Ktor: "io.ktor.util.pipeline.ContextDsl" in ktor 2.0 - kotlin

This annotation is documented here but not marked deprecated, however in the migration guide there's no mention of why it was removed, and what should be used instead.
I am totally new to Ktor, and I am supposed to port a 1.6 project to 2 while learning Ktor from scratch. Some leads in this direction will be much appreciated. Thanks

Multiple DSL markers were unified so you can use the KtorDsl annotation instead.


How can I use Apache beam experimental features

I see there is a RedisIO source and sink since Apache Beam 2.2.0, but it seems it is impossible to just use it.
Looking at the code, I see it is marked as experimental.
How can I still use it, even when such ?
Please advise,
For clarification, the Experimental annotation is simply a documentation feature to denote that the behavior of the class, method, etc may change. It doesn't have any implications or restrictions for ability to use. As you already discovered, you were just missing a dependency.
Just FYI, annotations are a feature of Java.
1. Java Annotations
2. Apache Beam Experimental Annotation
Found I was missing a dependency...

How to use step object in Codeception v2.1

I'm a starter to learn Codeception and I found that officical guide didn't tell me anything about the step object.
The change log of version 2.1 says
all support classes moved to tests/_support by default. Actors, Helpers, PageObjects, StepObjects, GroupObjects to follow PSR-4 naming style
So anybody can tell me how to use step object in the latest version? Or give me a simple example about that? Thanks a lot.
Here should be what you are looking for:

CDI Portable Extension for Struts 1.3?

here's an idea i have been playing with for a while.
is it possible to mix CDI and Struts 1.3 ?
E.g. via a CDI Portable Extension..?
As for 'why', there are still a few projects 'out there' which are stuck on an old stack and don't have the option to switch to struts 2..
Just throwing it out there, i'm interested in your ideas =)
greetings from germany
I just committed my library to github, called struts-cdi. You should check it out.
It only works with Struts Actions for now, and not with ActionForms. If the need arises, I will also try to do container managed ActionForms. :^)
Stripes Injection Enricher satisfies injection points specified declaratively using standard Java EE annotations (#EJB, #Inject and #Resource).

Dojo build profile.layers vs. profile.dependencies.layers?

Wow, this is totally confusing and the dojo 1.8 documentation seems a complete clusterf**k around build layers. Anybody have a clue what's going on there?
In the build script example profiles, the example amd.profile.js has profile.layers["dojo/dojo"] and the tutorial follows this same syntax.
Besides the tutorial, in the 1.8 build documentation there is no mention of this kind of structure, but of profile.dependencies.layers[n].
The documentation also references non-AMD syntax and, just to add another "layer" of confusion, there's also a profile.dependencies.layers[n].dependencies.
Which should I be using? Is this actually documented anywhere with any consistency or clarity?
I have learned that the Dojo 1.8 Reference Guide contains obsolete information regarding build profiles, but that the Dojo 1.8 Build tutorial is current:
That tutorial recommends this blog post for more information about layers and build optimization: http://www.sitepen.com/blog/2012/06/11/dgrid-and-dojo-nano-build/

Starting Apache Velocity Localization/Internationalization (i18n)

I have a great difficulty finding documentation on how to implement internationalization/localization with Apache Velocity. I checked Velocity documentation and did online research, but I can't find supporting material on how to organize and support localization using .vm (Velocity template) files and properties.
Can someone please direct me to the right resource/documentation/book that describes how to implement localization using Apache Velocity?
I'm trying to do as much as I can up-front research and reading before starting coding.
Use VelocityTools.
It's also likely that Spring provides some velocimacro or context object that helps with i18n, as Spring generally has a lot of support for i18n