PHPStorm plugin develpoment: dead code hook? - kotlin

What I wanna achieve ?
When any .php file is saved, it checks the file and checks for unused use statements.
How can I parse or somehow get the list of unused use statements in the file without custom code analysis ? The PHPStorm does it with the php plugin. Can I get it from it? The documentation is realy bad and I was not able to find anything.
I have the php plugin dependency in my plugin.xml
It would be great if i could parse the whole php file and access information about use statements, fucntions, classes etc.


How to format markdown and all code in it?

I have a bunch of markdown files in my github repo. As there are many members in the team, the syntax of markdown and code in markdown files are hard to be standardised.
What I want is:
Create a github action that modify those files automatically when there is a push.
I can't find a markdown prettifier that format the code as well. (e.g. putting spaces around '=')
The solutions that I can think out of are:
Use a CLI tool that can do all the stuff
Use a tool for markdown, use a script to filter all code in it and parse it to anther tool
Send http requests to those online prettifier if such CLI tools do not exist
Note: I have Java, Cpp, Swift and more in my markdown.
Any solution for this? I will be appreciated if the script could be provided (if needed).
If those markdown files are located in a java project, you may try spotless.
For example, if you have a maven project, with spotless, just run mvn spotless:apply, it could fix all the styles / formatting issues of your markdown files automatically.

Use Run Configuration for IntelliJ File Watcher

I Just wanted to know really quickly why the IntelliJ File Watchers take command line programs rather than allowing me to use the Run Configurations?
I have my build chain nicely configured through the run configurations and I want to use the File Watchers to rerun certain parts of it when I modify certain source files.
Note that I could achieve this using Grunt which I already am using for this project, but I'd like to try using the file watchers.
Anyone know why this is so and how I can work around this?

How to work with css and js files in moodle plugin

I need to develop a plugin for Moodle, and i need to have some js and css files in plugin. But i have the next problem - how to work with them from installed plugin? Of course, i can hardcode their path via to moodle structure, but it's a very dirty and bad way. Also, i know that i can place all js and css code inline, but i think that it's a bad decision too. Is there a built-in way to serve assets from plugin? I tried to find it in documentations, but found nothing.
I assume you want to know how to include CSS and JS files into your plugin.
You can include a JS file via the command:
$PAGE->requires->js( /relative/path/your_script.js');
You can then call a JS function once the page has been downloaded with the command:
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call ( your_JS_function_name, array_of_parameters_here, bool: on DOM ready);
For example:
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('init', array($USER->lang), true);
Be sure to make the $PAGE available with global $PAGE;, first.
Your CSS file can be named styles.css and put into the root folder of your plugin. The file will be automatically read by the system and included. It will take precedence over (will overwrite the settings of) the system CSS files. After that you will have to reload the theme caches.

Best way to classify/mark babel generated files in IntelliJ

I'm using IntelliJ with Gulp (with the babel and sourecemap plugins) to help me transpile my source ES6 to ES5. What is the best way to mark these generated files?
They are being sent into a seperate dist folder but I want them to behave in the following way:
I don't want them to show up in usage/code search
I want their changes to be detected by the integrated source control
I have tagged them as excluded but I read in IntelliJ's docs that this will prevent the folder from being watched for changes. Anyone have a good way of doing this?
Excluding the dist folder via Mark directory as/Excluded is the right way to go: files in excluded folders are not indexed/show up in usage/code search, but they can be version controlled, so both your requirements are fulfilled.

How to automatically upload compiled coffeescript files in Intellij IDEA?

I use automatic deploy through FTP. Everything worked well until I started to use coffeescript and its filewatcher feature which recompiles my .coffee file into .js file on every change.
Problem is that IDEA don't want to upload these compiled files like others. So I have manually press hotkey to upload compiled file after every change, which I want to see on the server.
How can I do it more convenient to use?
There is an option to upload external changes automatically.
Right now IDEA will not perform synchronization after file watcher is invoked, so you will need to do File | Synchronize, IDE will detect the changes and upload them.
Next update will have an option for the file watcher to perform synchronization after execution as the result of addressing this feature request.
this feature request concerns to a possibility to synchronize all files in output directory on every change (required by some transpilers). But, AFAIK, this is not the case for CoffeeScript compiler - synchronization should work there. Do the generated js files appear in the Project View as soon as the compilation completes, or do you have to synchronize the view manually to see changes? In the latter case something must be wrong with file watcher configuration (output path set incorrectly, for example). If files are synchronized correctly, setting 'upload external changes' option should do the thing