to_string(index = False) results in non empty string even when dataframe is empty - pandas

I am doing the following in my python script and I want to hide the index column when I print the dataframe. So I used .to_string(index = False) and then use len() to see if its zero or not. However, when i do to_string(), if the dataframe is empty the len() doesn't return zero. If i print the procinject1 it says "Empty DataFrame". Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
procinject1=dfmalfind[dfmalfind["Hexdump"].str.contains("MZ") == True].to_string(index = False)
if len(procinject1) == 0:
print(Fore.GREEN + "[✓]No MZ header detected in malfind preview output")
print(Fore.RED + "[!]MZ header detected within malfind preview (Process Injection indicator)")

That's the expected behaviour in Pandas DataFrame.
In your case, procinject1 stores the string representation of the dataframe, which is non-empty even if the corresponding dataframe is empty.
For example, check the below code snippet, where I create an empty dataframe df and check it's string representation:
df = pd.DataFrame()
print(df.to_string(index = False))
print(df.to_string(index = True))
For both index = False and index = True cases, the output will be the same, which is given below (and that is the expected behaviour). So your corresponding len() will always return non-zero.
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
But if you use a non-empty dataframe, then the outputs for index = False and index = True cases will be different as given below:
data = [{'A': 10, 'B': 20, 'C':30}, {'A':5, 'B': 10, 'C': 15}]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
print(df.to_string(index = False))
print(df.to_string(index = True))
Then the outputs for index = False and index = True cases respectively will be -
10 20 30
5 10 15
0 10 20 30
1 5 10 15
Since pandas handles empty dataframes differently, to solve your problem, you should first check whether your dataframe is empty or not, using pandas.DataFrame.empty.
Then if the dataframe is actually non-empty, you could print the string representation of that dataframe, while keeping index = False to hide the index column.


Matching conditions in columns

I am trying to match conditions so that if text is present in both columns A and B and a 0 is in column C, the code should return 'new' in column C (overwriting the 0). Example dataframe below:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"A":['something',None,'filled',None], "B":['test','test','test',None], "C":['rt','0','0','0']})
I have tried the following, however it only seems to accept the last condition so that any '0' entries in column C become 'new' regardless of None in columns A or B. (in this example I only expect 'new' to appear on row 2.
import numpy as np
conditions = [(df['A'] is not None) & (df['B'] is not None) & (df['C'] == '0')]
values = ['new']
df['C'] =, values, default=df["C"])
Appreciate any help!
You will need to use .isna() and filter where it is not nan/none (using ~) as below:
conditions = [~(df['A'].isna()) & ~(df['B'].isna()) & (df['C'] == '0')]
0 something test rt
1 None test 0
2 filled test new
3 None None 0
Use Series.notna for test None or NaNs:
conditions = [df['A'].notna() & df['B'].notna() & (df['C'] == '0')]
conditions = [df[['A','B']].notna().all(axis=1) & (df['C'] == '0')]
values = ['new']
df['C'] =, values, default=df["C"])
print (df)
0 something test rt
1 None test 0
2 filled test new
3 None None 0
mask = df[['A', 'B']].notna().all(1) & df['C'].eq('0')
df.loc[mask, 'C'] = 'new'

Multiple Comparison of Different Indexes Pandas Dataframe

New to Python/Pandas. Trying to iterate through a dataframe and check for duplicates. If a duplicate is found, compare the duplicates 'BeginTime' at index to 'BeginTime' at index + 1. If true, assign a new time to a different dataframe. When I run the code the first duplicate should produce a new time of 'Grab & Go' but I think my comparison statement isn't right. I get '1130' as a new time for the first duplicate.
import pandas as import pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'ID': [97330, 97330, 95232, 95232, 95232],
'BeginTime': [1135, 1255, 1135, 1255, 1415]})
Expected Output:
ID NewTime
97330 Grab & Go
95232 Grab & Go
# iterate through df
for index, row in df.iterrows():
# check for duplicates in the ID field comparing index to index + 1
if df.loc[index, 'ID'] == df.shift(+1).loc[index, 'ID']
# if a duplciate, compare 'BeginTime' of index to 'BeginTime' of index + 1 of the duplicate,
# if true assign a new time to a different df
if df.loc[index, 'BeginTime'] == 1135 and df.shift(+1).loc[index, 'BeginTime'] == 1255:
print('Yes, a duplicate', dfnew['NewTime'] = 'Grab & Go')
elif df.loc[index, 'BeginTime'] == 1255:
print('Yes, a duplicate', dfnew['NewTime'] = '1130')
print('No, not a duplicate')

Create Dataframe name from 2 strings or variables pandas

i am extracting selected pages from a pdf file. and want to assign dataframe name based on the pages extracted:
file = "abc"
selected_pages = ['10','11'] #can be any combination eg ['6','14','20]
for i in selected_pages():
df{str(i)} = read_pdf(path + file + ".pdf",encoding = 'ISO-8859-1', stream = True,area = [100,10,740,950],pages= (i), index = False)
print (df{str(i)} )
The idea, ultimately, as in above example, is to have dataframes: df10, df11. I have tried "df" + str(i), "df" & str(i) & df{str(i)}. however all are giving error msg: SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Or any better way of doing it is most welcome. thanks
This is where a dictionary would be a much better option.
Also note the error you have at the start of the loop. selected_pages is a list, so you can't do selected_pages().
file = "abc"
selected_pages = ['10','11'] #can be any combination eg ['6','14','20]
df = {}
for i in selected_pages:
df[i] = read_pdf(path + file + ".pdf",encoding = 'ISO-8859-1', stream = True, area = [100,10,740,950], pages= (i), index = False)
i = int(i) - 1 # this will bring it to 10
dfB = df[str(i)]
#select row number to drop: 0:4
dfB.drop(dfB.index[0:4],axis =0, inplace = True)
dfB.columns = ['col1','col2','col3','col4','col5']

vote_counts = md[md['vote_count'].notnull()]['vote_count'].astype('int')

How this is working?
I know the intuition behind it that given movie_dataset(using panda we have loaded it in "md" and we are finding those rows in 'votecount' which are not null and converting them to int.
but i am not understanding the syntax.
md[md['vote_count'].notnull()] returns a filtered view of your current md dataframe where vote_count is not NULL. Which is being set to the variable vote_counts This is Boolean Indexing.
# Assume this dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3), columns=list('ABC'))
df.loc[2,'B'] = np.nan
when you do df['B'].notnull() it will return a boolean vector which can be used to filter your data where the value is True
0 True
1 True
2 False
3 True
4 True
Name: B, dtype: bool
0 -0.516625 -0.596213 -0.035508
1 0.450260 1.123950 -0.317217
3 0.405783 0.497761 -1.759510
4 0.307594 -0.357566 0.279341

proximity search on different rows

For data that indexed from dataframe like this:
import json
mycolumns = ['name']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=mycolumns)
rows = [["John Abraham"],["Lincoln Smith"]]
for row in rows:
df.loc[len(df)] = row
jsons = json.loads(df.to_json(orient='records'))
n = 0
for j in jsons:
j['injection_timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime('now')
es.index(index="prox", doc_type='record', body=j)
if n%1000==0:
print (n/1000),
I am trying to search match_phrase that is spread on two rows as described here:"prox", body={"query": {"match_phrase":{"name": "Abraham Lincoln"}}})
I expected to get 1 hit because of the ways how arrays are indexed but I don't get any hit.