How can I install devtoolset on the workstation edition of RHEL7 - g++

I would like to know how to install devtoolset on RHEL7 workstation.
I found instructions for RHEL7 server which I have failed to adjust correctly for the workstation edition.
I also found instructions for CentOS7 which work for CentOS7:
sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install devtoolset-7-gcc*
scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
which gcc
gcc --version
I cannot find devtoolset in any of the repos for RHEL7 workstation
i.e. using:
>yum search --enablerepo=\* devtoolset
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
Warning: No matches found for: devtoolset
No matches found
>yum search --enablerepo=\* scl
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
scl-utils.x86_64 : Utilities for alternative packaging
scl-utils installs the scl tool but not the devtoolset software collection itself.
Context: I need to install gcc5 or later for template parameter support. However, I want to use the standard libstdc++ and ABI.
In fact I have had later versions of gcc self-compiled for RHEL7 for many years. These however use a later version of libstdc++ and the 'new' ABI (see Forcing or preventing use of a particular minor version of libstdc++). I do not wish to do that for this case and I want to follow proper 'vendor' instructions rather than compiling from source.

This issue in this case is RedHat subscription channels.
Though the subscription and software are free (provided you have an active subscription already), for some reason you have to make a 'special request' to RedHat as per:
You can automate this by visiting:
(when logged into the support portal).
This should automatically be approved after which you can attach a new subscription.
Identify the pool id using:
subscription-manager list --available --all
To find the pool id:
Subscription Name: Software Collections and Developer Toolset
Provides: Red Hat Developer Tools (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Tools Beta (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Tools Beta (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Toolset (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Client)
Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Developer Toolset (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Tools (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Client)
SKU: foobar
Contract: 1234 Pool ID: XXXXXXXXXX
Then attach this and enable the newly available repos:
>subscription-manager attach --pool=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Successfully attached a subscription for: Software Collections and Developer Toolset
>subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-workstation-rhscl-7-rpms
Repository 'rhel-workstation-rhscl-7-rpms' is enabled for this system.
>subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-workstation-devtools-rpms
Repository 'rhel-7-workstation-devtools-rpms' is enabled for this system.
You can now install freely:
>yum update -y
>yum install -y devtoolset-7-gcc-c++
Quite why they make you jump through so many hoops is explained by RedHat as follows:
-If you have a 2013 RHEL SKU with Standard or Premium service level, there should be no action on your part, and your subscription should
have full access to RHSCL.
-If you have a 2010 or older RHEL SKU with Standard or Premium service level, you should contact Red Hat Customer Service to request the
RHSCL SKU (and all related content) added to your account.
NOTE: Developer Toolset is now included as part of Red Hat Software
Collections. This change was made on May 29, 2014.
As you had Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation, Standard subscription
which is older RHEL SKU with Standard service level, you had to
initiate a special request for it


OpenSSL upgrade - CentOS 7

I have a CentOS 7 installation running httpd-2.4.35 and openssl-1.0.2k, but due to vulnerability findings, I need to update OpenSSL to at lease 1.0.2s, preferably u. Unfortunately, I cannot find RPM for these packages, which would make it a lot simpler.
I have tried to upgrade the using the tarball provided by OpenSSL but, although the installation works, httpd still uses Openssl-1.0.2k. It seems that I am not doing all the actions that the RPM installation is doing. Does anyone know if I can find this newer OpenSSL1.0.2 RPM packages somewhere or how to force httpd (installed via RPM) to use another version of OpenSSL?
If you are using OpenSSL 1.0.2k from the RPM package provided by CentOS 7, you are going to receive OpenSSL security updates via yum update until June 2024. Red Hat with RHEL 7, upstream of CentOS 7, is backporting security fixes. This means that there is no rebase to a new version such as 1.0.2s, but 1.0.2k will get a patch added resolving the security flaw. A recently active Red Hat community discussion is covering almost the same topic and referring to the same explanation.
Unfortunately you are not referring to a specific security flaw to provide a specific example. If you would like to know which RPM package fixes CVE-2020-1971, you can visit and figure out there, that errata RHSA-2020:5566 contains the fix, thus RPM package "openssl-1.0.2k-21.el7_9". And if you are e.g. on "openssl-1.0.2k-19.el7" (which can be figured out using e.g. rpm -q openssl), this indeed means you should apply updates using yum update. for SLES 11

I would like to know if any of you can help me with the following problem.
I need to install the library on suse linux enterprise server 32 bits. I need the library because it is require by SANE software.
The operating system has some restriction, so i cannot run zypper or yast, But i can run rpm --nodeps -i to install rpm packages.
I also tried to download the libusb project and compile it, but the operating system does not have gcc installed on it.
I was wondering if any one has that works on SLES 32 bits or if any one has an ISO of SLES 32 bits.
Unfortunately you did not tell the used service pack, yet.
Assuming that you're using the latest SP4, I'd recommend to heck out and search for the keyword „slessp4-libusb-1_0-12986“.
The pages provides you 5 patches. Select architecture "i586, i686" in the result list. You'll then get the compiled and source RPM of libusb-1_0.
You need to login first to download these packages. Please note that you also need to have a valid subscription. Since SLES 11 SP4 is out of general support, you probably need to have an LTSS subscription.

httpd won't upgrade on RHEL 7: "Package(s) httpd available, but not installed."

When I attempt to upgrade Apache...
cd /etc/yum.repos.d && wget
yum install -y epel-release
yum upgrade httpd
...the output says "Package(s) httpd available, but not installed."
Actually, the above commands worked fine on my staging server, and I got the desired upgrade. But then when I tried the same steps on my production server, I see "Package(s) httpd available, but not installed."
Variations of this issue appear elsewhere on stackoverflow and other forums, but it appears the proper solution changes frequently, and it is difficult to rely on past answers that in many cases appear to reference defunct mirrors.
It's not clear where Apache was sourced from, but the recommended practice is to use Red Hat Software Collections for RHEL 7 (Application Streams for RHEL 8). See the list here. If your Apache was installed from Software Collections, then you'd want to update via that process.
Software Collections are part of the subscription and are fully supported by Red Hat.

IBM installation manager 1.8.4 cannot find any packages to install

I’m installing the Websphere Fix pack in our Redhat Linux 6 environment using IBM Installation Manager 1.8.4.
I can start IM and add the repository using the typical steps but for some reason its not picking it up.
I add the repository as follows via the preferences,
I save the changes and the repository shows but when I go back to the main IM window and hit 1. to install I get,
IBM installation manager 1.8.4 cannot find any packages to install
This directory includes the repository.config file as part of extract of all 3 files
previously we installed the WAS85511 patch using the same method and installed successfully
Also the user owns both the installation manager folder and the repository folders.
Environment details:
IBM Installation Manager
Version: 1.8.4
Internal version: 1.8.4000.20151125_0201
Architecture: 64-bit
WAS FP downloads:
Redhat Linux 6
any help would be appreciated.
I was installing from the wrong installation manager instance /rational/imcl-1.8.4/tools/imcl
Had to run from the IM which installed the original Websphere instance and Fix packs.
using /app/IBM/IM/eclipse/tools/
./imcl -c
Also instead of using option 1. to install. Must use option 2. to UPDATE for this particular package.
for certain versions of Websphere you must use a silent install or command line install to install the package and bypass the interactive mode.
For we had to run
/app/IBM/IM/eclipse/tools/./imcl install -repositories
/rational/Was855_FP012 -installationDirectory /app/IBM/WAS85 -
acceptLicense -sP
which translates to
/app/IBM/YourIMInstall/./imcl install -repositories
/yourRepolocation -installationDirectory /yourWASInstallPath/
acceptLicense -sP
After the installation completes run the following command to confirm the update
[appadm#myServer bin]$ ./
WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2012; All rights
WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 4/7/17

Install Mono Offline

I'm looking for offline installation package for mono on centOS or Redhat.
I want to run *.exe file on Linux.
All I find is using online repositories but my server is not connected to the internet.
You did not say which version of Mono you are looking for, but you can manually download the most recent "stable" centOS rpm packages from:
i.e. The current mono-core 64bit .rpm is under m/mono-core:
Once you have all the rpms that you need downloaded and copied to your offline server, you can use yum to install them...