Apache superset with mongoDB(NO SQL database) - sql

I am using MongoDB. My task is to build Dashboard charts for the data. So, I am using Apache superset. I connected MongoDB to apache drill as it wont connect directly with superset. Then connected apache drill to Apachesueperset. My collection is nested. How can I process this nested data to get use for dashboard charts.My data looks as below
"_id": {
"$oid": "6229d3cfdbfc81a8777e4821"
"jobs": [
"job_ID": {
"$oid": "62289ded8079821eb24760e0"
"New": false,
"Expired": false
"job_ID": {
"$oid": "6228a252fb4554dd5c48202a"
"New": true,
"Expired": true
"job_ID": {
"$oid": "622af1c391b290d34701af9f"
"New": true,
"Expired": false
"email": "mani2090996#ail.com"
I am querying in apache drill as follows
SELECT flat.fill FROM (SELECT FLATTEN(t.jobs) AS fill FROM mongo.recruitingdb.flatten.`Vendorjobs` t) flat WHERE flat.fill.New = flase;
And i am getting parsing error
org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserRemoteException: PARSE ERROR: Encountered "." at line 1, column 123.

Superset doesn't really handle nested data very well. Drill does however, so you'll have to craft queries to produce columns that can be visualized.
Take a look here: https://drill.apache.org/docs/json-data-model/
and here: https://drill.apache.org/docs/querying-complex-data-introduction/.
Try the query below. The FROM clause may not be exactly right, but you should get the idea from this.
Note that you can access maps in Drill in two ways:
tablename.mapname.field OR
You can do this for any level of nesting.
SELECT mongoTable.jobs.job_ID.`$oid` AS job_ID,
mongoTable.jobs.`New` AS new,
mongoTable.jobs.`Expired` AS expired
SELECT flatten(jobs) AS jobs
FROM mongo.recruitingdb.flatten.`Vendorjobs` AS t1
WHERE t1.jobs.New = false
) AS mongoTable


AWS mqtt SQL query

I have the following mqtt message:
"sensors": [
"lsid": 412618,
"data": [
"temp_in": 72.3,
"heat_index_in": 72,
"dew_point_in": 55.9,
"ts": 1652785241,
"hum_in": 56.3
"sensor_type": 243,
"data_structure_type": 12
"lsid": 421195,
I can get the "sensors,0.lsid" value and the entire "data" array using this query:
select get(sensors,0).lsid as ls, get(sensors, 0).data as data1 from "topic"
but what I really need is to get "temp_in:72.3" , i.e. the values from the second level array
I've tried using this :AWS Doc., but unless I'm not following it correctly, it doesn't seem to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Use sprintf syntax inside logstash's sprintf syntax

For the below data structure:
"sprints": [
"id": 17193,
"name": "Sprint 12"
"id": 16510,
"name": "Sprint 11"
"velocityStatEntries": {
"16510": {
"estimated": {
"value": 49
"completed": {
"value": 36
"17193": {
"estimated": {
"value": 52
"completed": {
"value": 70
Given this, I want to be able to produce an Elasticsearch object that's easier to handle, by adding the values of the Estimated and Completed fields to the sprints with their matching IDs.
Ideally, I would like to handle this without writing Ruby, but I am not finding a logstash-native solution that handles this scnenario.
First, I split the data on the sprints field using split, so, I only have a single sprints object, and can use [sprints][id] to know what sprint I'm processing.
Then, I have attempted to work with the mutate filter, in one of two ways:
- using merge to add the [velocityStateEntries][] object to the
current sprint
- using add_field to add the two fields I need
Syntactically, is this possible? Ideally, I would want to be able to do a 'double substitution' of sorts, obtaining the estimated time for the current sprint something like:
add_field => {
"estimatedTime" => "%{[velocityStatEntries][%{[sprints][id]}][estimated][value]}"
but this only seems to work with a hardcoded format such as "estimatedTime" => "%{[velocityStatEntries][1234][estimated][value]}"
Do I have to use the Ruby format for this?
For what it's worth, the Ruby solution is very simple:
ruby {
code => "
sprintId = event.get('[sprints][id]');
estimated = event.get('[velocityStatEntries]['+(sprintId).to_s+'][estimated][value]');
completed = event.get('[velocityStatEntries]['+(sprintId).to_s+'][completed][value]');
event.set('[sprints][estimatedUnits]', estimated);
event.set('[sprints][completedUnits]', completed);

Datastore API Filter by field then sort ascending

I'm playing around with the Google Datastore API (runQuery method), and I am trying to run the gQuery String
'Select * from Transaction Where User = "[Me]" ORDER BY Start[date] ASC'
Sending that JSON Object gives me the following error:
- Show headers -
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "no matching index found. recommended index is:\n- kind: Transaction\n properties:\n - name: User\n - name: Start\n",
Alternatively, If I run this string:
SELECT * FROM Transaction WHERE User = "[Me]"
I get a 200 Response
- Show headers -
"batch": {
"entityResultType": "FULL",
"entityResults": [
"entity": {
"key": {
"partitionId": {
"projectId": "project-id-5200999099906492774"
"path": [
"kind": "Transaction",
"id": "4693202737039992"
or if I run this one to just order all the results:
'Select * from Transaction ORDER BY Start[date] ASC'
I get a 200 Response as well:
- Show headers -
"batch": {
"entityResultType": "FULL",
"entityResults": [
"entity": {
"key": {
"partitionId": {
"projectId": "project-id-5200707080506492774"
"path": [
"kind": "Transaction",
"id": "5641081148407808"
So how can I do both operations in one line?
As recommended below, I have used the google cloud platform to update the indexes manually. You create a valid yaml file in notepad and then use the upload tool (three vertical dots button on the right side of the cloud control command line tool) to place it on the server and direct to it with the comand line. Here are my results so far:
nathaniel#project-id-5200707080555492774:~$ gcloud datastore create-indexes /home/nathaniel/index.yaml
Configurations to update:
descriptor: [/home/nathaniel/index.yaml]
type: [datastore indexes]
target project: [project-id-5200707044406492774]
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? y
This is the Yaml file I used:
- kind: Transaction
- name: User
direction: asc
- name: Period
direction: asc
- name: Status
direction: asc
- name: auditStatus
direction: asc
- name: role
direction: asc
- name: Start
direction: desc
- name: End
direction: asc
Still unable to complete the query, but it may take time to populate. I'll check back through the day and update my results. As of 1:35PM EST, The indexes still don't seem to have updated, as shown below:
Like the error message says - in order to run the query with a WHERE and ORDER, you need a composite index on User and Start properties for Transaction kind. You can learn more about the indexes at https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/indexes.
You can create indexes using the gcloud command line tool. Refer to the documentation at - https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/datastore/create-indexes
Once your index is created/active, which may take a while depending on the amount of data you have, you should be able to run the first query.

AWS: Other function than COPY by transferring data from S3 to Redshift with amazon-data-pipeline

I'm trying to transfer data from the Amazon S3-Cloud to Amazon-Redshift with the Amazon-Data-Pipeline tool.
Is it possible while transferring the Data to change the Data with e.G. an SQL Statement so that just the results of the SQL-Statement will be the input into Redshift?
I only found the Copy Command like:
"id": "S3Input",
"type": "S3DataNode",
"schedule": {
"ref": "MySchedule"
"filePath": "s3://example-bucket/source/inputfile.csv"
Source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datapipeline/latest/DeveloperGuide/dp-get-started-copy-data-cli.html
Yes, it is possible. There are two approaches to it:
Use transformSQL of RedShiftCopyActivity
transformSQL is useful if the transformations are performed within the scope of the record that are getting loaded on a timely basis, e.g. every day or hour. That way changes are only applied to the batch and not to the whole table.
Here is an excerpt from the documentation:
transformSql: The SQL SELECT expression used to transform the input data. When you copy data from DynamoDB or Amazon S3, AWS Data Pipeline creates a table called staging and initially loads it in there. Data from this table is used to update the target table. If the transformSql option is specified, a second staging table is created from the specified SQL statement. The data from this second staging table is then updated in the final target table. So transformSql must be run on the table named staging and the output schema of transformSql must match the final target table's schema.
Please, find an example of usage of transformSql below. Notice that select is from staging table. It will effectively run CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE staging2 AS SELECT <...> FROM staging;. Also, all fields must be included and match the existing table in RedShift DB.
"id": "LoadUsersRedshiftCopyActivity",
"name": "Load Users",
"transformSql": "SELECT u.id, u.email, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.admin, u.guest, CONVERT_TIMEZONE('US/Pacific', cs.created_at_pst) AS created_at_pst, CONVERT_TIMEZONE('US/Pacific', cs.updated_at_pst) AS updated_at_pst FROM staging u;",
"type": "RedshiftCopyActivity",
"runsOn": {
"ref": "OregonEc2Resource"
"schedule": {
"ref": "HourlySchedule"
"input": {
"ref": "OregonUsersS3DataNode"
"output": {
"ref": "OregonUsersDashboardRedshiftDatabase"
"onSuccess": {
"ref": "LoadUsersSuccessSnsAlarm"
"onFail": {
"ref": "LoadUsersFailureSnsAlarm"
"dependsOn": {
"ref": "BewteenRegionsCopyActivity"
Use script of SqlActivity
SqlActivity allows operations on the whole dataset, and can be scheduled to run after particular events through dependsOn mechanism
"name": "Add location ID",
"id": "AddCardpoolLocationSqlActivity",
"type": "SqlActivity",
"script": "INSERT INTO locations (id) SELECT 100000 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM locations WHERE id = 100000);",
"database": {
"ref": "DashboardRedshiftDatabase"
"schedule": {
"ref": "HourlySchedule"
"output": {
"ref": "LocationsDashboardRedshiftDatabase"
"runsOn": {
"ref": "OregonEc2Resource"
"dependsOn": {
"ref": "LoadLocationsRedshiftCopyActivity"
There is an optional field in RedshiftCopyActivity called 'transformSql'.
I have not personally used this, but from the looks of it, it seems like - you will treat your s3 data being in a temp table and this sql stmt will return transformed data for redshift to insert.
So, you will need to list all fields in the select whether or not you are transforming that field.
AWS Datapipeline SqlActivity
"id" : "MySqlActivity",
"type" : "SqlActivity",
"database" : { "ref": "MyDatabase" },
"script" : "insert into AnalyticsTable (select (cast(requestEndTime as bigint) - cast(requestBeginTime as bigint)) as requestTime, hostname from StructuredLogs where hostname LIKE '%.domain.sfx');",
"schedule" : { "ref": "Hour" },
"queue" : "priority"
So basically in
"script" any sql script/transformations/commands Amazon Redshift SQL Commands
transformSql is fine but support only The SQL SELECT expression used to transform the input data. ref : RedshiftCopyActivity

Is it possible to turn an array returned by the Mongo GeoNear command (using Ruby/Rails) into a Plucky object?

As a total newbie I have been trying to get the geoNear command working in my rails application and it appear to be working fine. The major annoyance for me is that it is returning an array with strings rather than keys which I can call on to pull out data.
Having dug around, I understand that MongoMapper uses Plucky to turn the the query resultant into a friendly object which can be handled easily but I haven't been able to find out how to transform the result of my geoNear query into a plucky object.
My questions are:
(a) Is it possible to turn this into a plucky object and how do i do that?
(b) If it is not possible how can I most simply and systematically extract each record and each field?
here is the query in my controller
#mult = 3963 * (3.14159265 / 180 ) # Scale to miles on earth
#results = #db.command( {'geoNear' => "places", 'near'=> #search.coordinates , 'distanceMultiplier' => #mult, 'spherical' => true})
Here is the object i'm getting back (with document content removed for simplicity)
{"ns"=>"myapp-development.places", "near"=>"1001110101110101100100110001100010100010000010111010", "results"=>[{"dis"=>0.04356444023196527, "obj"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4ee6a7d210a81f05fe000001'),...}}], "stats"=>{"time"=>0, "btreelocs"=>0, "nscanned"=>1, "objectsLoaded"=>1, "avgDistance"=>0.04356444023196527, "maxDistance"=>0.0006301239824196907}, "ok"=>1.0}
Help is much appreciated!!
Ok so lets say you store the results into a variable called places_near:
places_near = t.command( {'geoNear' => "places", 'near'=> [50,50] , 'distanceMultiplier' => 1, 'spherical' => true})
This command returns an hash that has a key (results) which maps to a list of results for the query. The returned document looks like this:
"ns": "test.places",
"near": "1100110000001111110000001111110000001111110000001111",
"results": [
"dis": 69.29646421910687,
"obj": {
"_id": ObjectId("4b8bd6b93b83c574d8760280"),
"y": [
"category": "Coffee"
"dis": 69.29646421910687,
"obj": {
"_id": ObjectId("4b8bd6b03b83c574d876027f"),
"y": [
"stats": {
"time": 0,
"btreelocs": 1,
"btreelocs": 1,
"nscanned": 2,
"nscanned": 2,
"objectsLoaded": 2,
"objectsLoaded": 2,
"avgDistance": 69.29646421910687
"ok": 1
To iterate over the responses just iterate as you would over any list in ruby:
places_near['results'].each do |result|
# do stuff with result object