In read_csv(), how to set mutiple encodings? - tidyverse

In read_csv(), how to set mutiple encodings ? For instance, when use below a\b to prase the character separately, the result is ok, But when the combine character from a,b , the parse failed as code c
can work
a <- readr::read_csv(I("type\nBlitzangebotsgebühr\nÜbertrag"),locale = locale(encoding='ISO-8859-1'))
can work
b <- readr::read_csv(I("type\n怳崬傒\n拲暥奜椏嬥"),locale = locale(encoding='Shift_JIS'))
can't work
c <- readr::read_csv(I("type\nBlitzangebotsgebühr\nÜbertrag\n怳崬傒\n拲暥奜椏嬥"),locale = locale(encoding='Shift_JIS'))


Sqldf in R - error with first column names

Whenever I use read.csv.sql I cannot select from the first column with and any output from the code places an unusual character (A(tilde)-..) at the begging of the first column's name.
So suppose I create a df.csv file in in Excel that looks something like this
df = data.frame(
a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3,
d = 4)
Then if I use sqldf to query the csv which is in my working directory I get the following error:
> read.csv.sql("df.csv", sql = "select * from file where a == 1")
Error in result_create(conn#ptr, statement) : no such column: a
If I query a different column than the first, I get a result but with the output of the unusual characters as seen below
df <- read.csv.sql("df.csv", sql = "select * from file where b == 2")
Any idea how to prevent these characters from being added to the first column name?
The problem is presumably that you have a file that is larger than R can handle and so only want to read a subset of rows into R and specifying the condition to filter it by involves referring to the first column whose name is messed up so you can't use it.
Here are two alternative approaches. The first one involves a bit more code but has the advantage that it is 100% R. The second one is only one statement and also uses R but additionally makes use an of an external utility.
1) skip header Read the file in skipping over the header. That will cause the columns to be labelled V1, V2, etc. and use V1 in the condition.
# write out a test file - BOD is a data frame that comes with R
write.csv(BOD, "BOD.csv", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
# read file skipping over header
DF <- read.csv.sql("BOD.csv", "select * from file where V1 < 3",
skip = 1, header = FALSE)
# read in header, assign it to DF and fix first column
hdr <- read.csv.sql("BOD.csv", "select * from file limit 0")
names(DF) <- names(hdr)
names(DF)[1] <- "TIME" # suppose we want TIME instead of Time
## TIME demand
## 1 1 8.3
## 2 2 10.3
2) filter Another way to proceed is to use the filter= argument. Here we assume we know that the end of the column name is ime but there are other characters prior to that that we don't know. This assumes that sed is available and on your path. If you are on Windows install Rtools to get sed. The quoting might need to be changed depending on your shell.
When trying this on Windows I noticed that sed from Rtools changed the line endings so below we specified eol= to ensure correct processing. You may not need that.
DF <- read.csv.sql("BOD.csv", "select * from file where TIME < 3",
filter = 'sed -e "1s/.*ime,/TIME,/"' , eol = "\n")
## TIME demand
## 1 1 8.3
## 2 2 10.3
So I figured it out by reading through the above comments.
I'm on a Windows 10 machine using Excel for Office 365. The special characters will go away by changing how I saved the file from a "CSV UTF-8 (Comma Delimited)" to just "CSV (Comma delimited)".

Clean up code and keep null values from crashing read.csv.sql

I am using read.csv.sql to conditionally read in data (my data set is extremely large so this was the solution I chose to filter it and reduce it in size prior to reading the data in). I was running into memory issues by reading in the full data and then filtering it so that is why it is important that I use the conditional read so that the subset is read in, versus the full data set.
Here is a small data set so my problem can be reproduced:
write.csv(iris, "iris.csv", row.names = F)
csvFile <- "iris.csv"
I am finding that the notation you have to use is extremely awkward using read.csv.sql the following is the how I am reading in the file:
# Step 1 (Assume these values are coming from UI)
spec <- 'setosa'
petwd <- 0.2
# Add quotes and make comma-separated:
spec <- toString(sprintf("'%s'", spec))
petwd <- toString(sprintf("'%s'", petwd))
# Step 2 - Conditionally read in the data, store in 'd'
d <- fn$read.csv.sql(csvFile, sql='select * from file where
"Species" in ($spec)'
and "Petal.Width" in ($petwd)',
filter = list('gawk -f prog', prog = '{ gsub(/"/, ""); print }'))
My main problem is that if any of the values above (from UI) are null then it won't read in the data properly, because this chunk of code is all hard coded.
I would like to change this into: Step 1 - check which values are null and do not filter off of them, then filter using read.csv.sql for all non-null values on corresponding columns.
Note: I am reusing the code from this similar question within this question.
I want to clear up what I am asking. This is what I am trying to do:
If a field, say spec comes through as NA (meaning the user did not pick input) then I want it to filter as such (default to spec == EVERY SPEC):
# Step 2 - Conditionally read in the data, store in 'd'
d <- fn$read.csv.sql(csvFile, sql='select * from file where
"Petal.Width" in ($petwd)',
filter = list('gawk -f prog', prog = '{ gsub(/"/, ""); print }'))
Since spec is NA, if you try to filter/read in a file matching spec == NA it will read in an empty data set since there are no NA values in my data, hence breaking the code and program. Hope this clears it up more.
There are several problems:
some of the simplifications provided in the link in the question were not followed.
spec is a scalar so one can just use '$spec'
petwd is a numeric scalar and SQL does not require quotes around numbers so just use $petwd
the question states you want to handle empty fields but not how so we have used csvfix to map them to -1 and also strip off quotes. (Alternately let them enter and do it in R. Empty numerics will come through as 0 and empty character fields will come through as zero length character fields.)
you can use [...] in place of "..." in SQL
The code below worked for me in both Windows and Ubuntu Linux with the bash shell.
spec <- 'setosa'
petwd <- 0.2
d <- fn$read.csv.sql(
sql = "select * from file where [Species] = '$spec' and [Petal.Width] = $petwd",
verbose = TRUE,
filter = 'csvfix map -smq -fv "" -tv -1'
Regarding the update at the end of the question it was clarified that the NA could be in spec as opposed to being in the data being read in and that if spec is NA then the condition involving spec should be regarded as TRUE. In that case just expand the SQL where condition to handle that as follows.
spec <- NA
petwd <- 0.2
d <- fn$read.csv.sql(
sql = "select * from file
where ('$spec' == 'NA' or [Species] = '$spec') and [Petal.Width] = $petwd",
verbose = TRUE,
filter = 'csvfix echo -smq'
The above will return all rows for which Petal.Width is 0.2 .

What does + operator do in this line?

I am trying to modify a method in an existing module to adapt functionality.
What does + operator do in this line?
for line in payment.move_line_ids + expense_sheet.account_move_id.line_ids:
Hello M.E.,
operator of use is concatenation/combine of two List/String/Tupple.
Plus(+) Operator use with two List
a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5]
print a + b
output = [1,2,3,4,5]
+ operator use with two String
a = "Vora"
b = " mayur"
print a + b
output = "vora mayur"
+ operator use with two tupple
a = (1,2,3)
b = (4,5)
print a + b
output = (1,2,3,4,5)
It concatenates account.move.line records from payment.move_line_ids and expense_sheet.account_move_id.line_ids into a single recordset, which is then iterated over. Please note that the result of the __add__ (+) operation might contain duplicates if the same account.move.line is present in both operands. If you want to avoid duplicates, use the | (OR) operator.

Putting dbSendQuery into a function in R

I'm using RJDBC in RStudio to pull a set of data from an Oracle database into R.
After loading the RJDBC package I have the following lines:
drv = JDBC("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", classPath="C:/R/ojdbc7.jar", identifier.quote = " ")
conn = dbConnect(drv,"jdbc:oracle:thin:#private_server_info", "804301", "password")
masterdata = fetch(rs, n = -1) # extract all rows
Run through the usual script, they always execute without fail; it can sometimes take a few minutes dependent on variable x, e.g. may result in 100K rows or 1M rows being pulled. masterdata will return everything in a dataframe.
I'm now trying to place all of the above into a function, with one required argument, variable x which is a TEXT argument (a city name); this input however is also part of the LONG SQL QUERY.
The function I wrote called Data_Grab is as follows:
Data_Grab = function(x) {
drv = JDBC("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", classPath="C:/R/ojdbc7.jar", identifier.quote = " ")
conn = dbConnect(drv,"jdbc:oracle:thin:#private_server_info", "804301", "password")
rs = dbSendQuery(conn, statement= paste("LONG SQL QUERY TO SELECT REQUIRED DATA,
masterdata = fetch(rs, n = -1) # extract all rows
return (masterdata)
My function appears to execute in seconds (no error is produced) however I get just the 21 column headings for the dataframe and the line
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Not sure what is wrong here; obviously expecting function to still take minutes to execute as data being pulled is large, but not being returned any actual data frame.
Help is appreciated!
if you want to parameterize your query to a JDBC database, try also using the gsubfn package. code might look like this:
Data_Grab = function(x) {
rd1 = x
df <- fn$dbGetQuery(conn,"SELECT BLAH1, BLAH2
WHERE BLAH1 = '$rd1')
basically, you need to put a $ before the variable name that stores the parameter you wish to pass.

in R, read special columns with read.csv.sql

I am trying to read a big csv file. Indeed, I want select a subset using a special column which name is Race Color. Reading the file via read.csv, I have the head
df <- read.csv(file = 'df.txt', header = T, sep = ";")
id Region Race Color ....
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 2 1
4 3 2
5 4 1
6 4 1
I would like to use read.csv.sql for selecting a subset of df without use the read.csv file. For example, I want all the people with Race Color equal to 1.
Using read.csv.sql, I have something like
>df <- read.csv.sql("df.txt", sql = "select * from file where Race Color = 1", sep=";", header=T, eol="\n")
but I have the following error
Error in sqliteSendQuery(con, statement, :
error in statement: near "Color": syntax error
>df <- read.csv.sql("df.txt", sql = "select * from file where 'Race Color' = 1", sep=";", header=T, eol="\n")
I have df with zero rows.
Any solution?
R automatically adds a . to column names with a space on reading in the data to make Race.Color, but a . has a special meaning in sql, so that will screw things up.
There is a built in method in sqldf using square brackets ([Race.Color]) to explicitly name columns we can use so that we don't run into that problem. You can also use escaped quotes : \"Race.Color\"
This should work:
read.csv.sql("test.csv", sql = "select * from file where [Race.Color] = 1", sep=";", header=T, eol="\n")