I keep on getting ParseError: Expected type name // when I want to return a struct I have just created - solidity

I am new in Solidity and I have been trying to create and get STRUCT without adding it to an Array. I alway see Structs with arrays and the method .push and I wanted to try it without it.
I have created a single Contract with one Struct and one function to create and get it.
If I create a single public function to create, but not return, the struct it doesn´t give me any error... Like the following:
struct Todo {
string name;
uint age;
function createTodo(string memory _name, uint _age) public pure{
Todo memory myTodo = Todo(_name, _age);
With the above code I would also like to know why it wouldn´t let me set the pointer "Todo" as storage like: Todo storage myTodo = Todo(_name, _age); It gives an TypeError: Todo memory is not implicity convertible to expect type struct storage pointer.
Next, I tried to modify the function to create and RETURN but then is when I start getting the ParseError.
The code is the following:
function getTodo(string memory _name, uint _age) public returns(struct myTodo) {
Todo memory myTodo = Todo(_name, _age);
return myTodo;
With the aobve code I also tried in "returns(struct), returns(struct memory)"....
I would really appreciate any type of help here.
Thank you very much

You received this error because you're wrong to set a returns keyword on getTodo() function. In your case, you must change your function in this way:
function getTodo(string memory _name, uint _age) external pure returns(Todo memory) {
Todo memory myTodo = Todo(_name, _age);
return myTodo;
If you want to handle storage structs, see this smart contract code:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Test {
struct Todo {
string name;
uint age;
// Declare state variable
Todo[] todoArray;
// Push into array new struct
function createTodo(string memory _name, uint _age) public {
todoArray.push(Todo(_name, _age));
// Retrieve ToDo struct from specific index about struct array
function getTodo(uint _index) external view returns(Todo memory) {
return todoArray[_index];


TypeError: Data location must be "memory" or "calldata" for parameter in function, but none was given

I am trying the following code but got that error.
If I add memory inside functions params I got new error:
TypeError: Data location can only be specified for array, struct or mapping types, but "memory" was given.
pragma solidity 0.8.7;
mapping (string => uint) wallet;
function saveWalletData(uint _qty , string _name) public{
wallet[_name] = _qty;
function consultarWallet(string _name) public view returns(uint){
return wallet[_name];
string is a reference type in Solidity. For all reference types, you need to specify their data location (docs).
In this case, you can use calldata for both, because you're not modifying value of the _name variable.
function saveWalletData(uint _qty , string calldata _name) public{
wallet[_name] = _qty;
function consultarWallet(string calldata _name) public view returns(uint){
return wallet[_name];
If you wanted to modify the value in memory, you'd need to use memory.

Solidity - Invalid BigNumber string (argument="value" value="" code=INVALID_ARGUMENT version=bignumber/5.4.2)

solidity newbie here. when I try to read the value of the people array. I'm getting an error:
call to SimpleStorage.people errored: Error encoding arguments: Error:
invalid BigNumber string (argument="value" value=""
code=INVALID_ARGUMENT version=bignumber/5.4.2)
my compiler version is 0.6.6. not sure what's wrong? any suggestions?
// SPD-License_Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint256 favNum;
struct People {
uint256 favNum;
string name;
People[] public people;
function store(uint256 _favNum) public {
favNum = _favNum;
function retrieve() public view returns(uint256) {
return favNum;
function addPerson(string memory _name, uint256 _favNum) public {
people.push(People(_favNum, _name));
The error happens when you're trying to call the people() function (from Remix IDE) without passing any value.
Since the People[] public people is a public property, it autogenerates a getter function during compilation. But because it's an array, the getter function requires an uint256 param specifying the index of the array that you want to retrieve.
When you pass an empty string, Remix tries to encode it to the BigNumber instance, but this fails. Only when you pass an (existing) index of the array, it works correctly:
If you want to get the whole array in one call, you need to create a separate getter function:
function getAllPeople() public view returns (People[] memory) {
return people;
You must click on the small arrow to the right of the deploy button, then the fields will be displayed so that you can complete the data that the contract must receive.

How to return array of address in solidity?

I am creating a smart contract in solidity ^0.5.1 in which I get the following error:
data location must be a memory for the return parameter in the function, but none was given.
In the below function I am getting error.
function getCitizen()public returns(address[]){
return citizenArray;
The smart contract that I have tried so far.
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Citizen{
struct Citizens{
uint age;
string fName;
string lName;
mapping(address => Citizens) citizenMap;
address [] citizenArray;
function setCitizen(address _address,uint _age,string memory _fName,string memory _lName) public{
//creating the object of the structure in solidity
Citizens storage citizen=citizenMap[_address];
citizenArray.push(_address) -1;
function getCitizen(address _address) public pure returns(uint,string memory ,string memory ){
function getCitizenAddress()public returns(address[]){
return citizenArray;
How can I return the array of addresses?
It make sense, as you are returning the storage array of address you cannot return it as it is, because it will try to return the actual address of citizenArray in the contract storage. You can send the array by making it in memory. Like this.
function getCitizenAddress()public view returns( address [] memory){
return citizenArray;
Once you put it as memory, you will get the warning for this which will state that as you are not changing any state in the function, you should mark it view, I already did that in the above code.
Lastly, when you resolved this error, you will get another error in this function:
function getCitizen(address _address) public pure returns(uint,string memory ,string memory ){
This error is because you mark this function as pure. There is a little but very important difference between pure and view.
view means you cannot change the state of the contract in that function.
pure means you cannot change the state in the function and not even can read the state or storage variables.
In the above function of getCitizen you are actually doing read operations in your return statement. You can fix this by just putting view instead of pure. Like So:
function getCitizen(address _address) public view returns(uint,string memory ,string memory ){
I hope it will resolve all your issues. Thanks
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Version
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 < 0.9.0;
contract EstructuraDeDatos {
struct Customer {
string nameCustomer;
string idCustomer;
string emailCustomer;
mapping(address => Customer) public myClientes;
address[] public listClientes;
function registrationApp(string memory _name, string memory _id, string memory _email) public {
Customer memory customer = Customer(_name, _id, _email);
myClientes[msg.sender] = customer;
function retornarArrat() public view returns (address[] memory) {
return listClientes;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Citizen {
struct Citizens {
uint age;
string fName;
string lName;
mapping(address => Citizens) citizenMap;
address [] citizenArray;
function setCitizen(address _address,uint _age,string memory _fName,string memory _lName) public {
// Citizens storage citizen=citizenMap[_address];
//creating the object of the structure in solidity
Citizens storage citizen;
citizen = citizenMap[_address];
function getCitizen(address _address) public view returns(uint,string memory ,string memory) {
return (citizenMap[_address].age,citizenMap[_address].fName,citizenMap[_address].lName);
// function getCitizenAddress()public returns(address[]) {
// return citizenArray;
// }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Citizen{
struct Citizens{
uint age;
string fName;
string lName;
mapping(address => Citizens) citizenMap;
address [] citizenArray;
function setCitizen(address _address,uint _age,string memory _fName,string memory _lName) public{
// Citizens storage citizen=citizenMap[_address];
//creating the object of the structure in solidity
Citizens storage citizen;
citizen = citizenMap[_address];
function getCitizen(address _address) public view returns(uint,string memory ,string memory ){
function getCitizenAddress()public view returns(address[] memory){
return citizenArray;

Array returns "Undeclared identifier. Did you mean "Candidate" or "candidate"?"

when trying to set up an array of structs i get an error that says "Undeclared identifier. Did you mean "Candidate" or "candidate"?"
Ive tried to create an empty array by writing
uint[] memory candidate;
bytes[] memory candidate
above the function in which i'm getting errors to instantiate it. However, this doesn't work either and gives errors. It does not compile.
pragma solidity 0.5.0;
contract Election {
string public candidate;
struct Candidate {
uint id;
string name;
uint voteCount;
mapping(uint => Candidate) candidate;
uint public candidatesCount;
function createCandidate(string storage name ) private {
candidatesCount ++;
candidates[candidatesCount] = Candidate(candidatesCount, name, 0);
function addCandidates () public {
mapping(uint => Candidate) candidate;
mapping(uint => Candidate) candidates;
function createCandidate(string storage name ) private
function createCandidate(string memory name ) private

Solidity - Filling and using array of array

I have a contract with the following data structures:
struct Answer
bytes32 name; // short name (up to 32 bytes)
uint voteCount; // number of accumulated votes
struct Question
bytes32 name; // short name (up to 32 bytes);
Answer[] answers;
Question[] public questions;
How can I fill the arrays?
The following lines are not functional:
function addQuestion(bytes32 _name, bytes32[] _answers) onlyOwner { // perhabs it should be possible that others as the owner can add
Answer[] memory answersLocal = new Answer[](_answers.length);
//Question memory question = Question(_name);
for (uint i = 0; i < _answers.length; i++) {
answersLocal[i] = Answer({
name: _answers[i],
voteCount: 0
name: _name,
answers: answersLocal
I get here the error:
Copying of type struct Roadshow.Answer memory[] memory to storage not yet supported.
if you are trying to access contract via web3 or something bridge like this.
the bridge still not support array of arrays, but solidity supports!
i guess if the error was in solidity you will see a different type of error.
Hope this helps.
Use push() method instead of Solidity assigning.