Pod Player play from asset not working, even the asset path is given - flutter-dependencies

There are more than one fields but it can't get the output.
(new) PlayVideoFrom PlayVideoFrom.asset(
String dataSource, {
String? package,
Future<ClosedCaptionFile>? closedCaptionFile,
VideoPlayerOptions? videoPlayerOptions,
Also i have a question what is String? package, over there


How to use a connected/embedded object's groups attribute to authenticate the parent record in AWS AppSync (Amplify)

In a project I am working on, we are using AWS as the cloud provider and Amplify with AppSync GraphQL to help rapidly build the back end. AppSync in Amplify defaults to having a DynamoDB database so that is what we are using with it.
We are using data-level security so users can only see records they are meant to see in a shared database.
There is a hierarchy whereby a Project object can contain many other objects and we need to ensure that anyone who is authorised to view the Project, can also view everything it contains.
The Problem
To do this, it was assumed that we could have an Asset object with a projectId attribute and project connection to populate the project details on reading the record. The Project table/object contains a groups attribute which we use dynamic group security in the #auth directive.
here's an example of the schema:
type Project
#auth(rules: [
{ allow: groups, groupsField: "groups" }
id: ID!
title: String!
reference: String
clientId: ID!
client: Organisation!
#connection(fields: ["clientId"])
modifiedById: ID
changeComment: String
groups: [String!]
type Asset
#key(name: "byProjectId", fields: ["projectId"])
id: ID!
name: String!
projectId: ID!
project: Project!
#connection(fields: ["projectId"])
completedAt: AWSDateTime
It is simplified so does not make a lot of sense as written. Ideally, we would use the #auth directive to specify the field for the Asset type as well like this
#auth( allow: groups, groupsField: "project.groups" )
We have also attempted to do it manually with a custom resolver written in Velocity (.vtl) which turned out to be very much the same thing:
#set( $allowedGroups = $util.defaultIfNull($item.project.groups, []) )
#set( $userGroups = $util.defaultIfNull($ctx.identity.claims.get("cognito:groups"), []) )
#foreach( $userGroup in $userGroups )
#if( $util.isList($allowedGroups) )
#if( $allowedGroups.contains($userGroup) )
#set( $isLocalDynamicGroupAuthorized = true )
#if( $util.isString($allowedGroups) )
#if( $allowedGroups == $userGroup )
#set( $isLocalDynamicGroupAuthorized = true )
After checking it, I found at the time this resolver is run, the project field is null which leads me to think it has not been joined in yet so can't be used as originally planned.
The Answer?
Is there a way to do this or a more suitable alternative? My concern is that the obvious solution of having all objects having their own groups attribute which contains the parent project's user group name could get very unwieldy as there are upwards of 10k assets to a project and more than just assets to consider.
Am I wrestling with my urge to normalise the data since this is a NoSQL db and we should just duplicate the values and handle that in the code?
Would a User Permission Matrix table be more sensible and would it be easy enough to build into AppSync with Amplify?
Any hints as to how to do this or implement a more suitable solution would be very much appreciated.

Parse-server result.attributes vs get()

Been using Parse Server for about a month in our project, and it's been a fantastic addition to our tech stack. However, there is one thing that has slowed down our team a bit ; when using Parse.Query, we can only access the fields of the returned Object by using get('fieldName'), which seems to be very redundant and prone to errors (using strings to get the fields). In Firebase, there is a method to get all the data : .data(). I haven't seen this feature in Parse.
We found out about a property when getting the query result called attributes. It seems to be an object that we can destructure and directly get all the fields of the Parse Object. For example :
const query = Parse.Query('Movie');
const result = await query.first();
const { title, price } = result.attributes
There is only a slight reference to it in the docs : https://parseplatform.org/Parse-SDK-JS/api/master/Parse.Object.html under Members, only with the description Prototype getters/setters.
If this property makes it much more easier/convenient than the get() method, is there any reason it is not include in the get started guide of Parse-SDK-JS? Or am I missing something?
As you can see in this line, the get method just access the attributes property and returns the value for the specified key, so you should be fine with const { title, price } = result.attributes.

Podio API JS - Update relationship field of a Item

Using NodeJS, I am trying to update relationship field which link to another app (contacts-leads). I have try all combination but still getting error. I think I have the necessary data to post, app_id, item_id, external_id..etc. I need help with forming JSON structure.
p.request('put','item/<Item_Id>/value', data)
var data {....}
value:'<value>' (value is the app_item_id of the link to application; that is the number in URL)
app_item_id: '<app_item_id>'
I was able to update non-relationship field without problem.
Well, going to answer my own question. That will work for single app link, not sure about multiple ones.
data = {
"<external_id>": {
"apps": [{"app_id": <app_id>}],
"value: <app_item_id>

How to get all FAL File Objects which are referenced?

I'm trying to make a extbase extension for TYPO3 to get alle file objects with mimetype image/... which referenced by any content, plugin or fluid in typo3.
But i don't know which is the best way to get these data. How should i create a model in my extension and how should i create the correct repository?
If i create a custom query i'm not sure how to return a complete FAL Object which contains any data (like metadata) etc.
hope someone could help me to find the right way, and maybe has a example or something.
thanks a lot
You could do it like this, details are at the bottom:
Get all file references.
Go through them, retrieve the referenced file for each of them and retain only the ones where the field mime_type starts with image/.
There are two things you probably need to watch out for:
The field mime_type needs to be up to date. Check the FAL scheduler indexing task for that.
Performance. Depending on the number of files you have, it could be much faster to do this with a custom SQL statement which makes use of a JOIN. But you should only do that if performance is a problem.
How to get all file references:
First, build your own empty file reference class:
namespace Vendor/Extkey/Domain/Model;
class FileReference extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference {}
Make sure to configure it in your TypoScript to be serialized to the table sys_file_reference:
config.tx_extbase.persistence {
classes {
Vendor\Extkey\Domain\Model\FileReference {
mapping {
tableName = sys_file_reference
Add a repository for the references:
namespace Vendor/Extkey/Domain/Repository;
class FileReferenceRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {
public function initializeObject() {
/** #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QuerySettingsInterface */
$defaultQuerySettings = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\QuerySettingsInterface');
The reference class can be empty, but the repository needs it to be there in order to work correctly. Make sure you add the default query settings to ignore the page id, so you get all non-hidden and non-deleted file references by calling $fileReferenceRepository->findAll().
How to check the MIME-type of each referenced file:
You can get the MIME-type of each reference by calling
This should automatically fetch the original file from storage and read its MIME-type.

GitHub API (v3): Order tags by creation date

I ran into a problem / question while using the GitHub API.
I need a list of all tags created after a single tag. The only way to do this, is to compare the tags by date. However, the results from the API aren't ordered by date:
Result from the API (rails repository example):
Results from the webinterface:
What i did expect is a list ordered by date. However, as you can see in the pictures: the API is returning v4.0.0rc1 & v4.0.0rc2 before the release of v4.0.0, while 4.0.0 is released after the release candidates. There isn't even a creation / commit date to order at server side.
The releases API isn't a solution either. This API is only returning releases created by Github, not the releases created by tags.
Is there any way to order the tags by date?
Thanks in advance!
The Repositories API currently returns tags in the order they would be returned by the "git tag" command, which means they are alphabetically sorted.
The problem with sorting tags chronologically in Git is that there are two types of tags, lightweight and annotated), and for the lightweight type Git doesn't store the creation date.
The Releases/Tags UI currently sorts tags chronologically by the date of the commit to which the tag points to. This again isn't the date on which the tag itself was created, but it does establish a chronological order of things.
Adding this alternative sorting option to the API is on our feature request list.
With GraphQL API v4, we can now filter tags by commit date with field: TAG_COMMIT_DATE inside orderBy. The following will perform ascending sort of tags by commit date :
repository(owner: "rails", name: "rails") {
refs(refPrefix: "refs/tags/", last: 100, orderBy: {field: TAG_COMMIT_DATE, direction: ASC}) {
edges {
node {
target {
... on Tag {
tagger {
Test it in the explorer
Here, the tagger field inside target will only be filled for annotated tag & will be empty for lightweight tags.
As date property in tagger gives the creation date of the tag (for annotated tag only), it's possible to filter by creation date on the client side easily (without having to retrieve all the tags 1 by 1)
Note that available options for orderBy.field at this time are TAG_COMMIT_DATE & ALPHABETICAL (no TAG_CREATION_DATE)
Edit: This is now possible using the GitHub GraphQL API.
As workaround, there is a node module for this,
which basically fetches the commit details of each tag:
> npm install github-api-tags-full github moment
var GitHubApi = require('github'),
moment = require('moment'),
githubTags = require('github-api-tags-full');
var github = new GitHubApi({
version: '3.0.0'
githubTags({ user: 'golang', repo: 'go' }, github)
.then(function(tags) {
var tagsSorted = tags.sort(byAuthorDateAsc).reverse(); // descending
console.log(tagsSorted); // prints the array of tags sorted by their creation date
var byAuthorDateAsc = function(tagA, tagB) {
return githubCompareDates(
var githubCompareDates = function(dateStrA, dateStrB) {
return moment(dateStrA).diff(dateStrB);
With best regards
You can use the Git References API.
This can return also all the tags matching a certain prefix.
In you case, you probably want something like:
Or in the case of a monorepo:
sorting: the results are sorted in increasing semver order and you will get the oldest first.
you don't get much info about each tag and you might have to parse the versions out of the ref name/path
you get all the ref/tags that match (i.e. no pagination, until GitHub decides to remove/optimise this :) )
you can use it to filter out tags in a monorepo (that most probably tag release components with prefixed tags)