How to scrape a folder in a container running in Kubernetes Pod using Promtail? - amazon-eks

I want to scrape a folder(/var/airflow/logs) from the container running in EKS pod. How do i add this config to promtail config to send logs to LOKI.
Any idea how to add this config to Promtail?


Send ECS Container Logs to CloudWatch

We've a PHP application that is pushed to ECR Fargate and we've configured an ECS task definition for it, and it works fine as a container in ECS.
I've configured aws-logs for the application and it sends the app logs normally to cloudwatch, but I'm wondering how to send the logs in a file inside the container in
to the same log group that I configured when created the task definition.
I found the answer on the following link:
Just needed to install both syslog and awslogs on the php image, then use supervisord to start them with the container along with our php app. From Task definition side, create a volume and a mount point.

From custom dockerfile to kubernetes deploy with an apache started

I have a dockerfile where I build an apache web server with some custom configurations etc.
Executing the Dockerfile I create an image that could be used in a deployment yaml file using Kubernetes.
Everything is working properly but after deployment, my apache service is down in every container of every pod.
Obviously I can access in every container to execute an /etc/init.d/apache2 start but this solution is not very smart..
So my question is: how can I set my custom apache to be running during the execution of the deploy yaml file?
PS: I tried this solution: with the dockerfile I created a docker container then I accessed on it and I started apache. Then I created a new image from this container (dockerfile commit + gcloud image push) but when I deploy the application I always find apache down
Well, first things first - I would very much recommend just using the official apache2 image and then making your custom configurations from there. They're documentation states this in the following paragraph:
To customize the configuration of the httpd server, just COPY your custom configuration in as /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf.
FROM httpd:2.4
COPY ./my-httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
However if you're dead-set on building everything yourself; you'll notice that inside of the Dockerfile for the official image they are copying in a BASH script and then setting this as the CMD option. This works because when running a Docker container you should be running a single process; this is why, as you stated, running it from it's service is a bad idea.
You can find the script they're running here, it's very short at 7 lines - so you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring out where to go from here.
Best of luck!

How to correctly setup RabbitMQ on Openshift

I have created new app on OpenShift using this image:
It runs successfully and I can use it. I have added a persistent volume to it.
However, every time a POD is restarted, I loos all my data. This is because RabbitMq uses a hostname to create database directory.
For example:
node : rabbit#openshift-rabbitmq-11-9b6p7
home dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq
config file(s) : /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
cookie hash : BsUC9W6z5M26164xPxUTkA==
log : tty
sasl log : tty
database dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit#openshift-rabbitmq-11-9b6p7
How can I set RabbitMq to always use same database dir?
You should be able to set an environment variable RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR to override the default configuration. This can be done via the OpenShift console by add an entry to environment in the deployment config or via the oc tool, for example:
oc set env dc/my-rabbit RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR=/myDir
You would then need to mount the persistent volume inside the Pod at the required path. Since you have said it is already created, then you just need to update it, example:
oc volume dc/my-rabbit --add --overwrite --name=my-pv-name --mount-path=/myDir
You will need to make sure you have correct r/w access on the provided mount path
EDIT: Some additional workarounds based on issues in comments
The issues caused by the dynamic hostname could be solved in a number of ways:
1.(Preferred IMO) Move the deployment to a StatefulSet. StatefulSet will provide stability in the naming and hence network identifier of the Pod, which must be fronted by a headless service. This feature is out of beta as of Kubernetes 1.9 and tech preview in OpenShift since version 3.5
Set the hostname for the Pod if Statefulsets are not an option. This can be done by adding the environment variable oc set env dc/example HOSTNAME=example to make the hostname static and setting RABBITMQ_NODENAME to do likewise.
I was able to get it to work by setting the HOSTNAME environment variable. OSE normally sets that value to the pod name, so it changes everytime the pod restarts. By setting it the pod's hostname doesn't change when the pod restarts.
Combined with a Persistent Volume the the queues, messages users and i assume whatever other configuration is persisted through pod restarts.
This was done on an OSE 3.2 server. I just added an environment variable to the deployment config. You can do it through the UI or with the OC CLI:
oc set env dc/my-rabbit HOSTNAME=some-static-name
This will probably be an issue if you run multiple pods for the service, but in that case you would need to setup proper RabbitMq clustering, which is a whole different beast.
The easiest and production-safest way to run RabbitMQ on K8s including OpenShift is the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator.
See this video on how to deploy RabbitMQ on OpenShift.

How do I design a Bootup script for setting up an apache web server running on a brand new AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance?

I want to configure an EC2 instance so that it installs, configures and starts an Apache web server without my (human) intervention.
To this end, I am taking advantage of the "User Data" section and I have written the following script:
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y apache2
sudo apt-get install -y awscli
while [ ! -e /tmp/index.html ]; do aws s3 cp s3://vietnhi-s-bucket/index.html /var/www/html; done
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Description of the Functionality of the Bootup script:
The script forces an update of the Ubuntu instance from whatever the date of the AMI image was when the image was created to today, when the EC2 instance is created from the image.
The script installs the Apache 2 server.
The script installs the AWS CLI interface. Because the aws s3 cp command on the next line is not going to work without the AWS CLI interface.
The script copies the sample index.html file from the vietnhi-s-bucket S3 bucket to the /var/www/html directory of the Apache web server and overwrites its default index.html file.
The script restarts the Apache web server. I could have used "Start" but I chose to use "restart".
Explanatory Notes:
The script assumes that I have created an IAM role that permits AWS to copy the file index.html from an S3 bucket called "vietnhi-s-bucket". I have given the name "S3" to the IAM role and assigned the "S3ReadAccess" policy to that role.
The script assumes that I have created an S3 bucket called "vietnhi-s-bucket" where I have stashed a sample index.html file.
For reference, here are the contents of the sample index.html file:
This is a test
Does the bootup script work as intended?
The script works as-is.
To arrive at that script, I had to overcome three challenges:
Create an appropriate IAM role. The minimum viable role MUST include the "S3ReadAccess" policy. This role is absolutely necessary for AWS to be able to use the public and private access keys for your AWS account and that are loaded in your environment. Copying the index.html file from the Vietnhi-s-bucket S3 bucket is not feasible if AWS does not have access to your AWS account keys.
Install the AWS CLI interface (awscli). For whatever reason, I never saw that line included in any of the AWS official documentation or any of the support offered on the web including the AWS forums. You can't run the AWS CLI s3 cp command if you don't install the AWS CLI interface.
I originally used "aws s3 cp s3://vietnhi-s-bucket/index.html /var/www/html" as my original copy-from-S3 instruction. Bad call.
The link above refers to a timing issue that AWS hasn't resolved and the only workaround is to wrap retries around the aws s3 cp command.

What is the working directory of a Docker Golang application?

When I serve a Golang Application from within the official Docker Hub Repository I wonder what will be the default working directory the application starts up?
Background: I will have to map local Certificate Authority and server keys into the container to serve TLS https and I wonder where to map them to the application will be able to grab them in current working directory of the application from within the container?
If you are using the golang:1.X-onbuild image from DockerHub will be copied into(
this means all files and directories from the directory where you run the
docker build
command will be copied into the container.
And the workdir of all images is
Go will return the current working directory using
currdir, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
Executed within a golang container and right after startup, the pwd is set to
The current working directory of a golang application starting up within a Docker container is thus /go/src/app. In order to map a file/directory into a container you will habe to use the -v-switch as described in the Documentation for run:
-v /local/file.pem:/go/src/app/file.pem
Will map a local file into the pwd of the dockerized golang app.