kotlin - unknown syntax in Jetpack Owl Example - kotlin

trying to find some direction on how to select multiple items in a lazy column, I have found the following code in Owl Jetpack Compose example (Onboarding.kt).
val (selected, onSelected) = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
Even if I'm able to use the code by myself, I really not able to decode the syntax of this val declaration.
I wasn't able to find anything in kotlinlang.org site (the nearest topic I've found is about Destructuring declarations).
Could someone help me to understand it and/or point me to relevant documentation?

This syntax is Destructuring as you mentioned in question which is expclicitly as
val (selected: Boolean, onSelected: (Boolean) -> Unit) = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
Which requires 2 components of targetted class.
(val num1:Int, val num2:Int) = Pair(1,2) is an example
With MutableState
interface MutableState<T> : State<T> {
override var value: T
operator fun component1(): T
operator fun component2(): (T) -> Unit
You need to add T type and a lambda that takes T as param and returns unit.
And inside SnapshotImpl source code of MutableState it's used as
override operator fun component2(): (T) -> Unit = { value = it }
so anything you set using this lambda is assigned to value T


How can I remember a string which is from stringArrayResource( ) when I use Jetpack Compose?

I hope to remember a string which is from stringArrayResource in Code A , but I get the the Error A. How can I fix it?
And more, I find more variables can't be wrapped with remember, such as val context = LocalContext.current , why?
Error A
Composable calls are not allowed inside the calculation parameter of inline fun remember(calculation: () -> TypeVariable(T)): TypeVariable(T)
Code A
fun DialogForDBWarningValue(
) {
val context = LocalContext.current //I can't wrap with remember
val itemName =remember{ stringArrayResource(R.array.dBWarning_Name) } //I can't wrap with remember
inline fun <T> remember(calculation: #DisallowComposableCalls () -> T): T =
currentComposer.cache(false, calculation)
The reason for that error is #DisallowComposableCalls annotation
This will prevent composable calls from happening inside of the
function that it applies to. This is usually applied to lambda
parameters of inline composable functions that ought to be inlined but
cannot safely have composable calls in them.
I don't know if accessing resources and getting strings would have any impact on performance but as an alternative this can be done using nullable properties, i don't think it's good practice to have nullable objects while you don't have to, by only getting resources once your String is null or an object that holds Strings and sets them on Composition or configuration changes if you wish to change new ones.
class StringHolder() {
var str: String = ""
val stringHolder = remember(LocalConfiguration.current) {
}.apply {
this.str = getString(R.string.dBWarning_Name)

Providing only one type parameter to an extension function with multiple type parameters in Kotlin

In Kotlin I have a generic conversion extension function that simplifies conversion of this object of type C to an object of another type T (declared as the receiver) with additional conversion action that treats receiver as this and also provides access to original object:
inline fun <C, T, R> C.convertTo(receiver: T, action: T.(C) -> R) = receiver.apply {
It is used like this:
val source: Source = Source()
val result = source.convertTo(Result()) {
resultValue = it.sourceValue
// and so on...
I noticed I often use this function on receivers that are created by parameterless constructors and thought it would be nice to simplify it even more by creating additional version of convertTo() that automates construction of the receiver based on its type, like this:
inline fun <reified T, C, R> C.convertTo(action: T.(C) -> R) = with(T::class.constructors.first().call()) {
convertTo(this, action) // calling the first version of convertTo()
Unfortunately, I cannot call it like this:
source.convertTo<Result>() {}
because Kotlin expects three type parameters provided.
Given above context, is it possible in Kotlin to create a generic function with multiple type parameters that accepts providing just one type parameter while other types are determined from the call-site?
Additional examples (by #broot)
Imagine there is no filterIsInstance() in stdlib and we would like to implement it (or we are the developer of stdlib). Assume we have access to #Exact as this is important for our example. It would be probably the best to declare it as:
inline fun <T, reified V : T> Iterable<#Exact T>.filterTyped(): List<V>
Now, it would be most convenient to use it like this:
val dogs = animals.filterTyped<Dog>() // compile error
Unfortunately, we have to use one of workarounds:
val dogs = animals.filterTyped<Animal, Dog>()
val dogs: List<Dog> = animals.filterTyped()
The last one isn't that bad.
Now, we would like to create a function that looks for items of a specific type and maps them:
inline fun <T, reified V : T, R> Iterable<T>.filterTypedAndMap(transform: (V) -> R): List<R>
Again, it would be nice to use it just like this:
animals.filterTypedAndMap<Dog> { it.barkingVolume } // compile error
Instead, we have this:
animals.filterTypedAndMap<Animal, Dog, Int> { it.barkingVolume }
animals.filterTypedAndMap { dog: Dog -> dog.barkingVolume }
This is still not that bad, but the example is intentionally relatively simple to make it easy to understand. In reality the function would be more complicated, would have more typed params, lambda would receive more arguments, etc. and then it would become hard to use. After receiving the error about type inference, the user would have to read the definition of the function thoroughly to understand, what is missing and where to provide explicit types.
As a side note: isn't it strange that Kotlin disallows code like this: cat is Dog, but allows this: cats.filterIsInstance<Dog>()? Our own filterTyped() would not allow this. So maybe (but just maybe), filterIsInstance() was designed like this exactly because of the problem described in this question (it uses * instead of additional T).
Another example, utilizing already existing reduce() function. We have function like this:
operator fun Animal.plus(other: Animal): Animal
(Don't ask, it doesn't make sense)
Now, reducing a list of dogs seems pretty straightforward:
dogs.reduce { acc, item -> acc + item } // compile error
Unfortunately, this is not possible, because compiler does not know how to properly infer S to Animal. We can't easily provide S only and even providing the return type does not help here:
val animal: Animal = dogs.reduce { acc, item -> acc + item } // compile error
We need to use some awkward workarounds:
dogs.reduce<Animal, Dog> { acc, item -> acc + item }
(dogs as List<Animal>).reduce { acc, item -> acc + item }
dogs.reduce { acc: Animal, item: Animal -> acc + item }
The type parameter R is not necessary:
inline fun <C, T> C.convertTo(receiver: T, action: T.(C) -> Unit) = receiver.apply {
inline fun <reified T, C> C.convertTo(action: T.(C) -> Unit) = with(T::class.constructors.first().call()) {
convertTo(this, action) // calling the first version of convertTo()
If you use Unit, even if the function passed in has a non-Unit return type, the compiler still allows you to pass that function.
And there are other ways to help the compiler infer the type parameters, not only by directly specifying them in <>. You can also annotate the variable's result type:
val result: Result = source.convertTo { ... }
You can also change the name of convertTo to something like convert to make it more readable.
Another option is:
inline fun <T: Any, C> C.convertTo(resultType: KClass<T>, action: T.(C) -> Unit) = with(resultType.constructors.first().call()) {
convertTo(this, action)
val result = source.convertTo(Result::class) { ... }
However, this will conflict with the first overload. So you have to resolve it somehow. You can rename the first overload, but I can't think of any good names off the top of my head. I would suggest that you specify the parameter name like this
source.convertTo(resultType = Result::class) { ... }
Side note: I'm not sure if the parameterless constructor is always the first in the constructors list. I suggest that you actually find the parameterless constructor.
This answer does not solve the stated problem but incorporates input from #Sweeper to provide a workaround at least simplifying result object instantiation.
First of all, the main stated problem can be somewhat mitigated if we explicitly state variable's result type (i.e. val result: Result = source.convertTo {}) but it's not enough to solve the problem in cases described by #broot.
Secondly, using KClass<T> as result parameter type provides ability to use KClass<T>.createInstance() making sure we find a parameterless constructor (if there's any – if there is none, then result-instantiating convertTo() is not eligible for use). We can also benefit from Kotlin's default parameter values to make result parameter type omittable from calls, we just need to take into account that action might be provided as lambda (last parameter of call) or function reference – this will require two versions of result-instantiating convertTo().
So, taking all the above into account, I've come up with this implementation(s) of convertTo():
// version A: basic, expects explicitly provided instance of `receiver`
inline fun <C, T> C.convertTo(receiver: T, action: T.(C) -> Unit) = receiver.apply {
// version B: can instantiate result of type `T`, supports calls where `action` is a last lambda
inline fun <C, reified T : Any> C.convertTo(resultType: KClass<T> = T::class, action: T.(C) -> Unit) = with(resultType.createInstance()) {
(this#convertTo).convertTo(this#with, action)
// version C: can instantiate result of type `T`, supports calls where `action` is passed by reference
inline fun <C, reified T : Any> C.convertTo(action: T.(C) -> Unit, resultType: KClass<T> = T::class) = with(resultType.createInstance()) {
(this#convertTo).convertTo(T::class, action)
All three versions work together depending on a specific use case. Below is a set of examples explaining what version is used in what case.
class Source { var sourceId = "" }
class Result { var resultId = "" }
val source = Source()
fun convertX(result: Result, source: Source) {
result.resultId = source.sourceId
fun convertY(result: Result, source: Source) = true
fun Source.toResultX(): Result = convertTo { resultId = it.sourceId }
fun Source.toResultY(): Result = convertTo(::convertX)
val result0 = source.convertTo(Result()) { resultId = it.sourceId } // uses version A of convertTo()
val result1: Result = source.convertTo { resultId = it.sourceId } // uses version B of convertTo()
val result2: Result = source.convertTo(::convertX) // uses version C of convertTo()
val result3: Result = source.convertTo(::convertY) // uses version C of convertTo()
val result4: Result = source.toResultX() // uses version B of convertTo()
val result5: Result = source.toResultY() // uses version C of convertTo()
P.S.: As #Sweeper notices, convertTo might not be a good name for the result-instantiating versions (as it's not as readable as with basic version) but that's a secondary problem.

How to write custom chaining

I want to create custom chainig to prevent some repetition.
I am a bit unclear on how to define it
I have a lot of :
someLiveData.observe(this) { objectWithTextAndVisibility->
textView.text = objectWithTextAndVisibility.text
textView.visibility = objectWithTextAndVisibility.visibility
i want to write something that will look as follows
and it will do the same thing
is there a way to define this ?
If I understood your question correctly, a generic structure like this may achieve what you want to do:
infix fun <T> LiveData<T>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner) = LiveDataHolder(this, owner)
class LiveDataHolder<T>(val liveData: LiveData<T>, val owner: LifecycleOwner)
infix fun <T, S> LiveDataHolder<T>.bind(subject: S) = LiveDataBinder(this, subject)
class LiveDataBinder<T, S>(val liveDataHolder: LiveDataHolder<T>, val subject: S)
infix fun <T : VisibilityCarrier> LiveDataBinder<T, TextView>.on(textSelector: (T) -> String) {
liveDataHolder.liveData.observe(liveDataHolder.owner) {
subject.text = textSelector(it)
subject.visibility = it.visibility
interface VisibilityCarrier {
val visibility: Int
This should give you good flexibility and prevent a lot of repetition, however at the cost of adding some obscurity to your code base, and not conveying what it does right alway.
Additional and different behaviors can be added by implementing new LiveDataBinder extension functions, like the on function, even for different kinds of objects and expected interfaces (instead of only this combination of TextView and VisibilityCarrier, even by maintaining the on name) and so on.
The use style can vary a lot with this, being like the ones below (considering Data implements VisibilityCarrier interface and provides a text String property):
liveData.observe(this).bind(textView).on { it.text }
liveData.observe(this) bind textView on { it.text }
liveData.observe(this) bind textView on Data::text
This on implementation also allows for defining which property to use as text and different classes as well, like so:
UPDATE: After reading the explanation in the comments I think I got it, and believe this should address the point (where Data contains text and visibility properties):
infix fun <T : Data, S : View> LiveDataBinder<T, out S>.on(textProperty: KMutableProperty1<S, in String>) {
liveDataHolder.liveData.observe(liveDataHolder.owner) {
textProperty.set(subject, it.text)
subject.visibility = it.visibility
In the case of TextView and other Java defined classes, compiler will complain about synthetic access, and this problem could be addressed like in the following snippet (Kotlin views should be fine without this kind of workaround):
var TextView.text_: CharSequence
get() = text
set(value) { text = value }
And the usage would be like:
UPDATE 2: A better approach as suggested by Tenfour04 (thanks). The following will avoid the synthetic property access compiler error:
infix fun <T : Data, S : View> LiveDataBinder<T, S>.on(textProperty: S.(String) -> Unit) {
liveDataHolder.liveData.observe(liveDataHolder.owner) {
subject.visibility = it.visibility
And the usage would be like (without needing the text_ property extension):
After reading your comments on the other answer, I think I see what you're trying to do.
If I'm correct, you want to use the builder pattern to first bind something that is set (a setter), and then specify a getter/mapper of the data type to get some sub-data type that is applied with that setter.
So you can set up a couple of intermediate classes to do it like this:
fun <T> LiveData<T>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner) = BindableObserver<T>().also { observe(owner, it) }
class BindableObserver<D>: Observer<D> {
private var boundSetter: BoundSetter<D, *>? = null
fun <S> bind(setter: (S)->Unit) = BoundSetter<D, S>(setter).also { boundSetter = it }
override fun onChanged(t: D) {
class BoundSetter<D, S>(private val setter: (S)->Unit) {
private var dataGetter: ((D)->S)? = null
fun on(getter: (D)->S) {
dataGetter = getter
fun execute(newValue: D) {
val subData = dataGetter?.invoke(newValue) ?: return
You can't simply pass a TextView to bind, because Kotlin won't know which property of TextView to set, so you pass the property using property syntax (::). Unfortunately, TextView has a bunch of setText() overloads, so you have to specify the input type as well.
Usage syntax would be like this:
To avoid the need for specifying which function of a TextView to bind, you could add a helper function:
fun <D> BindableObserver<D>.bind(textView: TextView) = bind<String>(textView::setText)
and then usage would be closer to what you suggested:
You could also use lambda syntax:
.on { it.text }

Extension and higher-order functions referencing

I get an overall idea of what is each of these, I wrote piece of code however that I don't quite understand why it works.The thing is callExtensionOnString expects extension function as its parameter, however it doesn't complain if reference to printString is passed.
Is String.() -> Unit just another name for (String) -> Unit type or is it Kotlin compiler that takes some kind of shortcut to fit higher order in extension function?
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun callExtensionOnString(extensionFun: String.() -> Unit) {
fun printString(str: String) {
Then there is second thing that seems unclear to me. printString reference is passed once to callExtensionOnString and then again to run function which basically requires String.() -> Unit extension function. Is there difference between these two so that second time :: prefix is omitted?
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun runFunctionOnString(higherOrderFun: (String) -> Unit) {
fun printString(str: String) {
Concerning your first question, these 2 are equivalent:
That's why passing printString method doesn't cause a compilation error.
Concerning the second question, the difference is that highOrderFun is already a reference to a function, while printString is not a function reference (but you can obtain it with the :: operator)

How to check generic type in Kotlin?

I have class:
class Generic<T : SuperType>() { ... }
And this code is't correct, but cast s to type T:
fun typeCheck(s: SuperType) {
when(s) {
is T -> // Do something
If use: s as T - this cast will show warning (unsafe cast).
How check that s is T type?
If you need to check if something is of generic type T you need to to have an instance of Class<T> to check against. This is a common technique in Java however in Kotlin we can make use of an inlined factory method that gets us the class object.
class Generic<T : Any>(val klass: Class<T>) {
companion object {
inline operator fun <reified T : Any>invoke() = Generic(T::class.java)
fun checkType(t: Any) {
when {
klass.isAssignableFrom(t.javaClass) -> println("Correct type")
else -> println("Wrong type")
fun main(vararg args: String) {
Generic types are not reified on the JVM at runtime, so there's no way to do this in Kotlin. The warning is correct because the compiler can't possibly generate any instruction that will fail when the cast is done, so the cast is unchecked, meaning that the program may or may not break at some point later instead.
A related feature which might be of use is reified type parameters in inline functions. Classes can't have reified type parameters though, so if you elaborate a bit more on your use case, I can try helping you achieve what you seem to need.
I know that I'm kinda late to this thread, but I just want to recap on the answer provided by Alexander Udalov.
It is, indeed, impossible to determine the type of a generic parameter in Kotlin unless you're using inline functions and declaring the generic type as reified.
Not sure if I'll be able to answer this question entirely and accurately, but I feel like my contribution might still be valuable for someone who is attempting to do just that. So let's say you have a few data classes, and you want to check which type you're dealing with.
You could use a function like that:
inline fun <reified T> checkType() = when (T::class) {
TypeA::class -> println("TypeA")
else -> println("Type not recognized")
however, functions that call it must also be inline, so you might have to write something like
inline fun <reified T> someOtherFunction(data: T) {
however, if you cannot allow for an inline function (let's say in an interface!), you can kinda 'cheat' the system by saying, for example
class AmazingTypes {
inline fun <reified T> checkType(genericParameter: T) = when (T::class) {
TypeA::class -> println("TypeA")
else -> println("Type not recognized")
fun myAwesomeMethod(someParameter: Any) {
val amazingClass = AmazingClass()
This is also example.
inline fun <reified T: ApiResponse> parseJson(body: String): T {
// handle OkResponse only
val klass = T::class.java
if (klass.isAssignableFrom(OkResponse::class.java)) {
return T::class.java.newInstance()
// handle others
return gson.from(body, T::class.java)