how to upload kmm module to git repo? - kmm

I am using KMM (Android, IOS)
this is a working fine, the kmm generates the podspec, and Xcode consumes it from the pod profile
#pod 'shared', :path => '../app-android/shared
however, I want such a way to share the kmm module on the git repo so the IOS team can use it without cloning the android project,KMM if possible (just shared binary)
I saw "com.chromaticnoise.multiplatform-swiftpackage" , but this is an old library and not update for 16 month
is there any way to access the shared pod on git repo and costume from Xcode?


Use Pod library for only development not for production

I have pod library which helps developer at development time but no use when the application is released, So is there anything which helps me.
any changes in setting at the consumer side, which consume pod library.
any changes in setting in the pod library itself, because library is also created by me.
In podfile we need to add configuration to debug
pod 'podname', :configurations => ['Debug']
and below for release
pod 'podname', :configurations => ['Release']
In Xcode, open the project settings, in the "Targets" list column, right click on your main iOS target and duplicate it to create one just for development.
In your Podfile, list up the your development-purposed pods under your new development target name. A rough example:
source ''
target 'Your_App_Development' do
pod 'SomeDevOnlyPod', '~> 5.6'
Hope that helps!

How to install a pod in a custom react native library?

I'm trying to link a custom react native library which has a pod installed. When I install the pod in the custom library, xcworkspace is generated and I need to use the workspace there after, and I'm able to access the pods there. But, this custom library is linked as a xcodeproj to the ios project. So, it is unable to recognize the pod headers when it is linked.
Is there a way to link this custom library which has pods installed?

How to properly include 'Firebase/Auth' pod for iOS or react-native project?

Goal: In a react-native project, I'm using react-native-firebase v5.6 and because im using Firebase's authentication, I need to include "Firebase/Auth" in the pod file so react-native-firebase's bindings can use it.
Problem: Once pod "Firebase/Auth" is added and saved to podfile, and pod install is successfully run, the project build fails when compiling RNFirebaseAuth.m. I haven't added any auth related code, just simply installed the pod and clean&ran build. Sidenote, other react-native-firebase setup/integration has been successful to this point.
Failing Error:
/path/to/project/node_modules/react-native-firebase/ios/RNFirebase/auth/RNFirebaseAuth.m:1184:36: error: no known class method for selector 'credentialWithProviderID:IDToken:rawNonce:'
credential = [FIROAuthProvider credentialWithProviderID:#"" IDToken:authToken rawNonce:authTokenSecret];
Have I just missed an installation step or what? How do I fix build?
According to mikehardy on GitHub, react-native-firebase v5.6 has a minor breaking change that enforces the use of firebase pods with at least version 6.13.
I ran pod update and that was all that was needed to fix the build

Error in Intercom.bundle when trying to install 'Intercom' pod via Cocoapods

When attempting to install the Intercom pod in my Xcode Project, I get an error in the console:
[Intercom] ERROR - 💥👎 The Intercom.bundle hasn't been added to your app correctly. This will result in images not appearing in the SDK's messaging UI. More information on how to correctly integrate Intercom is available here:
Seems something is not right with the way cocoapods installed Intercom. Maybe corrupt, by doing these step it will clear all the cocoapods and start fresh. Which might solve your problem.
Open your Podfile and copy the existing pods you have listed there (The Podfile is in your project directory).
Close your Xcode workspace.
Open Terminal
cd to the directory of your project.
run pod deintegrate from Terminal
delete all files and folders related to cocoapods (Podfile, Podfile.lock, Pods folder and the xcworkspace file) if there are any left.
run pod init from Terminal
add the list of pods to the Podfile in the directory save it.
run pod install from Terminal
Open xcworkspace file in your project folder.
Right click on files marked red in xcode -> delete, then it should be solved :)

cocoa-pods failed to install pods for braintree framework in my app

I'm working on project in which I need to install braintree,
actually braintree was integrate and work fine but yesterday, it failed to compile with my project.
I am integrating Braintree SDK via Cocoa-pods and always open workspace instead of opening project file.
In start, it shows me issue regarding missing of library "-lPods-myProject-braintree"
then I delete cocoa-pods (uninstall it) again install it and repeat the whole cycle of integrating braintree SDKs via Pods but now it showing me issue,
First Time I also get this type of errors but finally it solved by one line.
please run following commands in Terminal
go to your project folder.
Be sure you have installed cocoapods in your system.
create pod file with command - nano podfile
write pod 'Braintree' in your podfile.
save podfile and run command pod install
If you get failed to install pod.
then run command pod try Braintree
You will surely get your pod installed in your project with xcodeworkspace file.