#shopify/shopify-api jws dependence is not working - shopify

I'm new in Shopify, I'm having a problem when I try to use the #shopify/shopify-api.
I'm importing this property from the API.
import Shopify from '#shopify/shopify-api'
When I do the import I get the next error.
Uncaught TypeError: util.inherits is not a function
at node_modules/jsonwebtoken/node_modules/jws/lib/data-stream.js (data-stream.js:39:6)
at __require (chunk-IGMYUX52.js?v=cd28f3b3:40:50)
at node_modules/jsonwebtoken/node_modules/jws/lib/sign-stream.js (sign-stream.js:3:18)
at __require (chunk-IGMYUX52.js?v=cd28f3b3:40:50)
at node_modules/jsonwebtoken/node_modules/jws/index.js (index.js:2:18)
at __require (chunk-IGMYUX52.js?v=cd28f3b3:40:50)
at node_modules/jsonwebtoken/decode.js (decode.js:1:11)
at __require (chunk-IGMYUX52.js?v=cd28f3b3:40:50)
at node_modules/jsonwebtoken/index.js (index.js:2:11)
at __require (chunk-IGMYUX52.js?v=cd28f3b3:40:50)
So I went to the line in the file where is happening the error:
And I discovered that error is a property in a node package
if you can't see the image here the code line.
util.inherits(DataStream, Stream);
So I went to the node documentation and I found that method is discouraged, but is not deprecated, therefore it should be working.
here is the description of the method if you can't see the image.
Usage of util.inherits() is discouraged. Please use the ES6 class and extends keywords to get language level inheritance support. Also
note that the two styles are semantically incompatible.
Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another. The prototype of constructor will be set to a new object created from
This mainly adds some input validation on top of Object.setPrototypeOf(constructor.prototype, superConstructor.prototype). As an additional convenience,
superConstructor will be accessible through the constructor.super_
The package in question is named jws, I'm not so sure the purpose of this package, I had the idea to modify the file and use prototypical inheritance replacing that code line but I don't know how good an idea it is do that. furthermore I would have to do that for each file that has that problem, i haven't found any information about this on the intenet.


adding css causes failed build with Vue and Filepond

So, I am trying to follow a number of the file pond example and each of them include some form of CSS import (I get it, there is a lot that comes with beauty). However, no matter what I try, Filepond or Pintura (formerly Doka), I get this error in some form:
Compiled with problems:
ERROR in ./node_modules/filepond-plugin-image-preview/dist/filepond-plugin-image-preview.min.css
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js):
ValidationError: Invalid options object. Style Loader has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options should be an object:
object { injectType?, attributes?, insert?, base?, esModule?, modules? }
at validate (/Users/ryanolson/github/realkinkmen/node_modules/style-loader/node_modules/schema-utils/dist/validate.js:105:11)
at Object.loader (/Users/ryanolson/github/realkinkmen/node_modules/style-loader/dist/index.js:25:29)
ERROR in ./node_modules/filepond/dist/filepond.min.css
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js):
ValidationError: Invalid options object. Style Loader has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options should be an object:
object { injectType?, attributes?, insert?, base?, esModule?, modules? }
at validate (/Users/ryanolson/github/realkinkmen/node_modules/style-loader/node_modules/schema-utils/dist/validate.js:105:11)
at Object.loader (/Users/ryanolson/github/realkinkmen/node_modules/style-loader/dist/index.js:25:29)
I have NO IDEA how to fix this as I am not experienced enough with what would be going on. I am guessing it has to do with Webpack and build but no idea what I need to do to fix it. Any help?
I also want to mention this is a Laravel/VueJS/Tailwind stack
The solution is to add the CSS files to the app.css file under /resources/css/app.css
#import 'filepond/dist/filepond.min.css';
#import "filepond-plugin-image-preview/dist/filepond-plugin-image-preview.min.css";

NoValueFactoryException when using Zeroc Ice - Sliced vs. compact format?

I am trying to use an Ice client in an OSGi context. Running the server and a minimal example client in a non-OSGi environment works fine. With the client in an OSGi environment I get the following exception:
reason = "no value factory found and compact format prevents slicing (the sender should use the sliced format instead)"
type = "::MyModule::Knowledge::CMKnowledge"
However, I am not 100% sure, if the OSGi runtime makes a difference here. The Slice file looks like this:
module MyModule{
module Knowledge{
class KnowledgePart{
string value;
class FMKnowledge extends KnowledgePart{}
class CMKnowledge extends KnowledgePart{}
interface IKnowledge{
void sendKnowledge(KnowledgePart knowledge);
FMKnowledge getFMKnowledge();
CMKnowledge getCMKnowledge();
What does this exception mean in this context and how can I fix it? I already tried to set ["format:sliced"] instead of the implicitly used compact format.
The error mean that Ice run-time try to load MyModule.Knowledge.CMKnowledge class but it failed to do so. You must ensure that the class loader used by the application can load MyModule.Knowledge.CMKnowledgeclass.
See also https://doc.zeroc.com/ice/3.7/language-mappings/java-mapping/custom-class-loaders

Xtext: Customizing Error msg by unordered groups

I've defined an unordered group and it works like I expected. The only thing I would like to change is the error msg, which appears when an element of an unordered group isn't modelled yet. Is there an easy way to solve this? I tried already custom checks, but there I got an unexpected behaviour.
Following my rule for the unordered group and the error msg:
(name=ConfigurationName) &
(description=Description)? &
(tool=Tool) &
(model=Model) &
(interfaces=Interfaces)? &
(paramaters=Parameters)? &
rule ruleElement failed predicate: {getUnorderedGroupHelper().canLeave(grammarAccess.getElementAccess().getUnorderedGroup())}?
I want to change this error msg to something like: "The following elements are required in the configuration:...."
Xtext has a service called SyntaxErrorMessageProvider that is used to reword parser error messages. You have to define your messages on the parser level (so there will be no EMF model to use), but it is possible to get the original error message and the context, traverse it and provide your own error message.
To register this, open the «YourLanguage»RuntimeModule class, and add the following method:
public Class<? extends ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider> bindISyntaxErrorMessageProvider() {
return «YourLanguage»SyntaxErrorMessageProvider.class;
where «YourLanguage«SyntaxErrorMessageProvider is a class introduced by you, extending the class SyntaxErrorMessageProvider, where you can implement your custom function.
I works Automatic Validation customize,I create
public class MyDslLanguageSyntaxErrorMessageProvider extends SyntaxErrorMessageProvider {
And I Register it in the MyDslRuntimeModule:
public Class bindISyntaxErrorMessageProvider() {
return MyDslLanguageSyntaxErrorMessageProvider.class;}
But my problem is which package is used for this customization.I used org.xtext.example.mydsl.validation package for create java class .Also I do this customization with xtend class.I do not find enough source in the internet :(
You can use Java to write this Custom SyntaxErrorMessageProvider class, but to bind this you can bind in Runtime Module class. Also u can use any package to declare this class but declaring this class in same package where u have Runtime class makes sense

How can you use SessionAsSigner in a Java Bean called from an XPage?

According to Phillip Riand (see: discussion on openNTF) this is not possible... They need to know the design element to find out who signed it. Therefore, it is only available in SSJS.
There are 2 ways that I know of to use the sessionAsSigner object in Java beans:
1 By resolving the sessionAsSigner object:
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Session sessionAsSigner = context.getApplication().getVariableResolver().
resolveVariable(context, "sessionAsSigner");
2 By using the getCurrentSessionAsSigner() function from the com.ibm.xsp.extlib.util.ExtLibUtil class in the Extension Library.
To be able to use it (in Java as wel as SSJS) you'll want to make sure that all design elements were signed by the same user ID. If that's not the case, the sessionAsSigner object will not be available ('undefined').
I found that the solution is right at hand :-)
I changed my XPage (in this example an XAgent) to:
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core" rendered="false">
This is an xAgent returning json data...
and in the bean I simply used the session in the argument when I needed to open a database/document as signer. Sometimes the solution is so simple :-)
This is quite an old post that I just stumbled upon. Tried some of the solutions mentioned above:
resolveVariable did not work for me, at least not for sessionAsSigner as this throws a runtime error (I can resolve plain old session, though...)
to be honest I didn't quite understand the Controller.verify(sessionAsSigner) method; is Controller something specific to XAgents? If so, I don't have an XAgent here, so can't use it
didn't feel like importing extra ExtLib classes here...
So I came up with another solution that appears to be very simple:
created a method in my javaBean that takes a session object as argument; since sessionAsSigner belongs to the same class as session I don't have to import something new.
Javacode is:
public void testSession(Session s) throws Exception{
System.out.println(" > test effective user for this session = "
+ s.getEffectiveUserName());
This is called from SSJS as either
Maybe helps others, too

Magento - Trouble with setting up Model Read Adapter

I was following through on Alan Storm's tutorial on Magento's Model and ORM basics and I've run into a bit of a problem. When I get to the portion where I load from the Model for the first time I get this error "Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object...". I've reset everything already and tried again from scratch but I still get the same problem. My code looks like this:
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$blogpost = Mage::getModel('weblog/blogpost');
echo("Loading the blogpost with an ID of ".$params['id']);
As you can see I dumped the contents of $blogpost and it shows that it is just a boolean false. My guess is that there's either a problem with the connection to the database or, for some reason, the code for Mage::getModel() didn't get installed correctly.
EDIT - Adding Code
There's so many that I just decided to pastebin them lol
Your Model/Blogpost.php file should actually be Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php, and you are missing the real Model/Blogpost.php.
My guess is that Mage cannot find your model class. Double check the module/model name and also verify if the model is in a correct place in the filesystem (it should be in app/code/local/Weblog/Model/Blogpost.php).
You also need to check if your config.xml correctly defines your model classes. It would be best if you could past your config.xml and your model class...
A quick glance reveals you're missing the model resource. Go back to the section around the following code example
File: app/code/local/Alanstormdotcom/Weblog/Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php
class Alanstormdotcom_Weblog_Model_Mysql4_Blogpost extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract{
protected function _construct()
$this->_init('weblog/blogpost', 'blogpost_id');