Hosting a login-gated content on a jekyll blog - vue.js

I'm hosting a static Jekyll website with written markdown content on Netlify (e.g. like cooking recipes or something). I'd like to integrate a login flow so that some of the html pages are visible to members only, but my understanding is that this is not possible on static jekyll websites. Is that the case or is there a simple way to add members-only content on Jekyll?
I can do this trivially by writing some vue.js code, but I also want to preserve the ability to render markdown->html. Is there a way that I can get login-gated content on Jekyll natively, or somehow get some other web framework to render Jekyll-compiled content correctly?


Differences and use of vuexpress, VuePress and vue-server-renderer modules of Vue.js

I came across vuexpress, vuepress and vue-server-renderer. To me these are looking somewhere similer which I guess are not. I am not frontend developer so not able to understand exact difference and use of these three modules.
Their official sites are saying
vuexpress: Vue + Express.js = VueXpress / A server side rendering
engine for Express.js. Use .vue files as your express.js templates.
VuePress: Vue-powered Static Site Generator
vue-server-renderer: server-rendered Single-Page Applications using
Node.js as the server.
vuepress and vue-server-renderer are official library from Vue.js
So what exactly are differences and use of these three modules?
The idea with Vue (from the perspective of your question) is that you create a single-page application.
vuexpress is a rendering engine you can use in an Express application if you want to use the Vue syntax to implement your Express views, i.e. you implement a dynamic website and use the Vue syntax.
vuepress is about building a single-page application in Vue that also prerenders each page (and some other goodies, such as using markdown) to improve initial page load and facilitate for search engines. It is primarily used for websites with static content, such as documentation.
The point with a Vue application is to run it on the client (in the web browser). With vue-server-renderer you can run it on the server to obtain the HTML code the web browser would render if it would run in the web browser, and send it to the web browser, so the web browser doesn't need to run your Vue application, but receives the HTML it would display instead. Why? To improve initial page load and facilitate for search engines. I imagine vuepress makes use of vue-server-renderer under the hood.

How to render a template in VueJS to be used on index.html

We have Rails app with Webpacker that serves just the initial HTML file, after which the client will download everything (inc. vue .js and .css) files.
Our problem is that we want to display something initial on the html so the user will feel as the site already loaded. This logic is in the main vuejs component. Is there a way to offline render this so it will be easily be embedded on our index page? instead of having to maintain and re-write this everytime?
It sounds like pre-rendering might be a better fit for you than full-on SSR. Since you're already rolling Webpack, there is a plugin that helps to that end called prerender-spa-plugin:
The idea behind this plugin is that, as part of your build process, it prerenders the resulting static HTML of your SPA using Puppeteer (i.e. headless Chrome), and drops it into your static HTML folder. It maintains links to your SPA code so it's still fully functional, it's just fully rendered by the time the user hits it.
What I'd suspect you'd want to try is the following:
Add the prerender-spa-plugin to your webpack.config.js
Configure the plugin to prerender your initial route and any additional routes that are truly static
Output the resulting files to the folder your Rails app uses to distribute static assets (HTML, CSS, images, etc)
Going the pre-render route is actually technically superior to SSR for truly static routes like a landing page or marketing pages. You won't need to mess with a complex pre-render setup on your Rails server, you offload content distribution to the static folder (i.e. lesser load on your Rails server), and you still get to use all the benefits of your SPA.
That being said, if you strongly feel like you do need full-blown SSR, the generally "accepted" approach is rolling a Node.js server ( If you decide to go down this route, I'd keep your SPA assets in their own separate Git repo from your Rails server and manage DevOps appropriately.
Good luck!

Shopify Python Get Theme asset as CSS from .scss.liquid file

Is it possible to externally (from my non-embedded Shopify app) perform an API call that will emulate the functionality of the asset_url liquid tag and compile / process a .scss.liquid file into .css so that I can use it in an external app?
My app lives at and I want to be able to include the stores css files so that I can apply typography settings etc. from the store.
Presently I am getting the theme asset like so:
current_theme = shopify.Theme.find_first(role="main")
theme_css = shopify.Asset.find(key='assets/theme.scss.liquid',
I know I could use an app proxy to embedd this page into Shopify, but I want to access the css outside of shopify.
You seem to have answered your own question with your question. Since you can make API calls to get theme assets like stylesheets, you are then free to use them as you wish. There is no difference in authentication and authorization with embedded vs. non-embedded Apps.

Is keystone js webapp is SEO friendly?

I am building new web app using keystone js with hbs template. Can google crawl my website?
Yes Google will be able to crawl your site.
Handlebars templates will be rendered on the server before being sent to the client.
You might want to set meta tags in your templates to help with SEO.
On the following web page, there is a section called 3.2. SEO AND SOCIAL OPTIMIZATION which you might find helpful:

How to make reactjs serve static pages for SEO

I have this reactjs webapp -
It loads a single page and then you can click links to dynamically load other boards on the same page... such as,
Now the thing is, I want each of these to be an individual page, for the purpose of seo. I want you to be able to google " g", and you will see the result This obviously cant work if you are using reactjs and it is all on one page. Google will only render and cache that main page (can it even render that page? does google execute javascript?)
Even more specifically, id want something like to load a thread. There could be a thousand threads every day, so im not sure how to handle that.
Are there any solutions to this? to allow react to possibly serve up static pages as html so that they can be cached on google? I am using expressjs and webpack as my server right now, and all the code is executed in jsx files.
You can use service. In a nutshell you will need to connect your server app or web server with prerender service and do little setup (see documentation). After that search engines and crawlers will be served with a static (prerendered) content while users will get classic React.js (or any other single page) app.
There is a hosted service with free tier or open source version
I suspect you could do some smart configuration with nginx and it could convert a url of domain/board to a redirection of domain/#/board when detecting the user-agent as a bot instead of a typical user.