createProperty sabre\vobject Uncaught TypeError - sabredav

I am using the calendar plugin for RoundCube Webmail, any time i am trying to create an event, I receive the following error:
[12-Apr-2022 17:56:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Sabre\VObject\Document::createProperty(): Argument #3 ($parameters) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/plugins/libcalendaring/libvcalendar.php on line 939 and defined in /usr/share/php/Sabre/VObject/Document.php:103
The functions:
public function createProperty($name, $value = null, array $parameters = null, $valueType = null){
// If there's a . in the name, it means it's prefixed by a groupname.
if (false !== ($i = strpos($name, '.'))) {
$group = substr($name, 0, $i);
$name = strtoupper(substr($name, $i + 1));
} else {
$name = strtoupper($name);
$group = null;
$class = null;
if ($valueType) {
// The valueType argument comes first to figure out the correct
// class.
$class = $this->getClassNameForPropertyValue($valueType);
if (is_null($class)) {
// If a VALUE parameter is supplied, we should use that.
if (isset($parameters['VALUE'])) {
$class = $this->getClassNameForPropertyValue($parameters['VALUE']);
if (is_null($class)) {
throw new InvalidDataException('Unsupported VALUE parameter for '.$name.' property. You supplied "'.$parameters['VALUE'].'"');
} else {
$class = $this->getClassNameForPropertyName($name);
if (is_null($parameters)) {
$parameters = [];
return new $class($this, $name, $value, $parameters, $group);
Call it:
$vdt = $cal->createProperty($name, $dt, null, $is_dateonly ? 'DATE' : 'DATE-TIME');
Does anyone know how to fix this?


How to extend this function. The task is getLinkedPages must be created and return content depending on the parameter

How to extend this function. The task is getLinkedPages must be created and return content depending on the parameter.
* Get the contents as a sorted collection tree.
public function getTree(bool $showDrafts = false, bool $renderPages = false, bool $renderLinkedPages = false): Collection
$pages = $this->getPages($showDrafts, $renderPages);
$chapters = Chapter::visible()->where('book_id', '=', $this->book->id)->get();
$all = collect()->concat($pages)->concat($chapters);
$chapterMap = $chapters->keyBy('id');
$lonePages = collect();
$pages->groupBy('chapter_id')->each(function ($pages, $chapter_id) use ($chapterMap, &$lonePages) {
$chapter = $chapterMap->get($chapter_id);
if ($chapter) {
$chapter->setAttribute('visible_pages', collect($pages)->sortBy($this->bookChildSortFunc()));[enter image description here][1]
} else {
$lonePages = $lonePages->concat($pages);
$chapters->whereNull('visible_pages')->each(function (Chapter $chapter) {
$chapter->setAttribute('visible_pages', collect([]));
$all->each(function (Entity $entity) use ($renderPages) {
$entity->setRelation('book', $this->book);
if ($renderPages && $entity instanceof Page) {
$entity->html = (new PageContent($entity))->render();
return collect($chapters)->concat($lonePages)->sortBy($this->bookChildSortFunc());

Prestashop 1.6 l method

There is an issue with the translations, if the translation is missing prestashop is returining empty string, rather than the key.
Does anyone know the location of the 'l' method used in the controllers?
$this->l('string', 'mod'); //This will output '' if string is not translated.
I want to modify the method and make it return the key if the value is empty, but I cant find it.
I'll assume you are referring to an AdminController, since it's the only one using that function. It uses the function:
protected function l($string, $class = null, $addslashes = false, $htmlentities = true)
if ($class === null || $class == 'AdminTab') {
$class = substr(get_class($this), 0, -10);
} elseif (strtolower(substr($class, -10)) == 'controller') {
/* classname has changed, from AdminXXX to AdminXXXController, so we remove 10 characters and we keep same keys */
$class = substr($class, 0, -10);
return Translate::getAdminTranslation($string, $class, $addslashes, $htmlentities);
In your case it would call Translate::getAdminTranslation('string', 'mod', false, true)
In Translate::getAdminTranslation
We have:
$string = preg_replace("/\\\*'/", "\'", $string);
$key = md5($string);
if (isset($_LANGADM[$class.$key])) {
$str = $_LANGADM[$class.$key];
} else {
$str = Translate::getGenericAdminTranslation($string, $key, $_LANGADM);
Since it won't have the $_LANGADM[$class.$key], it will call:
$str = Translate::getGenericAdminTranslation($string, $key, $_LANGADM);
in your case $str = Translate::getGenericAdminTranslation('string', md5('string'), $_LANGADM);
In there we have:
if (isset($lang_array['AdminController'.$key])) {
$str = $lang_array['AdminController'.$key];
} elseif (isset($lang_array['Helper'.$key])) {
$str = $lang_array['Helper'.$key];
} elseif (isset($lang_array['AdminTab'.$key])) {
$str = $lang_array['AdminTab'.$key];
} else {
// note in 1.5, some translations has moved from AdminXX to helper/*.tpl
$str = $string;
return $str;
So by default if no key is found, the same string that is trying to be translated is returned. So there is no need to change the function.
On the otherhand, make sure the string it's translated to an empty string. You can also debug these functions to make sure your class is correct, and the file that is storing the corresponding translations doesn't have the empty translation for those strings.

working with option of $query in yii2

i want use where for $query.
foreach ($oppId as $o) {
$id = $o['opportunity_id'];
When I use this. All items shown
i need get this query :
SELECT * FROM `opportunity` WHERE id =27 or id =28
this is all of my function :
public function actionShow($type = 0, $city = 0, $client = 0) {
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())->select(['*'])->from('opportunity ')->innerJoin('profile_details', 'opportunity.user_id=profile_details.user_id')->orderBy('id desc');
$query->Where('id !=-1');
if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) {
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
if ($type != 0) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['city'])) {
$city = $_REQUEST['city'];
if ($city != 0) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['client'])) {
$client = $_REQUEST['client'];
if ($client != 0) {
$oppId = \app\models\OpportunityControl::find()
->where('project_type_id = :project_type_id', [':project_type_id' => $client])
foreach ($oppId as $o) {
$id = $o['opportunity_id'];
You very much do not want to use strings to add to the query under any circumstances as that is ripe for SQL injection. I'd format it like this:
$params = [];
foreach ($oppId as $o) {
$params[] = $o->opportunity_id;
$query->andWhere(['in', 'id', $params]);
You should also adjust your other query params so that you are not passing variables into SQL via a string.
if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) {
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
if ($type != 0) {
$query->andWhere(['project_type_id' => $type]);
if (isset($_REQUEST['city'])) {
$city = $_REQUEST['city'];
if ($city != 0) {
$query->andWhere(['state_id' => $city]);
See the Yii2 guide on using variables in queries for what you are trying to avoid here. Specifically:
Do NOT embed variables directly in the condition like the following, especially if the variable values come from end user inputs, because this will make your application subject to SQL injection attacks.
// Dangerous! Do NOT do this unless you are very certain $status must be an integer.
I do it with Arrays
But in your case save all ids in a Array is not possible,I do it with string inside foreach
$LastElement = end($oppId);
foreach ($oppId as $o)
$id = $o['opportunity_id'];
$StringWhere.=' id='.$id;
$StringWhere.=' or ';
I use this and it works perfectly as mentioned by metola. :)

Sku not working in magento product update API

$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.update', array('123', array(
'name' => 'Product333222'
Here '123' is the Sku of product. Sku is not working here in update Api.
If i give Product ID in place of Sku it is working fine.
So what is the Issue behind that.
If anyone Knows please let me know.
Magento is a bit dull here.
Long story short:
If you are using a numeric value without specifying an identification type its assuming you are doing your works on a product id. If you where to insert "abc" as a value (not numeric) it will be treated as if it were a SKU.
Best way to solve this is to use an identification type (in your case "SKU") in your api call.
Please see this for more info on using the identification type.
Or see: Magento 1.5, numeric SKUs and productIdentifierType
Short story long:
The following function gets called trough the api
protected function _getProduct($productId, $store = null, $identifierType = null)
$product = Mage::helper('catalog/product')->getProduct($productId, $this->_getStoreId($store), $identifierType);
if (is_null($product->getId())) {
return $product;
As you can see that function is calling the following function in the product helper:
public function getProduct($productId, $store, $identifierType = null) {
$loadByIdOnFalse = false;
if ($identifierType == null) {
if (is_string($productId) && !preg_match("/^[+-]?[1-9][0-9]*$|^0$/", $productId)) {
$identifierType = 'sku';
$loadByIdOnFalse = true;
} else {
$identifierType = 'id';
/** #var $product Mage_Catalog_Model_Product */
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
if ($store !== null) {
if ($identifierType == 'sku') {
$idBySku = $product->getIdBySku($productId);
if ($idBySku) {
$productId = $idBySku;
if ($loadByIdOnFalse) {
$identifierType = 'id';
if ($identifierType == 'id' && is_numeric($productId)) {
$productId = !is_float($productId) ? (int) $productId : 0;
return $product;
Without specifying an $identifierType here and using a sku like '123' the thrid line is going to do a preg match with will result in true. Thus using its else function threating it as an ID in stead of sku.
In the end:
So, do your call like:
$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.update', array('123', array(
'name' => 'Product333222'
), null, 'sku'));

PHP PDO dynamically updating db table with multiple records to a specific user ID

/* Newbie need some help; I am creating a class to auto update my apps db record when instructed to, but I am consistently getting this message below, and for the heck of it, I just not seeing what I am doing wrong. Can someone please look at my codes for me? Thank you.
Warning: PDOStatement::bindParam() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in……..on line 331; that where the "else if(is_string($val)){" is located.
// vars given
// DBDriver: MySQL
$myTable = 'seeYou';
$loginDate = NULL;
$date = #date('m/d/Y \a\\t h:i a');
$_id =1;
// data array
$idata = array("last_logged_in"=>$loginDate,
class name
///------------ other methods here---------///
* #return fields with prefix as placeholder
protected function set_fieldValPlaceHolders(array $data)
$set = '';
foreach($data as $field => $value)
$set .= $field .'= :'.$field . ',';
// remove the last comma
$set = substr($set, 0, -1);
return $set;
public function save($data=NULL, $_id = NULL, $rows= NULL, $dbTable= NULL)
//----------------- some other codes goes here ----------------//
$id = (int)$_id;
// update row with a specific id
if (isset($id) !== NULL && $rows === NULL)
$set = $this->set_fieldValPlaceHolders($data);
$sql = "UPDATE {$dbTable} SET {$set} WHERE user_id = :uid";
// Build the database statement
$_stmt = $this->_dbConn->prepare($sql);
$_stmt->bindValue(':uid',$id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
foreach ($data as $field => $val)
$_stmt->bindValue(':'.$field.'\', '.$val.', PDO::PARAM_INT');
else if(is_string($val)){
$_stmt->bindValue(':'.$field.'\', '.$val.', PDO::PARAM_STR');
else if(is_bool($val)){
$_stmt->bindValue(':'.$field.'\', '.$val.', PDO::PARAM_BOOL');
else if(is_null($val)){
$_stmt->bindValue(':'.$field.'\', '.$val="null".', PDO::PARAM_NULL');
else {
$_stmt->bindValue(':'.$field.'\', '.$val.', NULL');
$result = $_stmt->execute();
$num = $_stmt->rowCount();
catch(PDOException $e)
die('Error! The process failed while updating your record. <br /> Line #'.__LINE__ .' '.$e);
if ($result === true)
return true;
Check your bindValue calls: You give 1 parameter (a long string). It needs at least two. Check all the '
for example, it should be:
$_stmt->bindValue(':'.$field, $val, PDO::PARAM_INT);