I'm trying to run my app on expo-go but when I run the app it loads but I get an error.
"There was a problem running app name", then it asks me to try again.
below this there's another error message. "no launchable updates found in database."
Does anyone have a fix for this ?
Locate your app.json file look for "runtimeVersion", if you have a runtimeVersion, pass this "exposdk:44.0.0" as the runtimeVersion value.
it should look like so:
"runtimeVersion": "exposdk:44.0.0",
Note: using expo sdk 44.0.0 at the time of this publish.
Edit: When building your app with EAS or "expo publish --release-channel" this will display an error that the runtimeVersion value is not valid. But because expo caches the runtimeValue you can simply change this back to "2.718" or whichever value you provided, and this should fix the bug at build time.
I follow the Getting Started, Writing a Secret Contract, Creating a React Front-End, but I get this
Syntax Error about enigma_dapp/client/src/App.js
I copy the Creating a React Front-End said App.js, Error follow the pictures
Picture as following the "Module", "Failed"
Module not found
Failed to compile
If I didn’t add Writing a Secret Contract, Creating a React Front-End part
I get “Enigma setup still loading”
Picture as follow the "Original view"
Original view
I'm sure the /enigma_dapp/ have package.json
and /enigma_dapp/client/ have package.json, package-lock.json, yarn.lock
but /enigma_dapp/client/src/ don't have any of them, how can I fix the problem?
I receive the solution about this enigma version.
It's a early version , so it's not available now. (or bugs a lot)
I'm building an application in react-native, everything was working fine .After npm install, react-native doesn't detect some of my files anymore saying it doesnt exist, doesn't seem to detect any changes either. I get
"Developpement server returned response error 500, unable to resolve module `../services/myFile` none of these files exist." on android and on IOS 'Failed to load Bundle with error: "unable to resolve module ./screens/anotherFile"
When I remove those files (from the files they are use in) the error is still the same. Any ideas ?
Like #firu said, make sure you do a react-native-link, this happens if you have deleted the ios or android folder. Most cases when you are upgrading react-native with react-native-upgrade
I keep receiving this error when running my App.js for React Native that was working perfectly well before I attempted installing Victory charts. Somehow something broke and after over three hours of work I am unable to figure out a solution. I have tried everything I could find on the web including uninstalling watchman, reinstalling watchman, reverting to React Native 0.55.4, some other recommended commands. Nothing is working.I am so confused.
$ yarn add react-native-scripts
This helped.
I think the other library may hurt the installation part of your package. To solve this issue on IOS you need to add its library like below:
First do 'yarn add react-native-scripts'. In the case that it dose't work continue other steps.
1-Go to the node module of your project and find the package folder and find the ios file inside it.
2- Then drag it into ‘library’ section of your xcode. (It is the subset of your project folders)
3- Then go to ‘build phase’ and in the ‘Link binary with libraries’ add it there by clicking on the plus sign
4- Then in some cases you need to add the correct path of the ios file inside your node module in the xcode. To do that you should go to ‘build setting’ section in the xcode and search header there. Then you need to add the path there below other paths.
5- Then clear everything (cmd+shift+k) and then finally compile it.
I hope it works for you.
In my case the "crna-entry.js" file does exist in the roots and my project should work (nothing have been modified from last time when it does work).
After hours searching, finally I figured out the reason:
the packager's directory checking is case-sensitive and in windows terminal the drive "c:/" will not be auto-corrected to "C:/" which will lead to error.
Hope this will help someone who gets the same error.
Below is the full error message:
The development server returned response error code:404 Cannot find
entry file node_modules/react-native-scripts/build/bin/crna-entry.js
in any of the roots:
when I try to run my app on the iOS simulator I get the error :
Error running xcrun simctl openurl booted exp://localhost:19000: An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=60):
The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out
Operation timed out
Error installing or running app. Error: Process exited with non-zero code: 60
any idea how to solve this error ?
This usually is an error with the Simulator. If you remove expo (delete the app) from the simulator and run the command again, it should build fine.
However, if it still fails, Erasing all content and settings on the simulator does the trick too.
you must have a .watchmanconfig file (like below)
File example
When you initialize a project with expo init "projectname", there is no .watchmanconfig file.
So, create one and in this file, just initialize an empty object like this : {}
Then you can start with expo start or yarn/npm start
It solved all my problem.
Hope it does for you too.
For anyone like me also searching this issue, it is possible to un-eject your app and run again like normal. From the docs, Delete the ios and android directories from your project. Delete the isDetached and detach keys from your project's app.json. You can now use your project like a normal Expo project (with no ExpoKit). Read more at https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/expokit/advanced-expokit-topics/
It may be an issue with some outdated simulators in your simulator cache. On MacOS remove the sub-directories in the following directory:
check if you have .watchmanconfig file present in root, if not create one .watchmanconfig and initialize empty object and run command npm start again
I'm getting this error after clicked for the first time in TEST-> Debug -> All Tests
I've been looking and seen something to add Pre build events but it didn't worked out, the error code:
Error 1 Could not copy the file "obj\Debug\qps-ploc\Bigbuilder.resources.dll" because it was not found. Bigbuilder
The program doesn't debug at the first try but when it asks "there was build errors. Would you like to run the last successfull build?" if i click no and retry to execute it will say nothing but the error will mantain in the error list
Uninstall the Multilingual App Toolkit from Programs and Features, download the latest version, and re-install. This fixes the build issues.
Encountered the same problem with building a console application using the Multilingual App Toolkit in a Portable Class Library, and now it is working.