form input')).sendKeys('/path/to/file')
But because the input element isn't visible, I get an error.
I tried:
ptor.driver.executeScript("return $('.file-upload-form input')[0].removeClass('hidden-uploader');").then(function () {
ptor.findElement(protractor.By.css('.file-upload-form input')).sendKeys('hello');
But got the error
UnknownError: $(...)[0].removeClass is not a function
It seems ridiculous to have to use executeScript to make an element visible so that I can upload a file, is there a better way? If not, how do I unhide the element?
The full html for the input form is:
<form class="file-upload-form ng-scope ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-if="ajaxUploadSupported">
<strong>Drag files here to upload</strong> or
<label for="fileToUpload-1953">
<div class="btn btn-info select-file-btn">
Click to Select
<input type="file" id="fileToUpload-1953" multiple="" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().setFiles(this)" data-upload-id="1953" class="hidden-uploader">
The only way I could find to do this in the end was to use javascript to make the input element visible.
So I have a function unhideFileInputs:
var unhideFileInputs = function () {
var makeInputVisible = function () {
This contains the function 'makeInputVisible' which is executed in the browser when I call ptor.driver.executeScript(makeInputVisible). Because I know my page contains jQuery I can use the jQuery removeClass method to unhide my file input element.
To see more on how to execute javascript in the browser using webdriver, see the answer to this question (although the answer uses executeAsyncScript rather than executeScript).
To add on user2355213s answer for the more current releases of protractor. ptor is obsolote and instead browser should be used. Also, executeScript() expects a string as parameter. So I ended up using
browser.executeScript('$(\'input[type="file"]\').attr("style", "");');
as my visibility setting was directly applied to the element. Of course, you can also use
depending on your HTML/CSS.