Creating own npm package vue.js and vuetify - vue.js

Hi I wanted to ask if someone can help me with this I am trying to create my own package to publish on npm so what I wanted is that to add vuetify on my package and install my own package to a project that is also using vuetify. Right now I am using vue-sfc-rollup and I have installed vuetify on my package but it seemed it doesnt work it gives me an error Unknown custom element: <v-form> is it because I am using vuetify on both package and the project?


Adding Vuetify to vue-sfc-rollup pacakge

Hello I'm creating a package that will be used on vue.js project that uses vuetify. So what I did is follow the vuetify documentaion on how to install it using a webpack. and after that i publish my package and tried to use it the project with vuetify and it gives me an error unknown custom element v-app
what I want to do is create a package [my-package-using-vuetify] then use to other Vue js project that also has vuetify in it.

Correct way to create a theme from scratch in Angular 8 (Bootstrap)

I am new to Angular 8. I am confused in creating the theme for Angular 8. I searched for this in many site but they are using the jQuery and Popper.js. So, jQuery is the reason that's why I am confused.
What is the correct way to implement the bootstrap theme in Angular. Can we implement it without using jQuery?
Install Bootstrap
run npm install bootstrap
Add bootstrap.scss to your angular.json file
projects->yourproject->architect->options->styles Add
"styles": ["node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss"]
If you are after JS interactions like dropdowns..etc , install ng-bootstrap
run npm install --save #ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
Done. No JQuery or Popper.js required

b-tooltip css not working when installing using npm package manager

I am currently working on making a component much like the contribution graph from Github and struggling a bit to share it as an npm package.
The component vue-contribution-graph packaged with npm doesn't display the tooltip properly. The CSS for the b-tooltipcomponent is working on the original project but it seems not to be included properly in the packaged component. Indeed, after running npm i vue-contribution-graph, the tooltip background doesn't appear.
I have created a GitHub issue just to make it clearer:
The behavior remains the same after installing all the dependencies manually.
I followed this tutorial for npm packaging.
Files changed to package the component:
added a vue.config.jsfile, to include CSS in the package
How do I fix it?
My guess is that it's not working when installing via npm, because the path to the CSS files are wrong. They are, however, correct when running the vue-contribution-graph package as standalone.
Having looked at your demo.html, it looks like it's requiring a missing file: ./vue-contribution-graph.css. Have you tried setting extract: false for your CSS to automatically be included in the bundle?

How to install packages in aurelia skeleton-typescript-aspnetcore

I'm following the "Contact Manager" introduction in Aurelia HUB, using the aspnetcore typescript skeleton. Thus, my solution havn't been set up using au new from the Aurelia CLI.
For the last bit of the tutorial, nprogress must be installed, and I'm struggling with that part. I've npm install nprogress --save and nprogress has been added to package.json. I've also installed the typing from Definitely Typed. So far so good.
Now the tutorial wants me to add nprogress to the vendor-bundle.js bundle, which is part of the CLI installation. So I don't have that bundle.
How do I go on from here? I've tried adding nprogress to the bundles.js file, but the reference is still missing when I run the app. There's also a config.js file that has som mappings, which I believe are used by aurelia require. I've tried adding nprogress here as well, but no dice.
All these configuration files are somewhat confusing. How do I get a package running? Thanks.
jspm install nprogress did the trick.

Installing npm modules makes flex crash with type errors

I'm attempting to use a component in my React Native project, specifically this one:
I run npm install react-native-grid-view in the project's directory, but as soon as I do that, after building I get:
Is the problem that I'm running npm install in the wrong location? I've tried other directories, but then React doesn't see the modules and says "unknown module".
The problem was that the component was pointing to an older version of React Native, 0.3.4. Manually updated to 0.4 and it worked.