Step into command - pdb

I'm debugging a script and would like to step into a certain command.
import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
Is it possible to step into method self.executeWithKey() while I'm in the debugging mode? I tried already:
s self.executeWithKey()
which would just execute it - but without stepping in.


PyCharm Selenium not openening Chrome, "Process finished with exit code 0" [duplicate]

I am new to PyCharm and I have 'Process finished with exit code 0' instead of getting (683, 11) as a result (please see attachment), could you guys help me out please? Much appreciate it!
That is good news! It means that there is no error with your code. You have run it right through and there is nothing wrong with it. Pycharm returns 0 when it has found no errors (plus any output you give it) and returns 1 as well as an error message when it encounters errors.
Editors and scripts do not behave like the interactive terminal, when you run a function it does not automatically show the the result. You need to actually tell it to do it yourself.
Generally you just print the results.
If you use print(data.shape) it should return what you expect with the success message Process finished with exit code 0.
exit code 0 means you code run with no error.
Let's give a error code for example(clearly in the below image): in below code, the variable lst is an empty list,
but we get the 5 member in it(which not exists), so the program throws IndexError, and exit 1 which means there is error with the code.
You can also define exit code for analysis, for example:
right_name, right_password = 'xy', 'xy'
name, password = 'xy', 'wrong_password'
if name != right_name:
if password != right_password:
I would recommend you to read up onexit codes.
exit 0 means no error.
exit 1 means there is some error in your code.
This is not pyCharm or python specific. This is a very common practice in most of the programming languages. Where exit 0 means the successful execution of the program and a non zero exit code indicates an error.
Almost all the program(C++/python/java..) return 0 if it runs successful.That isn't specific to pycharm or python.
In program there is no need to invoke exit function explicitly when it runs success it invoke exit(0) by default, invoke exit(not_zero_num) when runs failed.
You can also invoke exit function with different code(num) for analysis.
You can also see for more details.
What worked for me when this happened was to go to
Run --> Edit Configurations --> Execution --> check the box Run with
Python Console (which was unchecked).
This means that the compilation was successful (no errors). PyCharm and command prompt (Windows OS), terminal (Ubuntu) don't work the same way. PyCharm is an editor and if you want to print something, you explicitly have to write the print statement:
In your case,
I think there's no problem in your code and you could find your print results (and other outputs) in the tab 5: Debug rather than 4: Run.
I just ran into this, but couldn't even run a simple print('hello world') function.
Turns out Comodo's Firewall was stopping the script from printing. This is a pretty easy fix by deleting Python out of the Settings > Advanced > Script Analysis portion of Comodo.
Good Luck
I had same problem with yours. And I finally solve it
I see you are trying to run code "Kaggle -"
but your pycharm try to run "" instead of your code.
(I think only contains functions so pycharm can run without showing any result)
Check on tab [Run] which code you are trying to run.
Your starting the program's run from a different file than you have open there. In Run (alt+shift+F10), set the python file you would like to run or debug.

use output test case with other test case in input value, RIDE/robot framework

I have a probelm to use an output from a test case to use it with another test tase like input value ! did you have an idea how to do that ?
Even I have seen this issue with Ride. Sometimes ride does not save changes. Need to restart ride to see the saved changes. So, I am using ride only for development purpose and using command line to run test cases. On one window edit changes in ride and run test cases on command line.
To run single test case from command line:
python -m robot -t test_case_name test_suite_name
Hope it clears your doubt.

How to run scenarios in calabash android without reset

I want to run a feature file containing different szenarios. Without a reset after each szenario.
I tried to run this test by command line with 'RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS' tag.
RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS=0 calabash-android run
doesn't work.
I tried to uncomment ('#') some lines in app_life_cycle_hooks.rb file:
require 'calabash-android/management/adb'
require 'calabash-android/operations'
Before do |scenario|
After do |scenario|
if scenario.failed?
doesn't work.
I tried to uncomment die following lines in app_installation_hooks.rb
doesn't work.
Got it.
I removed (by comment) this line in app_installation_hooks.rb
and this lines in app_life_cycle_hooks.rb
I created a file start_server.rb in /step_definitions defined a custom step:
Given /^I started the server$/ do
which I used in my first scenario
Scenario: S1
Given I started the server
I run this by my .sh script (in shell) including the run statement
calabash-android run PATH_TO_APK

SCIP write best feasible solution in automated test

Based on steps in, I have managed to set up an automated test using SCIP. However, I'd like to write the solution (best feasible solution) to a file, instead of just getting the objective value. Is there anyway to do it in the automated test?
I did a hack in by replacing
OPTCOMMAND=optimize; write solution myfilename.sol;
But too bad, it doesn't seem to work, when I tried to make TEST=mytest test, this line is observed from the output
bash ./ mytest bin/scip-3.1.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.spx default scip-3.1.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.spx 3600 2100000000 6144 1 default 10000 false false 3.1.0 spx false /tmp optimize;
write: solution is not logged in on myfilename.sol
I know it is possible to write the solution via interactive shell, but I am trying to automate the test in order to retrieve both solution and obj value. Any help or clarification will be much appreciated!
You are getting an error because with the syntax you are using, you try to invoke a bash command called "write" because of the semicolon:
The write utility allows you to communicate with other users, by
copying lines from your terminal to theirs.
Just try without semicolon ;)
The cleaner solution would be to modify the file "check/"
and add the line
echo write solution /absolute/path/to/solutions/${INSTANCE}.sol >> $TMPFILE
before the quit command. This configuration file sets up a batch file to feed SCIP with all commands that the interactive shell should execute, and you can model arbitrary user behavior.

running parts of shell script in background

I have a shell script which asks for user input and depending on the input opens db connection using sqlplus and run some sql querys like drop table /create table/select/update. Is it possible that the sql part be run as background job,so that even if i lose vpn connectivity to the network,all the sql queries gets executed.
Also ,when the sql parts gets completed and user is prompted with another input the shell script comes to foreground and after getting the input again goes to background?
I have found some questions which tell us how to run the script in background,but i want to run ONLY some parts of the same script in background if possible(and come to foreground for user input).Though i can make multiple scripts too handle it(dividing the scripts in parts which needs to be called in background and calling them though another script),i would rather do it in a single script if possible.
You can break your main script up into functions / smaller scripts to achieve the desired behavior of a mix of background processes and foreground processes.
For example, in your main script:
echo "Starting script..."
# do so more stuff here, maybe ask user for input
./run_background_process_1 &
# ask the user for some more input
./run_background_process_2 &
Use the & symbol at the end of script calls to denote that they should be run in the background.
(Updated) If you'd like to keep everything in 1 script, use functions to break up / encapsulate the parts of logic that you would like to run in the background. Call these functions by suffixing the call with &, same as above.
You can try the following example to see that it works:
hello() {
while [[ $condition== "yes" ]]
echo "."
sleep 1
# Script main starts here
echo "Start"
hello &
echo "Finish"
Remove the & after hello and you'll see that it behaves differently.
There are tools which allow you to keep scripts running despite loss of connection. For example, check out - one of its features is Programs continue to run when their window is currently not visible and even when the whole screen session is detached from the users terminal.
After search on internet i found out i can use three methods to make the script background :
1) using bg: How do I put an already-running process under nohup? .but unfortunately ,this didnt worked for me in ksh shell.
2) using coprocesses
3) using nohup
I decided to go with nohup as it was easier to implement. The sqlplus part which needed to be run in background ,i made another script of it and called it from the main script using nohup
nohup script-name.ksh ${parameter1} ${paramter2} &
This worked for me.