How do I configure black to use different formatting rules for different file extensions? - code-formatting

I use black for format normal .py files as well as Jupyter Notebook files (.ipynb). For notebooks, I want a shorter line-length.
Is it possible to specify different formatting rules for different file extensions with black?

You could create two separate files for .py and .ipynb files and run them separately
Some usefull flags from docs:
--config FILE Read configuration from FILE path.
--include TEXT A regular expression that matches files and directories that should be included on recursive searches.
So, to format multiple types of files, run something like:
python -m black --config --include '*.py' src
python -m black --config pyproject.ipynb.toml --include '*.ipynb' src
Also you could specify include field inside toml files. It's in docs too:
line-length = 88
target-version = ['py37']
include = '\.pyi?$'


lessc Option --source-map-rootpath seems not to work

I use lessc 2.7.3. I generate css files via a makefile and use following paths
the makefile is in themes/bodensee
the css is generated in themes/bodensee/css
the less files are in themes/bodensee/less
the maps are in the same folder as the css files.
My problem is that css files misses the themes/bodensee path, so it raises a file not found on files.
lessc -s less/wlb.less --clean-css="--s0 --advanced" --source-map-rootpath=themes/bodensee/ --source-map="css/" css/wlb.css
The CSS file now contains `sourceMappingURL=css/``The rootpath does not have any effect.
I also tried a fantasy rootpath and searched for it in the file - it does not appear anywhere. But the option is correct. When I try to missspell the option, LESS drops an error.
What am I missing?
Description of the --source-map-rootpath option from here
Specifies a rootpath that should be prepended to each of the less file paths inside the sourcemap and also to the path to the map file specified in your output css.
Because the basepath defaults to the directory of the input less file, the rootpath defaults to the path from the sourcemap output file to the base directory of the input less file.
Use this option if for instance you have a css file generated in the root on your web server but have your source less/css/map files in a different folder. So for the option above you might have
The problem was indeed related to the Clean-CSS plugin.
I now call
lessc --source-map --clean-css="--s0 --advanced" -s less/wlb.less css/wlb.css which is working.
There is a standalone clean-css program, but that does not generate sources for the Less files. It's not clear if the lessc plugin and the standalone tool are the same or different implementations but both use node.
The standalone cleancss tool removes the source map URL generated by lessc be default (did not play around with the dozens of options).
These Node tools develop very fast and manual/tutorials often are outdated. That's why my make file stopped working. Developers of that tools should really consider not to touch working parameters or features and to keep their code compatible.

How to delete a text file in google colab standard path?

I am using google colab and have saved some png's and now i want to delete them is there any way to do it, my current path is \content.
Use the %cd magic to switch to whatever directory holds the files and then use shell commands to remove them.
For example, if you have a file in /content/directory/a.png, run:
%cd /content/directory
!rm a.png
If you want to remove all .png files, adjust your rm command like so: !rm *.png.

How do give a specific mode to all directories and another to all files in a spec file?

I can't rely on the umask since my machine does not use umask to set permissions. Is there a way to specify that all sub-directories (and their sub-directories etc) of some root directory all have a certain permission, and similarly, that all sub-files of the same root directory have another type of permission in the %files section of the spec file.
If not, I'll have to run some external bash scrip to get the spec file syntax for each individual file, and copy that output to the %files section of the spec file, which will be highly tedious.
If you look at the various references online, %defattr() takes a lesser-known fourth parameter for directories.

Problem with multiple listings of the same file in RPM spec

I have some problems with an rpm spec file that is listing the same file multiple times. For this spec we do some normal compilation and then we have script that copies everything to the buildroot. Within this buildroot we have a lot of generic scripts that need to be installed on the final system, so we just list this directory.
However the problem is, that one of the scripts might be changed and configuration options might be changed within the script. So we list this script with different attributes as %config. However this means the script is defined multiple times with conflicting attributes, so rpmbuild complains and does not include the script at all in the installation package.
Is there a good way to handle this problem and to tell rpmbuild to only use the second definition, or do we have to seperate the script into two parts, one containing the configuration and one containing the actual logic?
Instead of specifying the directory, you can create a file list and then prune duplicate files from that.
So where you have something like
%dir foo
%config foo/scriptname
You modify those parts to
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f | sed -e "s|^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT||" > filelist
sed -i "\|^foo/scriptname$|d" filelist
%files -f filelist
%config foo/scriptname
You can also use %{buildroot} in place of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT.

How to specify output folder for self-extracting ZIP file

extracting ZIP files that have been created using:
PKSFX(R) Version 2.50 FAST! Self Extract Utility for Windows 95/NT 4-15-1998
Is there an option to specify which folder the files contained in the EXE should be extracted to?
By typing "/help" I was able to find some useful options (like Overwrite, Exclude, etc.), but I cannot see anything related to the Output Folder.
Any suggestion?
Thank you!
I found the following over at It appears as part of a larger article which seems to have the documentation for the whole PKSFX suite. It looks like you run the executable and then specify any flags followed by the path to extract to and, optionally, specific named files from within the archive to be extracted if you don't want them all.
PKSFX Command Summary
Command line syntax and options are the same as PKUNZIP. The options
listed below are offered by a self-extracting file.
Syntax: pksfx [option] [d:\path] [file]* [file]*
PKSFX indicates the name of the self-extracting file you are executing.
No options are necessary if you wish to simply extract all files to the
current directory. If you wish to extract the contents to another
directory, indicate the drive and/or path the files should extract to. To
extract only particular files, indicate the name(s) at the end of the
command line.
#listfile.lst Specify list of files for extraction*
-c[m] Extract to console*
-d Re-create directories stored in .ZIP file*
-l Display software license agreement*
-n Extract only newer files*
-o Overwrite existing files
-p[a|b][c][#] Extract to printer*
-s<password> Decrypt with password*
-t Test file integrity*
* Indicates options not available in the PKSFX Junior and PKUNZIP Junior
Options should be placed after the self-extracting files name. If
multiple options are used they must be separated by a space and each must
have its own option indicator (either - or /).
All options behave in the same manner as they do with PKUNZIP, with one
exception. The -s option cannot accept keyboard entry. A password
entered with a self-extracting file must be able to be entered from the
command line.